Friday, May 14, 2010

PHI 2010 T,R 9:50am (closed by Wednesday, next week, 11pm)


Travis L. Thomas said...

The "Big Companies" have brainwashed most of us to believe the food we eat is as good as the fancy packaging it is wrapped in. Most Americans are obsessed with the "final product", and could care less about the life of a pig in Iowa. I believe this issue all boils downs to awareness! We need to know where the endless amount of "Big Mac" meat is coming from. The harsh conditions farm raised pigs live in needs to be seen by the public. I remember watching a YouTube video about abuse at KFC's chicken farms; it upset my stomach. We have tobacco "truth" commercials, but now desperately need to know the truth about the food we consume. I have learned from this post, and I will start eating healthier foods.

Travis Thomas

Dark-Lord9 said...

After reading the article, I was surprised to learn how many pigs among other animals get slaughtered every day. Just the amount of pigs that we kill is terrifying. I am kind of surprised on how we as a human race haven't run out of a certain food stock of animals such as pigs and cows and among others as well. The scary thing is, is that just reading this article. I'm imaging right now how many animals are being killed all around the world, and yet when a human being gets hurt or worse we get all crazy and go suicide when most of the time it's our own fault because we are interrupting the animals in their own habitat. I Personally think that there should be a limit on how many animals get killed per day. I for one, wont be eating as much meat, but that doesn't mean that the amount of animals being killed wont decrease because of one person not wanting to eat meat as much. If we as a human society that doesn't want animals to be killed so much, the only thing we can do is try to make a petition for our country and if it works, it might pass on to other countries as well.

Yakov(Jacob) Mogilevskiy

VirgiTo said...

I think to answer one of the questions on how we could change things is mainly by helping people become aware of the situation at hand. They say that "ignorance is bliss" mainly because when you hear of something like this people are shocked and they say that they will no longer eat food from these corporations but unless there is a constant reminder it just takes a matter of time before this situation is forgotten. Most people live in ignorance and have no idea what's really going on with the food that they eat or the food that they feed their kids. I think the same way that tobacco companies have to put up money for anti-smoking, the food distributors should be forced to do the same. If people are shown a constant graphic reminder of what is going on out there and are raised knowing the cruelty that goes into this over time we might just have a chance at overcoming this. With time kids will be raised aware and it'll be easier to deal with than it is now. Its harder to stop something once its been around since you were little, but to learn from youth, that is our chance at overcoming.

Below is the link to the KFC video a lot of were made aware of but for some reason gets forgotten:

Virginia Torres

Alex Moscoso said...

My comment might sound a bit blunt but it's my perception and opinion of what the truth is. How can we blame big companies for doing this? When we buy the food from them we help them achieve this torture to the animals. If a finger was to be pointed it would be ourselves. Of the twenty something students in our class in the past week how many have bought processed 'cheap' food? Single out the ones where their parents buy the food ;) 2 weeks? 3 weeks? we've all done it plenty of times, I'm not just talking about fast food either. The way things roll towards is who can do it cheaper? Because when someone does it cheap people buy it. If no one bought it then the company wouldn't exist, it would not be making any money. How would you feel if a Toyota Corolla cost $35,000 because you want it to be safer? Yet people continue to buy at less than half that amount. I even fall guilty of these bad deeds we do. I have my times where I shop at wholefoods because of the repetitive reminders of PETA. Last week I went shopping for eggs which was $1.79 for a dozen large. Right next to it was an option for all-natural un-caged hens, fed correctly etc. for $3.79 I don't know about you but I have rent to pay and I chose the cheaper one because I need to live. It's as simple as that. It kills me to see the picture of the pigs. I've seen a video where the pigs are covered in hot oil to burn the hairs off and chickens so big with growth hormones they can't even stand up because the legs were undeveloped.
To ask someone if they think this is right I am positive they will say of course not! But continue to buy these types of foods because out of sight is out of mind.
We do nothing about it by complaining, the only way to change it is by voting. And voting is choosing the right foods.

