Monday, July 19, 2010

PHI 2010 M,W,F, 10:25am class (summer B)


Valery Bustos said...

Human trafficking is a major issue especially among women. We still hear about these dreadful issues because there are many women out there who are being exploited and are being put to prostitute themselves were not educated about the subject.This is huge issue because there are girls that start prostitution at the age of 12! This is growing as the years go by due to the reason that education is lacked in some parts of the world. There are these so called pimps that believe that can use a woman as a sexual object. Our goal should be to educate young women about the bad things human trafficking leads to. It can help save lives.

Abniel Garcia said...

Human traffic is considered an international crime punished by the international community and law. The main targets of this crime are women and children from developing nations. Women are smuggled into many developed nations as sexual or labor slaves to pay for their transportation expenses and/or debts. Children are sold in developed nations to be adopted or exploited sexually. As I already mentioned, most of the victims are from developing nations whose economic conditions put them in risk of falling in hands of human smuggler. Countries have signed international treaties to combat human traffic. However, solving it requires not only international cooperation but also effective economic policies in the developing world that alleviate poverty and social exclusion in those nations.

Anonymous said...

Human traffic will always be an issue no matter what century we live in. There won't be a solution to this issue anytime soon. In other continents prostitution is an everyday thing that people have already lost hope in correcting. Also the prostitution business is not the same anymore, its not some dressed up man or woman in a corner waiting to get picked up by some stranger there are many other levels of prostitution that are very effective in this business. Thats what makes it keep growing in this society. Being victims of rape and abuse at home also contributes to the issue because they have nowhere to turn to for help. They are already traumatized by these experiences and feel helpless. We will always struggle with this problem as long as these sick people who profit from this and the ones that spend their money on this populate this earth.
Maximiliano. Silva

roxanna baez said...

Human trafficking is a serious problem now in days especially in woman. There are a lot of women and girls in the street that are being forced to sexual exploitation or forced labor. Women and children are the primary targets but men are also trafficked. Since an early age there are girls involve in prostitution and bad treatment some of them do it because they are forced to do so and others for necessity.

Anonymous said...

The institution of human trafficking has existed since time immemorial under the name of slavery. Of course as much as the good people of the world have tried their best to end human trafficking the attempts have only created a veneer. Beneath this surface slavery continues to exist for the simple reason that we are not thinking correctly. We think that as much as these pimps and johns and madames may do bad thing they are still human beings of course my question is how could they be? Why should they have rights yet they deny them to others the answer is they do not they are nonpersons. And we should treat them as such we the people of the more affluent countries must declare war on all nonpersons who commit these crimes. We must bring this war to their homes and to their places of recreation in front of their friends and family and we must drag them into the streets and expose them to their communities for who they are and then we must reprogam them so much so that these nonpersons actually wish to repent of their own free will and then after this reprogramming has been completed they can go back and become productive members of society albiet without souls or minds. Once other nonpersons become aware of the dangers of commiting these crimes against humans they will mostly likely not wish to do them. In essence what must be done is we must destroy the souls of these nonpersons create new minds for them and perpetuate so much fear that they will never wish to commit this crime again. This goes for all those monsters out their that rape, prostitute,and pretend to buy and sell human beigns as no one can truly buy or sell human beings. Daniel Dodge

Shawn Josiah said...

Human Trafficking is a solemn issue faced by many women in society today. Sometimes it makes me wonder if there not well-educated, or because of the fact they really don't have a choice. Those women are brutally abused everyday by us because of the fact they sees it as the only alternatives to support themselves. Although prostitution it is not something I endorse in any way, there should be strict rules and regulation set to protect the women from predators in society. Prostitution we never stop,therefore, the only way to cut down on those crimes is to apply certain rules. There are tugs and gangsters out their, and will do anything to the girls to get their money worth. Sometimes those women are not to be blamed because of the fact they grew up poor, and they too were victims in the homes themselves. Women are also sent out in the prostitution field by their own family and friends to provide food in the homes and other necessity. Human Trafficking is consider to be a slavish act, and if not dealt with,our women will continue to be the main target for crimes, and sex toy for a long time. "Say no to prostitution".

Anayureidy Lopez said...

