Monday, May 15, 2017

presocratic philosophy (what's the arche of the universe)

Anaximander (610-546 BC), the first writer on philosophy. He assumed apeiron to be: undefined, unlimited substance without qualities, out of which the primary opposites, hot and cold, moist and dry, become different...

Pythagoras: arche is NUMBER.

Parmenides: is the father of metaphysics and rationalism. His motto is "whatever is is, and what is not cannot be", i.e., REALITY is unchanging. For something to CHANGE it has to not-be, which is a contradiction, because NOTHING cannot exist and out of nothing nothing comes.

Heraclitus: all things in nature are in a state of perpetual flux, connected by logical structure or pattern, which he termed logos.

The Atomists: Leucippus (5th BC) and his pupil Democritus of Abdera (460-370 BC) from Thrace. Atoms: small primary bodies, infinite in number, indivisible and imperishable, qualitatively similar, but distinguished by their shapes. They move eternally through the infinite void, they collide and unite, thus generating objects which differ in accordance with the varieties, in number, size, shape, etc. We are ALL atoms.

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