Xochilt Bermudez said...

"Ignorance is bliss" is the lingering thought that comes from finishing this article. LOL! How often did I crave a cheeseburger, steak and fries, bacon on my already greased filled whopper? It was until I became an educated "adult", whose curiousity arose from the world around me-that I became interested in knowing about the specifics of my world. The more I read and did research on food, the less I was hungry, the less cravings I had and the less I trusted the "big guys" into telling me what was a great lunch special. I believe the world, especially the United States, have for at least the last 60 years capitalized on the less knowledgable and naive. We today, are used to getting things faster and faster and that somehow empowers us. Somehow we have been all brainwashed into thinking this and food and diet fell in between the lines of speed=power.
For anybody not familiar with some of the things that go on behind slaughter houses, I recommend, "Faces of Death". These are about 10 films of short recordings of the different forms of death in the world. Included are live monkey brain dinner, cows being slaugthered, pigs squealing for their lives and much more. Definitely not for the week of stomach.

Xochlt Bermudez

Hans Chamorro said...

It is important to understand that the heavy advertising that most of these companies use has proven to be effective. I for one have had conversations with friends who are aware of the process food undergoes before it reaches a plate, and who state that they simply do not care as long as they eat and are happy. However, there are many others who are surprised when they learn of the cycle. What this indicates is that a portion of society is either unaware or simply indifferent to the pressing issues of our time. One can notice the same trends in environmental matters as well. As a society, we are aware that a significant number of our actions are having negative impacts on the planet, yet the number of people doing something to change this are vastly outnumbered by those who choose to remain inert.
I understand that there are many organizations now in existence that are trying to solve, or at least reduce these problems. However, I confess that I possess limited knowledge of the methods used by these organizations to achieve their ends. It is my belief that to make such campaigns effective, it would be necessary to change the ideologies of mass amounts of people. Such a feat often seems to be impossible. In essence, a form of large scale counter-brainwash would be required to combat the tactics of the food industry (and those of others, as well).

Hans Chamorro

Jason Taplin said...

Although I do agree that there is a problem and something needs to be done to correct that problem, I also have little faith in society that the majority consuming a Big Mac or a bucket of KFC’s chicken is going to do anything about it. People go to these places knowing that what they’re about to eat is not good for them but don’t seem to care. For one its cheep, convenient and tastes somewhat good I’m sure if there were a healthy and harmless alternative on every corner people would eat there. Another problem I learned after watching Al Gores Inconvenient Truth, although very informative and defiantly an eye opener people seem to forget. I went to see the movie with a few friends and after we all had the same response “lets do something about it” but the fact of the matter was that not a whole lot was done (I for the record did stop littering and changed all my light bulbs in my apartment to more energy efficient ones). I guess the point I’m tiring to get across is that we have good intentions but at the same time are greedy and usually don’t think about the consequences (just look at the economy, people knew that they would have to pay for the things they couldn’t afford but decided to just charge it and worry about it later). I believe if we leave up to the consumer to fix the problem, the problem will always remain. So my solution is to tighten the rules and regulations on the big companies who provides our Big Macs and have them come up with better practices that are economic friendly and healthier for the consumer.

Alfredo Triff said...

Good points, kids, keep the discussion going.

maskthekid said...

After reading this article about how pigs are being raised just to be slaughtered so that society can have bacon and sausage have really changed my view on purchasing and eating them.Before reading this article i can honestly admitt that i loved bacon and sausage but didnt know the extent that United States is going through to process these items.I understand that we need food to survive but what they are doing sounds more like animal cruelty to me.Chopping off their tails?packing them tightly?and injecting them with antibiotics?wow!!!this really upsets me because i am a animal lover.I feel dumb right now because i honestly should have done researched on the types of foods i eat.I totally agree with the first comment that society needs awareness.If people would really know whats going on with how these pigs are being treated and how they affect our lives by air pollution and killing fishes in the oceans,they would reconsider about purchasing pigs corps.Isnt that what it is?