Prostitution and human trafficking is a worldwide issue. many undeveloped and poor nations suffer from this atrocity every day. women especially, are targeted for these crimes and are abused sexually, emotionally and even murdered. even children and young girls as old as 9 or 10 years old are being drawn into "the oldest profession". some do feel they have no choice in the matter, and endure this suffering to feed themselves and their families. while most can't get out because they are kidnapped or forced against their own will but some are able to get away but somehow find themselves back in the same situation. this like many worldwide issue is not easily fixable. in some countries like India and Germany prostitution is legal so who can do anything for the women and girls suffering through this? i don't believe much has been done to solve this or they just don't act fast enough. many of the women end up dead or catch venereal diseases from the solicitor. this is a vicious circle that may never come to an end.

Maeva Mansana said...

The issue of sex exploitation against women is an issue that has been around for many years and is still a major issue nowadays in the twenty-first century. This issue is known as forced sexual slavery and human trafficking. We still struggle with these dreadful issues nowadays because many men believe that it makes them strong and manly to have control, sexually, over women who are unwilling to engage in sexual relationships with them. Women, although, have a way of putting themselves in the open for rape and exploitation by prostitution, wearing attractive attires when wandering in empty neighborhoods alone, and flirting with men they don’t know. Prostitutes hold the highest rape rate. This shouldn’t be the cause because they are already giving their bodies out to men, why would they want to take it without their permissions? Well, because they are giving them out… Rape doesn’t only take place in street corners by pimps and prostitutes, it happens at home with stepdads and stepdaughters, husbands and wives, dad and daughter… It will be hard to end this problem for good, but actions need to be taken in order to make a change. In order to solve this problem, we should educate our young women and teach them right from wrong, like wearing safe clothes, going out in safe environments with safe accompaniment, etc… Many young women are not taught these rituals to keep them safe.

Gabriel Landrove said...

Sex exploitation is a growing issue currently in the 21st century. It is very hard to believe but we consider sex as one of the most important hobbies that we do for fun and do as much as we can and prostitution deals with it. But of course we as human beings like always, have to take it to the next level which is sex exploitation, which is very sad and not human. Not human because its slavery and that violates our human rights, our freedom which in my opinion is the best gift that anyone could have and should have. I was already aware of this issue but not as much after I saw the movie “Taken”. I couldn’t believe that that was happening out there. That this was actually a business where they actually sell young ladies to very rich people as if they were their property or a toy that they can do whatever they want with. That is very wrong. Prostitution I believe is like drugs which once you get in its very hard to get out. Although, it is not impossible. We from the outside of that world should be the ones helping because we already know by looking at the numbers that they are asking for help. That they are being rape, and hurt almost every day, and that 92% of them don’t want to experience any of that anymore.

Kangwen Liu said...

Human trafficking and sexual exploitation is a global issue that exists in almost every country, no matter developing or developed. I think there are several reasons why we are still struggling with this dreadful issue nowadays. One major reason is that there are always people suffering from hunger and poverty, and those people are usually uneducated. Therefore, exchange of sex becomes a way to get food, shelter, and money. As long as this illegal market exists and money can be earned, pimps or brothels are willing to earn it regardless of harms that caused to women and children. Steps have been made to combat this crisis but little improvement is made. I think the best way to fight with human trafficking is to bring organizations together to against it and pay special attention on taking care of the victims.

Angela Saiza said...

