Tuesday, January 8, 2019
welcome! pHI 2010 syllabus, fall 2018 (all classes)
alfredo triff, phd (math buff, academic adviser, quasi-shrink, parodist, cook/gourmand, music lover, history of design lecturer, cigar smoker, cat lover, part-time hedonist)
room 3604-28 (Building #3)
tel. 305.237.7554
email: atriff@mdc.edu
office hours: posted
text: Doing Philosophy: An Introduction through Thought Experiments, by Theodore Schick and Lewis Vaughn (Fifth Edition).
* become familiar with contemporary trends in philosophy. *learning how to problematize issues. basically philosophy seeks truth and honesty. the issues are pursued regardless of PC assumptions. * stimulate the philosophical spirit, * ethics of dialogue, which is the art of conveying your point & finally, * philosophy for life, which is Sophia's advice to the neophyte.
(keep reading here)