Jason Strachan

Bianca Benhaim said...

although i am a strict vegetarian for 3 years now i strongly disagree with the way the american system is treating the food that its citizens consume. in my opinon the only reason we are the most obese nation is because its farmers are not given stricter guidelines to follow to make food consumable. if every american would actually see and understand half the ''mumbo-jumbo'' thats in our foods' ingredients then maybe they and we could understand and take more care of our food thats being consumed to widely.

Bianca Benhaim

VWalker said...

It is definatly a sad situation to see what goes on in our country to mass produce food that we consume on a daily basis. Reading this article was just another confirmation to the fact that it truelly is very cruel and inhumane the way that these animals are treated. Where my food came from was not necessarily something that i used to concern myself with but as i got older and more educated on the subject i found myself paying much more attention to what i eat. There are so many people who go through everyday choosing to eat the processed, cheaper foods because of the sole fact that it is unexpensive. Its true that organic food can be much more expensive. I think some people choose to look the other way but the majority of people just need to be educated on what is really going on. It's a very bad thing that we often do not know what is in our food. There are pesticides and chemicals being used that can make us sick. The way i look at it is that there is not much going well with the situation the way it is now. The animals are being treated inhumanly, we are ingesting chemicals that can be harmful to our health, the cheaper foods we eat cause us health issues and rising obesity in this country as a whole. Ignorance comes from not being well educated so i feel like a little can go a long way. Our country is starting to care a little more about what we are doing to our environment, what we are consuming and learning how to use our natural resources. Raising awarness is the key to helping people change to live a healthier lifestyle and to conserve their environment.

Virginia Walker

nick griffin said...

It is sad to see all the negative effects of this type of mass food production, but I do feel like the underlying cause of all this is, of course the money. It is more cost effective to feed animals cheep corn and keep them in confined spaces and horrible living conditions; and unfortunately as long as it’s cheaper to raise the animals this way, this practice will continue. The life of a pig, cow, chicken or any other animal that is breed for food is usually very sad, the government, farmers, and consumers needs to take action in order to change this process. Cheap prices and poor education I also feel are the underlying cause of much of the obesity problem in this country. It is cheaper to eat unhealthy food, than it is to eat healthy. Even in fast food restaurants, it is a lot cheaper to get a burger and fries than it is to get a salad. The price and poor education about proper eating perpetuates the obesity trend in the U.S. There are definitely things that can be done to help aid these problems, but it will be a long journey met with a lot of resistance from the government, the farming community, and the end consumer.

Anonymous said...

What I conceive of as healthy foods are goods that contribute to the nutrition of my being, and therefore I would love to only eat what I believe is nutritious. But factors like time, ease, want and money make my will power weaker and make me prone to choosing unhealthy food. I understand that unhealthy food, in the long run, would increase my chances of developing serious diseases because of the non natural compounds that they have, but also because of the unethical way in which these goods are processed. If we look at the serious problems that we have with animal cruelty (especially with the animals that we eat) and the use of pesticides in the growth of the vegetables, we can find out that our weaknesses in factors like time, ease, want, and money are the major causes for these sad facts. So, in order to live a healthier life, we have to adapt ourselves to a better, much more improved, healthy lifestyle by getting more organized and increasing our tendency for healthy food over what is not so healthy.

Henrry A. Rosales

Anonymous said...

I think this all has to do with education and being aware. If people knew how the world really works. And am speaking in general including how food is processed. If people knew the truth, people would think twice and reconsider. It can change, all this can change. We can change it, but I think that the best way to start is by educating the world. If they are educated, they are aware as well. And if people are aware, I believe that most will reconsider and many will perhaps change their diets. We can make a difference. But I believe that they key to this is by educating the public and putting the situation out their. People are so focused on other issues that don't involve them or affect them in any way (like homosexuality which is not that important) that their missing the bigger picture and the bigger problems that humanity is facing today like global warming and the food stuff!
Robin Romero

Ruben Vega said...