Post 3
This is such a disturbing subject on so many levels.
On a personal level I can relate to some of those girls, the ones just out for a good time, because I have been there. In my early 20’s I was in a restaurant in Vienna and was asked to join a table of young people. It seemed unfriendly not to. But the next thing I remember was waking up in my hotel room…thankfully in one piece and alone…but shaking. Another time, I was walking alone in Athens looking for my hotel. A man came up to me and said he would help me. He was leading me away from my hotel and I didn’t know it. I looked back and saw the hotel sign…and I sprinted for it. It gives me chills to this day when I think of these events, or when I see reports of girls disappearing, because it could have very easily been me. So, first of all, women and girls must be educated that these things can happen to anyone.
On the next level, now as a mom, my heart breaks for those desperate young people with no home, no financial support, and no future. There must be intervention by private and public entities to provide health care (including enforced birth control!!), adoptions (with reasonable fees, maybe even free!), and access to jobs. How many Hollywood stars would it take to fund these programs? How many Le Braun James?
On the criminal level, I feel incensed that these criminals are walking our streets and I agree with the student who said we must get “primitive” with the perpetrators of sexual violence. The men who are preying on, abducting, selling and buying these woman and children should be treated like the terrorists they are. In early America we shot horse thieves. In India they cut off your hand for stealing. In Ireland, the authorities “visited” the families of the terrorists until the terrorists stopped the bombing. I say let the hand chopping off begin!
On the level that is humanity, it is a burden to know the depth and breadth of man’s inhumanity to man. God bless those clergymen who are working, a day at a time, and a soul at a time, to help. These men are humanities heroes. Not LeBraun.
Let’s face it; sex is the world’s oldest profession. I am actually not anti-prostitution. If an adult woman chooses to work in the sex industry, it should be her choice. But these poor souls we met were not given a choice. Whatever their “sins” (and I am sure they have them) they do not deserve this sentence they are living.

Nadya said...

Human trafficking is a major issue around the globe.... Eventhough time have pass by and slavery was abolished and we are all about world piece, human trafficking still an issue. But why? Why diminish a person to have forced sex and illegal labor for money, who are we to pocess another human being? The good thing is that hum man trafficking is illegal and punished by law around the world. The bad thing is that it does not matter how punishable this act might be it does not stop selfish people from committing this illegal acts.

Marvic Boy said...

It is easy to use people as means to an end, when the reality does not bring you the opportunities and limits your options until a point that you actually do not care about the consequences of your acts , turning yourself into an egocentric being that will do all in the easy way, of course this is not morally conceivable therefore is not good, that’s mainly the problem with human trafficking in poor countries; people use people( mostly women and children) attempting to their free will, rights and desires, to gain or to satisfy an unwanted necessity, it’s a crime and deserve the most severe punishment. I didn’t wanted to give the same answer that I have for this kind of topic, but after a while trying to figure out a really strong reason why these dreadful issues are still happening in front of our eyes, I could not think in anything else but money, all is about money, no matter in what century or country we are living, as long as the poverty, the desire of power and the desire of money exist, sexual exploitation will exists also.

Marvic Boy

Unknown said...

Human trafficking is a very irritable issue that many people and especially many countries avoid facing. There are many reasons why women are prostituting such as traumas (mental and physical), necessity, drug addiction, ambition, etc. In other part of the world people is selling their own children into this brothels, but there is no demand without consumer. Many other go to Middle Eastern countries looking for children as young as 5 years of age. Some countries had even legalized prostitution, because is more profitable for the government; but not necessarily beneficial for these sexual workers. I believe society have blinds to an extent where we began to accept the fact that it exist and disregard the humans behind it. We enjoyed it very much on the internet, on the news, bachelorettes’ parties, strip clubs, everywhere. Many of the young females do not see a way around it, many of them came from dysfunctional families, others have low education or they have seen the same example from the relatives. On the other hand we often hear senators and other public figures involved in prostitution cases, and they are supposed to set examples of good moral character. I asked myself who are more immoral the person given the service or those who request it. To an extent prostitution have became a profitable and destructible business at the same time. Many of us heard of it, see it, request it, laugh of it , but donot think twice about it. Juliana Ortiz.

littletrees said...
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littletrees said...

We still struggle with human trafficking because there is still a human perversion of dominance or humility whether it be over a women, man, transgendered, or child. People are willing to pay for this "experience" which means there will always be a supply. It's economy 101. If there is a demand for humiliating someone against their will for a monetary gain, then human trafficking will never stop. It's been around for centuries and will continue to be around for centuries.
Shaina Gregory

cindy saint juste said...

We still struggle with the issues of sex exploitation against women in the Twenty-First Century because the importance of women'right and gender have been underestimated, and certain countries do not give women protection of their human rights. Also women should stop selling their body for money.Certain women do not have the right to an education that's why they have to prostitute to survive. if those things stop we will hear less about the issues of sex exploitation against women .

marvic boy said...

