Wednesday, February 24, 2021

foodstuff talk to illustrate the libertarian point of the "feel" of choosing + bedeutung of wine taste

nam pri kapï,
the stinky thai shrimp paste i told you about.

this is not a bad introduction to herbs,

list of student assistants (regular classes), spring 2021


Victoria Chierico
Amanda Linares
Joshua Barona

#9535 (no confirmation so far)


Jorge Landa
Talia Fragoso


Ana Grajales
Ashleigh Kindred
Linyer Rosales

Friday, February 12, 2021

our mdc wolfson, honors philosophy-club is ready!

Sebastian Maseri, president,

Alexia Fernandez, vicepresident,

Ana di Tano, secretary,

Milagros Ortola, treasurer

Click here for our Philosopy Club Constitution.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

food for you skeptics: all models are approximations, assumptions, whether implied or clearly stated. models are wrong, but some models are useful

yes, am generalizing, but not hastily!

actually all models are wrong is george box's quote.

what box means is this:

a model is not real. quite the opposite: we get a model by inputting data, but the gathering is ITSELF a process, a tweaking. scientists tweak data to fit the model. it means overelaboration and overparameterization, the mark of average, i.e., mediocrity!

how to fix the wrong? be on the alert for what's importantly wrong!