I understand that we have to consider the harm that we are doing to these animals. We have to realize that we are killing millions and millions of farm animals each year just to end up consuming them. It is truly frustrating as well that people treat these animals in this very immoral way. But there's also one thing that I have to be in favor of the companies. Not all people are vegetarians or vegans so they rely on some sort of animal products for their eating necessities. This makes this companies responsible to fill in that need to distribute these animals like chicken and pig to stores and markets around the country. In the end, they are making it a huge business. Overall, these companies feed the animals with abnormal amounts of antibiotics and it is not a healthier choice compared to natural grown animals. I firmly believe that they are doing more harm to the public by selling these animal products to their consumers.

ot said...

“To say that obesity is caused by merely consuming too many calories is like saying that the only cause of the American Revolution was the Boston Tea Party.” (Adelle Davis). Fast-food is everywhere; it is advertised on buses, schools, television, radio, etc. Sadly, people allow it because one cannot accept the temptation to stay away from a 49 cent hamburger. The food industry plans to increase their profit by increasing slaughterhouses around the country and advertising more for cheap food.

As a result, why are we complaining? One is basically helping these companies become stronger and more dominant. Our society needs to be aware of this problem. I agree with my fellow peers who mentioned that if we are able to have tobacco awareness commercials, we should have commercials about eating unhealthy foods. This will stop major fast food companies from advertising on television, putting them out of business.

One should ask how we can save these animals, instead of complaining about the price of a hotdog (which is $3.00 in downtown Miami). I believe to help solve this problem, one should be aware of where there food is coming from and how it is being handled at farms or slaughterhouses. In addition, America loves cheap food. However, my Grandmother always tells me her famous cliché “the price you pay for something, will be the same quality you will receive”.

Hence, if you like buying cheap food or eating food from slaughterhouse expect to have diseases from what you eat. Remember you are what you eat!

Oscar Toussaint

Yulet Lopez said...

We can either agree or disagree with this article. We eat with out knowing how the food is actually produced. To see something like this happen must be absolutely disturbing. Yet, we do not see it, we only consume the food. However, doesn't anyone wonder the torture animals go through just to add on to the obese population. Unfortunately, the way things are now a days cheap is better. Nonetheless, next time you get excited to eat such thing, think about the harm done to these animals all kept like prisoners being tortured.
Of course, it's the way nature is. We eat meat, chicken, etc. and obviously those animals need to be killed. But doesn't anyone believe there should be a limit, or have a better "death" for these animals. Although it sounds cruel, it'd be better to kill the animals in a more proper way, if there is any. Reality is people are still going to buy and consume such foods. For the rest, they'll continue with their vegetarian state. This post has truly made me wonder just how good the taste of pork, or any other meat, is for all this to be worth it. It really is nothing more than fattening food being added to a very disturbing number of growing fat people. Let's put it this way, if we leave animals alone, then perhaps we wouldn't have any issues (:

Maria Morales said...

