Thursday, July 23, 2009

Important note for Summer A&B and Summer B classes

Below you find reviews for Final Exam for two different classes: Summer B and Summer A&B.
Summer A&B have chapters 5 & 6. Summer B have chapters 4 & 5. If you have any questions, I'll leave the comment-box open.


rolando alvarez said...

based on what we discussed this semester is the any exact theory that has been created that has yet had a downside? You have explained many theories that have come out through the course of history but there is always a problem and new and improved theory comes out. Has any one developed a theory up to now that there hasnt been anything wrong with it?

rolando alvarez said...

i think in my opinion that we look at things in life under very few views. i think nothing in life can be explained by a simple definition. Many discussion that we've mentioned in class like the one we had about morals depends on how each person sees it and is willing to be open minded towards it. society is to much of a factor to allow people to make there own judgements based on there own beliefs. to many people are influenced by the way society sees things.