It is easy to use people as means to an end when the reality limits your oportunities and options until a point that you actually do not care about the consequences of your acts, turning yourself into an egocentric being that will do all in the easy way, this is not morally conceivable therefore is not good, that’s mainly the problem with human trafficking in poor countries; people use people( mostly women and children) attempting to their free will, rights and desires, to gain or to satisfy an unwanted necessity, it’s a crime and deserve the most severe punishment. I didn’t wanted to give the same answer that I have for this kind of topic, but after a while trying to figure out a really strong reason why these dreadful issues are still happening in front of our eyes, I could not think in anything else but money, all is about money, no matter in what century or country we are living, as long as the poverty, the desire of power and the desire of money exist, sexual exploitation will exists also.
marvic boy

Ellen Ortiz said...

Most dont realize what goes on outside their doors. Theres a dark, cruel, dominating world out there that some are lucky not to be part of but others have no luck at all. Human trafficking is a major issue and one that unfortunately won't stop happening any time soon or most likely ever. Sadly, human beings drive off "sex", the need to have it, and will go is as far as they can to get it. Most don't realize that prostitutes are people, they see them as objects. It's a sad thing because trafficking happens to young girls; as young as 12 years old. These kids lose their childhoods and are forced to live a humiliating life; Self-esteem vanishes and all hope flies out the window and with it, goes love, happiness, dreams, peace, and any hope for self fullfilment. Prostitudes allow men to use their bodies in exchange for money and to certain men this makes it right, the fact that they are paying for such an act makes it "ok" to them to use these women. No prostitues does this for fun, they have a reason behind it, they are sadly trapped in a world of darkness.

Mark G. said...

Human trafficking is a response to the astounding demand by numerous cultures around the world for sex at a price. The "oldest profession" is, in reality the "oldest enslavement". Young women in desperate straits have always been victims of the sex trade. The truly frightening thing is how organized these oerations have gotten. You hear stories of a woman (girl) answering an add for employment in North Carolina and months later, she is trapped somewhere in Asia without a passport working in prostitution for organized crime syndicates. I think that we are in denial to think that this sort of thing only happens to girls from impoverished countries. This type of thinking in this country is part of the "American illusion" that violations of our human and civil rights only happens in undeveloped countries far away. I have traveled to Southeast Asia and parts of Europe and have seen firsthand sex trade operations. The only way to stop the exploitation of young woman is to eliminate the demand. Until we do that, these types of operations will continue.

Laura C. said...

I am very aware that women, men and children of every age are currently being held against their will for the profit and benefit of another individual. These victims have no voice or way out of this dispicable situation. As a mother I wish with every fiber of my being that I could rescue these people especially the children. As a child I suffered at the hands of others who put me in situations that I had no control over but I survived, with scars but I am surviver. Money, lust, greed and the need to control are only some of the factors why human trafficking exists and continues to grow. They only thing I can do is pray.

Darwin said...

The idea of women being viewed as property is not exclusive to the 21st century. Sadly it has been this way since civilization first began. Women have been viewed as the property of their families and only had value if they could be married off and produce an offspring. It wasn't until suffrage that women in this country were finally given the rights that all humans deserve. The problem with women being mistreated in third world countries stems from the fact that it is embedded in their culture to view and treat women this way. It does not matter how much we try to arrest and punish the men that mistreat women because they don't believe that what they did is wrong. What needs to happen first is the education of these cultures first and that's not something that is going to happen in one generation. It's going to take several generations to fully change a people's way of thinking. 

Rossana Velasquez said...

Human trafficking mainly targets children and women. These children & women come from poor places and lack education that may lead them to better economic opportunities. They tend to fall victims of human traffickers because they are offered a so called "better future" by these people. Some children end up in this business either because the family was desperate and needed the money, because they have no home, family,or any other means by which to survive. In the Japan rape video these girls from the country are given flyers that promise to give them a city life experience if they join the group. Being that many of the girls are ignorant to what "city life" really is they believe that what this group is showing them is what they should do, they fall in to their traps and just end up raped, ashamed, and threatened if they went to the police. The women in this case all fell victims to the false promises shown in the flyers. The children from Russia resorted to the streets for different reasons. For example the little girl named Svetlana she ended up having to go to the streets to collect bottles or beg when her mother couldn't take care of her and her family when she got ill. Svetlana was desperate to help provide some sort of food for her brothers and sisters that would help them survive while her mother couldn't provide for them. Yuri and Max met on the streets. Yuri does have a family and home, but he prefers living on the street to runaway/escape from his abusive step father and careless mother who prefers her men over her child. Yuri’s friend Max has no parents to provide for him. Max begs on the streets for either money or food with Yuri to survive. He also prefers living on the streets, but he has different reasons from his friend, he could into any of the places the country provides for homeless children, but he says they are just as bad because of the people that work there or the other children living in these places. Both are not in school so they don't really have a chance for a better future either. At the end of the day I think that human trafficking exist in the 21st century because people are not well informed on these type of people and what they really offer, alot of the victims are afraid to let the authorities know because they are scared not only for their lives,but also for their families,and others because they lack resources to provide for themselves and their families so they feel they have no other options but the streets.