This article just demonstrates how people are blinded by the truth of advertising. Not just how pigs and other animals are slaughter but how people may not know the truth what goes on behind the scenes prior to them consuming that bacon or whopper. Or maybe those who are aware do indeed think out of sight out of mind. At the time one is consuming that piece of meat or bacon most people don't start thinking; where did this bacon come from, how the pig was treated, what the pig ate, how the pig was killed. In general people buy the food, sit eat it and go on with their daily routines in this fast paced society where everyone is always in a hurry. Many families consume fast food because they don't have time to cook. Whatever the excuse parents have for feeding their children fast food. Parents do have to take responsibilty for their childrens health, sure advertising bombards us all, everyday with unhealthy food choices. It is up to each of us to decide what we eat. But children for example, who buys their food, who controls the money for them to purchase food, who takes them to McDonalds, BK,etc.? Most part the parents do so parents are responsible and should stop pointing fingers at fast food businesses and advertisements and start doing something about it. Bring awareness not only to the community, to the society, to the world. Also take into big consideration that children are learning these food choices and if not being healthy ones they will grow up not making healthy food choices which as older adults lead to obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. Parents built the foundation of children eating healthier foods; who feeds a one year old child since that child can't feed themselves? the parent. A while back ago I saw a mother feeding her 14month old fries and put some soda inside the little girls bottle. Children are like sponges and at this age definetly do not know any better. Later this child will grow up making the same food choices as her mother did. Unless something is done about it. Yes schools are limiting soft drink & snack machines in schools. But as a society we have to bring awareness to these type of decisions for example in my daughters Elementary school they are teaching children about nutrition and placed a salad bar. Hopefully other Elementary schools are also doing so. Sure you can bring a horse to drink water but you can not make a horse dring water. Meaning people are aware these choices are not healthy ones though they/ we continue picking the same stuff over and over again. I for the most part I'm not a routine fast food consumer I do however eat a Jr. whopper And fries occasionally. Eventhough it is still a bad choice I think once in a while will not do as much harm as routinely or for those people who may include it as part of there diet. But I have learned from this article and it's links and think people should start acting by making smarter food choices. I for one am not going to turn into a vegetarian, but will purchase more expensive meat to receive better quality, aside from bacon I don't favor eating pork. I think just like remodeling a bathroom or kitchen one would think of spending alot of money on parts so the parts would last longer why not do the same with food so your body will maintain it's optimal level of functioning/ stay healthier for a longer time period.

Anonymous said...

As far as doing something to help the situation, it will take a bit more effort than just talking about it. In my opinion, if anything we are the one to blame for such situation, they will only continue to do such things only if we consume their product. We should all eat healthier than we usually do, but the question is, can we afford to do so? Not to say that it is ok how certain big companies are brainwashing our appetite, but we would have probably have a different view if we were on the other side of the story. If we were very poor for example, we would not even be talking about such situation. Here we are going to through an economic crisis in the United States, the people that have very economic difficulties only worry about getting their familly something that is cheap and that wiil also hold them up for a certain time. after reading such passage I learned that we should not only worry about the final product and that we should also worry about the making of the product. People should read this passage, they would probably do their best to modify their eating habit.
Daendy Jean-Francois

Lucas A. said...

"We are what we eat" many people have heard this phrase before but most of them have no idea what they are eating, and this article is the perfect example of it. We sadly live in a society that is all about capitalism, and by all means necessary making money; The big companies don't care how the pigs or any other animals are treated as long as in the end the meat is found in a pretty, "clean" colorful package for us to buy, and obviously for them making the profit. This article shows how cruel and nasty the meat that we eat has become thanks to the big companies. After reading this article I've realized that we all should be more aware of the meat we eat and let other people know about the dangers we encounter by eating it.

Lucas Azevedo

Sergio Cruz said...

The root of most of our problems is greed. The reason the food industry got to this point was due to making everything more cost and time efficient. Becoming aware is a good start but there is only so much one can do as an individual. I believe as long as there is a demand for these type of foods, we will see no change in how the next generation eats. When people as a collective decide that they will no longer eat these processed foods is when we’ll see a change. Mostly because the food industry’s wallet will gradually become thinner. However this is the dilemma, why would someone with a low income buy a smaller more expensive product simply because no animals were hurt. People may not like the inhumane acts that go on in slaughter houses. Despite whether they are against it or not, people need money to continue on surviving. It is possible to have a low income and eat healthy, but most people don’t have the knowledge to live this way. Therefore in order to stop these intolerable animal cruelty acts and help stop the obesity epidemic, we need to become more knowledgeable as a collective. Advertisements from the bigger companies are ubiquitous, this is their most prominent weapon. We could counter by making our own informational advertisements. But how can we when this requires a large abundance of money, we would be outmatched compared to the big companies. However we have the internet, we could spread informational blogs and videos like wildfire. The internet is our last stand, don’t let them take away our only defense to complete totalitarianism.

yumi.fujisawa said...

