Sunday, September 24, 2023

Homework #4 (Epistemology, 2024)

1. Explain what kind of knowledge: correspondence, pragmatic or coherence is being employed here:

Recomiendas el Restaurante X a un amigo. El te pregunta "cómo es la comida". Respondes "¡excelente! ¿Qué clase de conocimiento has empleado? a) Correspondece, b) pragmaatic,  c) coherence.

2. ¿Is justification more important than explication? 

3. ¿What are the general requirements for knowledge?

4. ¿Can you have a true belief without having knowledge? Provide an example. 

5. Briefly answer: ¿Is suspension of belief similar to doubt? ¿Is it preferable to suspend than falsely believe? ¿How can you tell? 

6. From the textbook. 6.2 on Rationalism p. 289.  

7.  Is number five an objective entity for Plato? Explain. 

8. Briefly explain Plato's Rationalism. 

9. What are Plato's FORMS?

10. Briefly comment on Descartes' doubt and Descartes' certainty.

From Textbook, exercise 6.2, page 301. Answer  #1, #2, #4, 

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