Sunday, June 6, 2010

Are we not in part responsible for BP's debacle?

This article of the New York Times examines our present ambivalence with technology (particularly after the BP's debacle and the West Virginia Upper Big Branch mine accident).

It's not only energy, there are sophisticated technological financial instruments, linked to our present financial crisis.  

Is it that we have put too much faith in technology? Is technology betraying us? 

There are three distinct approaches to technology:

Optimistic: technology as a way to improve our condition in the planet.

Pessimistic: technology as a cul de sac, whereby we end worse than we started or (in the worst case scenario) enslaved by it.

Realistic: technology as a viable tool, if used with responsibilty.

Which of these models do you think the recent disasters point to? What should we do to avoid these problems in the future?