As we try to save a couple of dollers, we tend to buy cheap stuff. The food is the easiest category to save some money, and we can cleary see how much we saved.
for example, if you dine out twice a week, it cost you more than you cook, and now you want to save money. therefore, you switch to fastfoods instead of fancy meal, then you will see big amount of saving at the end of month. altough you could save some money, you cost your own health for just a couple of dollar. you can save money only the moment you live right now, but in the near future it will cost you more because those cheap stuffs contain harmful chemical for human. you sacrifice your own health to save money, and ofcourse it does't make sense at all. it is our responibilities to choose the right products as well as government. however, government seem to be not supportive for us to get healthier meal, or may be not interested in improving our high rate of obesity, "
the Federal Government has poured more than $50 billion into the corn industry, keeping prices for the crop — at least until corn ethanol skewed the market — artificially low." also, TV commercials do not tell us the truth, or they do not show the bad aspect of the products. many people have seen the TV commercials of foods says " xxxx is a perfect meal for you!! because it contains meneral and vitamins of the day" , but wait a minute did you hear how much you have to eat in order to get those "mineral and vitamins of the day"? do you even know how much vitamins and menerals we have to intake in a day?

Alexandra Alvarez said...

At a time in America when everyone is so concerned with "going green" it seems like people forget if we don't take care of our bodies there will be no planet to save. By now we should all know "Big companies" don't care about our health rather they care aboout getting our money. So are we really surprised food producers are providing such poor living/health conditions to our future dinners?

We as individuals are only responsible for ourselves and maintaining a healthy, productive life. In order for people to make better all around decisions they must be A)educated and B)committed to change.

Yes, every Wednesday and Sunday McDonald's sells cheeseburgers for $.59 which is a hell of a deal... But would you try to get a hell of a deal on surgery or neccessary medications? The point is if you care about your health and are aware of what is good or bad for you, most sane people will choose the best possible choice. So maybe the cheeseburger is easy but in retrospect it will clog your arteries, raise your blood pressure and ensure a self conscious beach body.

Also, if Americans can start turning their horrible eatting habits around maybe these pork and meat producers wouldn't have such a high demand for their products. No one gets gets hurt growing a head of lettuce. Skip the steak and have a salad for once.
I really believe this issue has fallen on deaf ears for decades; "The Jungle" was written in 1906...its currently 2010 and food producers are still haunting consumers.I will be the first to say I respect my elders but, they failed to fight for improvments on standards of food production and consumption. It is our generation who really needs to step up and not accept the poor treatment of our swine,steaks, and sad eatting habits!

RosiK said...

After reading this article I was appalled at the treatment of these pigs. Most people do not even realize that this is the way pigs are treated, I know I didn’t. Even if they did I doubt they would change their routines in life to protect a pig. Americans have gotten too comfortable with the easy life. A perfect example is how we just go to the grocery store to buy bacon. Personally if I had to kill my own meat I would become a vegetarian. Not only is it affecting the pigs but also it is polluting our world. Harming pretty much everything around us, even the ocean we swim in. American obviously aren’t going to change the way we produce cheap meats anytime soon because we love to eat meat and are too lazy to get off our obese butts and kill our own meat. People are brainwashed in many different ways all over the world. This is just one simple aspect of Americans poorly educated consumers.

RosiK said...

RosiK = Miryam Rose Knigge :)

Rebecca Rameau said...

It’s not worth it spending money on foods that are damaging to our bodies and isn't healthy for us either. Spending the money on foods that are essential to our bodies is sensible. I was shocked to find out how many pigs each year are being killed, right here in the U.S.and how people eat so much of this kind of meat everyday! It's sad how these pigs are being killed so harshly, that it makes me want to become a vegetarian, and stay away from meat period. Like seriously! Pigs are killed when they're just five months old!!! I’m thinking, “Wow! They were born specifically to be eaten by humans.” Also, these pigs are injected with all sorts of chemicals and we consume what's inside of these pigs, without even thinking about it. I really believe that’s why there are so many health problems in America today because of what we eat. The result in what the food industry has put into these pigs (tons of fatty substances) could lead to obesity, heart problems, kidney failures, and etc. It is far better to do groceries and buy healthy meals, than it is to eat out all the time. We can definitely make better health choices of what we eat and make it a daily practice; if we at least just try, by starting now.