[Im reposting this because I had post it in the wrong class time!! ]

Ramzy said...

This is a very complex issue. I feel like this issue is similar to the issue of slavery as we discussed in class. And the problem arises. Is it that we are naive on how wrong human trafficking or prostitution is? Or is it that we are just hypocrites and selfish? I don’t know the answer to that question. I do know that human trafficking, slavery, and prostitution have been prevalent since the beginning of human society. I feel like the three run hand in hand. I also know that there are many different reasons why these people are involved in such sex industries.

Children being tricked, kidnapped and sold into prostitution is very unfortunate and of no control of the children. What a shame! Then as they grow one woman said she is scared to attempt to go home for the fear her family and society will reject her. Even though they are not happy, many cannot read or write and feel they no choice in the matter. The minister of women and social welfare in Nepal stated as long as the society has no education and there is unemployment and poverty the problem will not be solved. A part of me does agree with this, I think that if a child is not giving an opportunity that is very much a shame, but there must be a will to take control of a situation.

The rape club formed at an elite university in Tokyo Japan is revolting! I thought it was remarkable how the man in a comic book store stated that Japanese men have not recovered since World War II, and have developed an inferiority complex. This is why they read, “rape-man” the comic book hero. This is another issue in itself.

The issue of families selling their girls for money, this is not more than the only option some of these families have to survive. This is clearly not the right act on their parts, but some do not know any better. Even as these girls are pulled into the sex trade without the influence of drugs, I feel that ever human has free will. Some do not use it, they wish to live on the streets and this is an example of someone who is not using their will.

The children have an opportunity even though it is very difficult to have such a powerful will to get an education and become productive person within society, the opportunity is available. The difficult part is having the will to take action on all parts. I felt like there was an opportunity for the children to go to school, get into a “foster” or government home. Some of the countries had the available resources to get these children off the streets, at the same time many children would not stay. This is due to not trusting that the government has the best interest at hand or not having the will to make a change.

Some children abuse drugs so they can forget all of their problems because they feel that no ones wants to help them and no one cares. The same child stated that she has about our clients that are cops. “They roll around looking for blowjobs.”

I do not have a solution what so ever. The issue is very deep and very complex. I have only my semi-educated opinion on the issue at hand.

Ramzy said...

This is a very complex issue. I feel like this issue is similar to the issue of slavery as we discussed in class. And the problem arises. Is it that we are naive on how wrong human trafficking or prostitution is? Or is it that we are just hypocrites and selfish? I don’t know the answer to that question. I do know that human trafficking, slavery, and prostitution have been prevalent since the beginning of human society. I feel like the three run hand in hand. I also know that there are many different reasons why these people are involved in such sex industries.

Children being tricked, kidnapped and sold into prostitution is very unfortunate and of no control of the children. What a shame! Then as they grow one woman said she is scared to attempt to go home for the fear her family and society will reject her. Even though they are not happy, many cannot read or write and feel they no choice in the matter. The minister of women and social welfare in Nepal stated as long as the society has no education and there is unemployment and poverty the problem will not be solved. A part of me does agree with this, I think that if a child is not giving an opportunity that is very much a shame, but there must be a will to take control of a situation.

The rape club formed at an elite university in Tokyo Japan is revolting! I thought it was remarkable how the man in a comic book store stated that Japanese men have not recovered since World War II, and have developed an inferiority complex. This is why they read, “rape-man” the comic book hero. This is another issue in itself.

