Saturday, March 20, 2010

T,R 9:50am


Unknown said...

The lines between prostitution and human trafficking and rape seem to be blurred in this article but to me they are very different. Even though there are a small amount of women that are forced into prostitution many of them do it out of choice. This is why I think these things are very different. Yes women in prostitution get raped and are abused but isnt that the life they chose to live? If it was easy every woman would be doing it. The people that are trafficked and randomly raped did not chose to be in the situations they were in. Their abusers chose them. Once again I must state that I do believe that some people are forced into prostition but I think majority are not and should recognized that it is a dangerous world when all you have to offer is your body.

Alfredo Triff said...

Tiffany, you seem to say that most prostitutes choose what they do. Can you show any empirical research on that?

Madelayne said...

The statistics on prostitution are alarming and should be of everyone’s concern because much of the men that do this to women must have daughters, mothers, sisters, and grandmothers. They feel its okay to do it to other women but they should take one second and picture someone doing the same to the closest female family member to them. Even though there still are some men that might keep abusing women I think others might come to the realization that these women are human beings and they are someone’s family member. The punishment towards men that do this to women should also be more severe.

- Madelayne Cisneros

Gabriela F. said...

Yes, it is a popularly held belief that prostitutes chose that lifestyle for themselves. One has to think about this though, if they made such an irrational choice, wouldn't it make sense to also argue that they were irrational enough to enter this life without being aware of the consequences?

Many choose prostitution, but it's mainly out of necessity. It makes me shudder to think about what these women go through, especially when they're forced by their boyfriends or kidnapped an thrusted into the world of human trafficking. These women, and even young girls, are emotionally and physically abused in the msot unimaginable ways.

It's difficult to speak about this issue and assert an opinion without experiencing it. The best we can do
is try to sympathize with these victims, at least open our eyes a bit, and understand that it's not a simple choice made by women.

Casandra Mejias said...

This is a horrible ugly side of humanity. This problem would cease if there weren't a market for it. Unfortunately, there is. I plan on becoming a prosecutorial lawyer in the future. I want to be able to put bad people behind bars, but I don't delude myself into thinking that putting them in jail solves the problem. I learned a big lesson in Iraq: take down the leadership and another leadership will takeover. The way to solve it, as I said above, is to get rid of the market for it. We need to find a way to educate out society, we need counseling for high risk women, we need to attempt to reform individuals who seem to search out prostitutes as a replacement for real human relationships, and we need such other reforms that would take forever to list them all. It is a complex problem with not just one clear cut solution.

Julie McConnell said...
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Julie McConnell said...

It's pretty strange how a lot of the posts have been correlating with issues I've been thinking about recently! In another one of my classes, someone did a presentation about human trafficking. He showed us this link about human trafficking:

The scariest part of this video is how the cops are watching and the trafficker isn't even worried at all. This is because many countries don't really bother dealing with trafficking since it can be seen as a revenue for the poor anyway (that they won't have to be so concerned about). Human trafficking is one of the main criminal revenues available. Sex slaves are not even necessarily women, they come in all shapes and sizes (sometimes even including children). Slaves are lured into the promise of better opportunities (like job in a different country) and then made into slaves. They're bought, basically considered products, and made to work off their debt. Even when they get to the point of working off their debt, the slave owners can sell them off to make money for them all over again. So essentially, there's little way out unless someone escapes (and even then, they'll probably end up homeless). It's not a problem that's even apart from the U.S., it's also a problem here. Even Florida has it's own coalition to stop human trafficking down here:

Arnulfo said...

In my opinion, the life of a prostitute is a horrible one. While it's true that some choose the "life," some are actually forced. Not necessarily by another person. For example, they could be forced to choose that lifestyle if their economic situations don't allow for other alternatives. Of course, we are in no position to judge those who choose prostitution as a job, whatever their reasons may have been. Sadly, most prostitutes end up having horrible experiences (beatings, rape, death) and those that live through it wish to escape (many manage to do so). However, there are other people out there (pimps for example) who restrict them and block all possible means of escape causing them to put up with every kind of sick, horrible, and/or unimaginable treatment. I'm not saying that they don't have a choice, but that outside forces can cause them to make that choice.
I for one feel sorry for many of them but there are those who actually wish to continue the lifestyle because of the money and they may (not always) fear that they may not be fit for any other profession.
It's sad, and it is a serious problem but the need for money plus the cruelty of society will ensure that more women become prostitutes. :(

Arnulfo said...

and human trafficking is just plain horrible. And those sick bastards who rape people should burn in hell. I close my case.

Scarleth said...

After have read and seen all these videos,Prostitution is obviously wrong and immoral some women, men, and transgender choose to sell their bodies, others are forced into doing so or else they are threaten just in the case of the slaves in Italy. Many of these women where once children of the streets, runaways and the streets have corrupted the minds of once innocents girls to prostitutes in need of money. It's unbelievable how in the case that happened in Miami, a pimp that ranned a hore house and got caught the girls being abused defend the gay in court, after he sold their bodys and made big profit out of. Prostitutes that sell there bodies have major psychological problems later on, and most of them get beaten to death by their client, or get aids. I think their should be people helping prostitutes so they can get out of that horrible hole, just like that pastor did with the sex slaves of Italy.


Gloria said...

Human trafficking is one of the worst experiences a women can go through but I believe it very different from a prostitute. Women who are trafficked don't really choose that lifestyle, they are easily tricked with a better life in which they end up falling for. They are forced to have sexual encounters with numerous men in which is against their will. Now a prostitute I believe is someone who chooses that lifestyle. Most prostitutes end up choosing this because they need money and at times might not have another choice.

Rocio G. said...

I believe that all forms of prostitution are simple derivatives of necessity in some cases and in others forced labor that goes beyond the unthinkable. Like the times when both women and men are found in situations where the one right that should be a basic priviledge to all citizens of the world is taken away, freedom. In class we discussed that freedom has different perspectives, however the basic freedom, la liberte, is always present in all individuals. Unwilling prostitution and human trafficking should be one of the top priorities in fighting crime specially with people that cannot defend themselves.