Many bib companies use different types of advertising strategy to influence our interest on their products. Sometimes people do not aware of the consequences to certain type of products that they are consuming. According to my conception, I think we need to change this problem by teaching ourselves and our children that cheap food and other types of unhealthy products are not good for their health. As a consumer we must be alert and aware of meat we are buying. If we eat poor quality food, we will likely become sick and develop deseases. Whenever we eat meat from unhealthy animals, we cosume the same toxic that made them sick. Even though it will be hard for those companies to aknowledge and realize that it's not always about profit on products, but also the effects that the product will have on human's health in the future.

Chole said...

I full heartedly believe that this world would be a better place if humans stopped eating animal products as a source of protein. The forrests that we cut down to harvest grain for these animals is enough food in itself to feed needy countries that have starving children. Also, I would also like to mention that once a land is overgrazed (meaning to many cows have eaten off the land), that land is no longer able to grow plants. The meat and dairy industry is responsible for massive amounts of waste run off into the oceans which aids the destruction of sea life and global warming. It is not acceptable for people to basque in their spoiled taste buds and turn a blind eye to such issues. Being a vegetarian or vegan is no longer the questioning of ethical treatment of animals. It is just one of the duties we must hold as desent humans that care about the state of the earth, and our fellow beings that reside in it. We have to do what is necessary to preserve the functioning of this beautiful planet.-nichole kates

Carlos Chuquicallata said...

It is understood that mistreating animals is an immoral thing to do, and consuming these “product” doesn’t make the situation any better. Honestly, I don’t think it is the companies to blame for these actions, but nevertheless it is us the people who are supporting and pushing this unconditioned reality. I agree that it is lack of awareness which drives these companies, but that is the way we are driven in our society, there are many ways we can confront this situation, but it won’t change much. We’d like to think that we have full control over our food choices, and that we make decisions about what to eat based on nutritional value, taste preference, cost and maybe convenience. But the truth is that advertisement is a mighty influence over what we choose to eat.
And as I develop more knowledge about brainwashing and animal cruelty taken place in farms I become more aware about my diet and find that awareness is the key to a better health. But our needs of surviving are sometimes the cause for these purchases in meat which only allows us to narrow our choices to the cheap foods.
As for the animals, I think the short answer is that, farm animal are generally killed in the most efficient, cheapest way possible. That may not be the most humane way and usually isn’t. As for giving the animal a good life, that would cost more and cut into profit and or cause the price to the consumer to go up people are not willing to pay more for this. That is the ugly truth.

Katherine Torres said...

I always feel horrible when I read or see what happens to these animals (how they are dosed with antibiotics and hormones, how cruel they are treated, how disgusting the places they are kept in are) but I'll be the first to admit that I am one of those people that buys the food produced by these big companies. Its unfortunate, but the truth is if its cheaper, people are going to keep eating it. Its going to be a while before things actually start to change. I wasn't surprised when I read this because I've seen the videos, I've read the articles, I've even gotten the PETA dvd's in the mail! I believe that not only are people being brainwashed by the industry but are also blinded by this veil that the "big companies" are putting infront of us. They don't want us to know the truth about the food we eat because if we did, we might not want to eat it! In order for things to change, we need to become more aware of what it is we are consuming and what we can do to improve our diets. awareness awareness awareness!

Olga Mejia said...