The issue of families selling their girls for money, this is not more than the only option some of these families have to survive. This is clearly not the right act on their parts, but some do not know any better. Even as these girls are pulled into the sex trade without the influence of drugs, I feel that ever human has free will. Some do not use it, they wish to live on the streets and this is an example of someone who is not using their will.

The children have an opportunity even though it is very difficult to have such a powerful will to get an education and become productive person within society, the opportunity is available. The difficult part is having the will to take action on all parts. I felt like there was an opportunity for the children to go to school, get into a “foster” or government home. Some of the countries had the available resources to get these children off the streets, at the same time many children would not stay. This is due to not trusting that the government has the best interest at hand or not having the will to make a change.

Some children abuse drugs so they can forget all of their problems because they feel that no ones wants to help them and no one cares. The same child stated that she has about our clients that are cops. “They roll around looking for blowjobs.”

I do not have a solution what so ever. The issue is very deep and very complex. I have only my semi-educated opinion on the issue at hand.

melissa mathe said...

Human trafficking in my opinion is somehow linked to poverty. We have so may women willing to subjectify themselves for dollars and we need to not understand how but the surce of where it all comes from. A young girl raped can not get the same proper rehabilitaion that an upper class could get and thus would end up in a similar situation in no time. Girls who have been previously abused see it as a way to atleast make a living. I may not understad why this job is better than a 9 to 5 but then again I do not have years of trauma to go along with it. We need to start providing rehabilitation for young girls in low class areas in hopes of atleast preventing them into this life, coming forward of their previous abuse, and ultimately a etter sense of their self.

Alessandra Malaga said...

Human trafficking is a form of slavery that has been growing during the past decades. It is a major issue that we are facing nowadays. I think that the one of the reasons of this problem is poverty. The lack of economic stability in the victim’s country pushes them away to find a better future in other places leading this to migration. In the process they might stumble into traffickers and can be deceived by the false promise of being free after crossing the border. Another reason is the lack of education an information about this subject, as said before people can be fooled into the promise of something better. I think that the evolution of trafficking networks is also a major factor for this issue.

Stefanie said...

We can not use people as a means to an end. Prostitution is a huge issue that I think will never end. Prostitution starts with sexual abuse in early childhood or watching porn, porn perverts the mind therefore there's no innocence. I think that the woman that are in prostitution are weak, and have a very low self esteem. Society degrade's woman as only to satisfy pleasures. I also think that advertising uses women as object, almost every product that is put out in the market has a half naked women. Woman need to be appreciated, not be treated as an object and treated with lots of respect just think of your mother would you like for her to be doing that? No one would! I honestly think if it wasn't for money this would not be an issue. Women should stop selling there bodies for money or even trade sex for drugs. Its said that in other countries they have a 9 year old prostituting to feed herself and her family while there's a man in the house doing nothing or even playing. In many cases prostitutes are being raped but of course they don't stand up for them selves because they need money or they're scared that something might happen. They need to report them and give a full description of the man that did it, they're not thinking that it can be happening to other women. Many people say its an easy way of making money but its not easy for them they loss everything and money can't buy them life, love for them self, respect, and there dignity. The only way to stop this is putting out laws for prostitution every women that does it goes to jail for 10 years and every man that gets caught buying sex also goes to jail. All these people need emergency therapy.

Iriz said...

I think Human Trafficking is the worst thing possible. Its just incredible to think that there are these perverts out there and don't care they need to force little girls or boys to have sexual intercourse. Many times these cases are about such young people that it surprises the world. Its just hard to think how can somebody do that or think like that. Also in many poor countries many think the only way out is prostituting. Its just a horrible situation and its sad that in other countries the issue is ignored. Something should be done and FAST!!!!.

Tamara said...

Prostitution is nothing new. It has been going on for centuries. You might ask yourself why we still struggle with this issue in the 21th century. The answer is very simple; it is a huge industry that involves tons of money and powerful people. Every year thousands of women and children (over 50% under aged) are faced with this horrible reality. I’m sure that none of them do it on their own will. There are a number of ways these people end up in this situation. Just to mention a few: ignorance, lack of education, poor parental guidance, and some are just kidnapped or taken by force. I honestly can not think of a possible solution. I suppose that by educating the young ones (and the adults too), and getting more involve in the situation would be a good start. But this requires intensive work and unfortunately most people don’t even care, and the ones that do care don’t have the power to do something about it.

