Thursday, November 15, 2018

what is character?

according to Aristotle, character is what you do. 

on the other hand, character is a process which emerges from the different notes of your personality. the sum of these behavioral notes are evaluated by witnesses in response to a diversity of relevant note-eliciting conditions.

1. it's clear that character happens in time. thus,

2.  you (the subject) cannot fully grasp your character, only behavioral notes apprehended by witness' testimonies of your character.

3. the person grasping these notes is a witness. you (the subject) and your witness belong in a context.

4. since contexts always change, different witnesses obtain different character notes.


A person's character consists of traits (notes) in response to external stimuli. These notes are:

1- public, objective,
2- negotiable, based on stimulus response.
3- your character is different to different witnesses because of the specific contexts causing the different notes.
4- character may change, but since it reflects behavioral attitudes it changes very slowly.

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