Food is not a subject that we want to talk, often we ignore how important and crucial this is for our health and our planet. Now days most people like to go to the super market and buy their groceries thinking that because they are cooking at home they are eating healthy food. How wrong they are, most of the popular brands process their food in not such a healthy and good way, affecting our eco system and our bodies. Most people buy their groceries at the Super Market thinking that cooking their own meal will be healthier than a fast food place. Sadly they could be wrong because they ignore the processes of the food they are putting on the table. As humans we should stop this and start worrying more for our own benefit, with this I’m not saying we are going to get to the extremes, but I think we should be more aware of what we are taking home, remember our health reflects what we eat.

phi2010 said...

This is the way I see it. The Government has lost all control over the way the nation is growing, so the way it s being fed. unhealthy chemical are being administrated to animals that are being consumed; therefore those animal are being treated badly as though they were not really living things because they are alive for a purpose that has nothing to do with the quality of their existence. All we expect from them is to live and grow enough to produce so we can use them to feed our hungry nation. In fact, we don t really care whata the pork have been through as long as we are filled up after eating a pork chop or a slice of bacon it does not really matter what quality of life this pig had before execution. Te point is that the information should be spread out to the people. It is hard to stop our eating habit from a day to another, but but eventually reality will rise up and lead us to change. The abuse of those animal is completly unhealthy we need the change. the power is in our hand spread ou the information! it is all we need to do.

Mercier said...

I don’t agree with how the animals are being mistreated so they could turn into meat. It’s sad cause sometimes they feed them each others' corpse it’s like us human eating each other. That’s horrible. And the way the animals are treated and killed increase the chance of people having disease. If the animals were raised naturally in forest like they should be and not with antibiotic and added hormones, they wouldn’t be as much dangerous to eat. I know the United States allows that to help some poor people to buy cheap food since they won’t be able to buy “healthy” food. It’s bad because it’s not healthy food nor safe food but Americans buy them. Most people try to save. The cheaper they can buy they think the better it is. Most don’t care for the consequences but some do think of it and could care less for what it could do to them. If we don’t do anything about it, then it’s going to continue cause some people benefit from buying cheap food.
Shender G Mercier

Unknown said...

In today's society no truth is held in the light of the people, the truth instead is adumbrated or hidden in the darkness. For that single purpose only we, ourselves, can seek that truth through knowledge. As a result, we human-beings consume products, food, and even drinks that poison our bodies and we never suspected a single thing. Its not called "brain-washing" its called being ignorant or not aware. Seriously,people would believe the most bizarre things today! But to get back to the subject at hand, these foods are destroying our bodies. When you first walk into Mcdonalds, BurgerKing, Tacobell or another fast food chain restaurant you look at the bright color posters with tasty food printed on it to represent some sort of a menu. And you think to yourself " Wow, these foods look amazing, and they look expensive". But then, as you glimpse at the bright posters you finally notice the price... "its a dollar?" your shocked that a tasty food like that can only be a dollar. But you don't realize the food has been processed with hormones, antibiotics, and steroids. Making the food literally poison to your own body. But why would you care it's only a dollar. Right? Well, it might only be a dollar, but in the end you get what you pay for. Is a dollar really worth your health? What I'm saying is not to frighten anyone instead it is to enlighten them.

There are many alternatives for healthier eating. Like what Professor Triff said, organic food is one of those alternatives. Not only does organic food have a higher quality of taste than those cheap processed foods, but its also a lot healthier for your body. But like all goods things in life, its expensive! Some people cannot afford eating organic food on a daily basis. As a result they tend to go for the cheaper food. And I don't blame them. Like most human beings, were just trying to live a day at a time. I'm not saying you should spend all your money on organic, I'm just clarifying that by reducing the amount of meat you consume or by simply eating something like a salad for the same price as a "Quarter-Pounder" you too can become healthier and still have a cheap budget. Only by consuming less and spending money other foods besides red-meat, we can lower the prices for organic food. In conclusion, there will always be a alternative, you don't have to eat organic foods to become healthier. Also, there is no excuse for a person to eat a certain food because of its cheap value. No, because in the end "you get what you pay for"!

Flavio Moreira