Unknown said...

human trafficing will continue to exist, I cant say if itll continue to rise but I highly doubt itll decrease. Its ashame how before one can be able to call out an area for this type of expoitation when now its available just about anywhere. I believe there are many reasons why young women fall to these circumstances. If they dont have any type of guidance, support or self esteem where can they go, who can they look up to or follow. So of course being bribed from words to action, providing them the attention they have always lacked works best for them but the truth is they dont know any better. I hope that we in some way can create centers for troubled young girls, to assist them and guide them into the right path that will allow them to make the right choices.

Unknown said...

It is ridiculous that still in the twenty first century many societies yield to the horrors of human trafficking. The values of the human being are on the floor. People are too greedy to the point of senselessness and those who are aware are powerless.

At some point of my life I understood that prostitution may look to many eyes like any other job. Women who never got the opportunity to study and develop a talent are still women, and this gave them the chance to create a job and some how be productive. I believe that there is a little bit of everything in this world and a woman with different values that decides to make a living out of her body, and perhaps enjoy it, is no different than a ballerina. But reality is different and crude.

Reality is intrinsically related to the nature of the job. The lust with which is associated, the dirt that brings within and the lack of respect that it allows makes of prostitutes a living nightmare. People do not lust only for sex, they do for anything that satisfy the body. Still so animal like, people want only for the body, hence money is the key and they go for it no matter what, resembling buffaloes. Like animals lacking reason is how they act, absolutely out of a big impulse seems to be the life of the men who traffic and enslave girls, and so is the life of the clients, fleshly-like and vane.

Human trafficking is a crime. A number of women are trashed each year, raped, beaten, diseased, treated worse than animals and devastated in expense to the lust of dirty men without a conscious. Looking at it from a magical perspective: this is why we are still mortals. Shame on them!

Marco Medina said...

There is no widely accepted definition for "human trafficking". However it is generally understood as a form of prostitution against woman's will. As the post states, it is an international problem that persists despite the best efforts from governments and organizations.

Yet, the posting attempts to associate all forms of prostitution with "human trafficking". Not all forms of prostitution should be associated with the crime of human trafficking. A number of prostitutes (or escorts) decide to enter the business all on their own for their own personal reasons rather than being forced to. In fact, there a number of "escorts" in the United States that make a substantial amount of money with their work and they are perfectly with it. It is ironic how all forms of prostitution should be illegal yet the adult porn industry is allowed to flourish.

Nevertheless, the forms of prostitution that are against the will of woman is obviously unethical. So why does it still exist in our modern era? But aren't we simply attacking "the hand that feeds" Human trafficking would not exist in such a magnitude if there was desire or need for it. Unlike other crimes where only the person committing the crime receives a benefit (robbing a bank), this type of crime depends on its clients. Its clients are not some secret group of people that we can simply eliminate from modern society. The clients are extremely difficult to eliminate since they consist of us and our family members and friends.

Any sort of business would not exist if there was no desire or need for it. Yes, this includes types of business that engage in highly unethical practices involving human trafficking. Instead of targeting the "pimps" and "johns" we should attempt to reform our own people instead? But can we really change everyone who chooses to pay for these kind of services? Or is it simply human nature to want physical intimacy, whether its real or not. Unlike the issue of world hunger, human trafficking is an issue which a substantial amount of people hope--directly or indirectly--never goes away.


Even though we are in the twenty first century we still have these issues because there are weak people and there are strong people. What i mean with this is the weak people are those weak of mind that think sometimes the easy way is the only way. We also have trafficking because we have pimps coming from other countries offering good money to low people so they can find girls, boys, etc. so they can take them to other countries were they do not know anybody or even do not know the language and are left settleling for what they were taken there to do. This is a shame but like in one of the articles said is as sad as having gun trafficking, drug trafficking, and the black market. As there are good things that people work hard for there are also bad things that other people work hard for. It is the cycle of life without our liking. The only reason it cannot be terminated is because there are politicians, powerful people with money that do not seem to be involucrated but are behind it and is not to their advantage to end it.