Wednesday, August 25, 2010

PHI 2010 M,W,F, 8-8:50am


Amarish said...

Culture generally says that for a man to be a true man he must have some sort of power, either over land, over people, or over his own destiny. This can be shown in how most men even in Western societies believe that they are not real men until they have been with a woman. The men who commit the atrocity of rape have taken this cultural idea of a man and due to their own depravity and unsatisfied desires and have twisted it into an act of aggression, violence, and torture against women, objectifying the women and making them a mean to achieve their end of affirming their status as men.

Le Bateau ivre said...

The underlying themes of the articles all seem to be the objectification of women, poverty, rape and prostitution, and substance abuse. The issues covered in the articles deal with subjects that are interdependent. For instance, half of the posts explained how poverty has forced individuals into prostitution. Soon, prostitutes turn towards substance abuse in order to cope with there wretched conitions. On the other hand, some women are so objectified that groups of men form into clubs dedicated to solely gang raping unsuspecting women.

After watching the videos: Sex slavery in Italy and America, underage prostitution in South Africa and India, Gang Rape in Congo and Japan, child homelessness in Russia an etc. I've realized that no one simple solution will suffice to remedy these roblems. Instead, a complex seies of global yet specific while holistic solutions will the very least alleviate to a degree these perplexing issues.

joya poole said...

Hello where is the original post? I need to know the topic of discussion?

joya poole said...

Thanks Professor I figured out Its the using of the odious tool of Gang rape against women as a tool of war. I will comment shortly

Sony R. said...

Sexual violence harms more than its immediate tangible victims. It denies and destroys the common dignity of women which hinders their womanhood and emotional security COMPLETELY, it shreds the fabric that weaves us together as human beings, it endangers families and communities, all the-while eroding social and political stability. These travesties, committed with impunity against innocent civilians who play no role in armed conflict, puts a stronghold on the civilizations of the nations currently facing War against Rape.

Alfredo Triff said...

I need more comments here! I'm closing this post tomorrow @10pm.

patrick said...

All oppression regardless its origin, race, color, sex expresses fear. Violence breeds fear and fear breeds violence. This indiscriminate violence against women has its roots in all scripts called “sacred”. They mentioned man is superior to woman. Men used those ideal to make in complete submission. Since centuries men have been maintained this status quo for their own advantages. You already know the only difference among them is typically physiological. Republic of the Congo is a part of other third world countries where denomination men is very strong. Every time women try to head up men react with brutality and atrocity. This society mired in an endless violence; the government is absent, and there is no justice. The international community turns a blind eye on this case despite the weak appeals of certain human rights organizations against this violence. The only concern of this international community is to manage the oil wealth produced by the Republic of the Congo. I accuse the silence of France, former colonist of this country, that has done nothing to stop this violence against the Congolese society in general and especially women.

joya poole said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nico Toussaint said...

I feel bad for all this women. Its a shame that a woman has to go through this in order to open the eye of other people and start making a difference. I think is cool that there are institutes and agencies that help the abused, but for it to be really stopped, the real target are man. I say education is good, but other then that, there has to be some kind of program to educate man in ethics and how to treat a female. Also the issues of the police using raping and abuse to control society should be address> Corruption reaches every area, but it absurd that the defenders of the community are the actual core of fear and discomfort. Hope some conscious reaches the areas of Congo and other countries where things like this and even worts happen.

Matthew said...

After viewing the the two videos on Congo rape victims i must say i was rather awe-struck. Up to this point i was relatively oblivious to this epidemic that seems to not only be rampant in the Congo but, as stated in the text, spread throughout many warring areas of Africa. Aside from the actual perpetrators whose actions shouldn't voided due to the society in which they are brought into, much of the blame needs to be on the the society. Albeit I'm not necessarily sure if all the blame be put on the government of this society for not intervening in trying to put an end to these atrocities or the culture instilled in the men, whom find this method of warring a "sweet and soft" victory. Even the rape victims are expected, in their culture, to keep silent.

Matthew Perez

Unknown said...

The main problem here is, what constitutes a man. This idea that what makes a man a man is the power he holds is erroneous in my mind, because even all the power in the world will be meaningless if a man doesnt make a difference or a change. To have power is one thing, but to use it is what counts. A man is not a man unless he is honored; a man is only as powerful as the change for greatness he makes in the weakest link. To weaken his own is to destroy himself, making him weaker. Unfortunately the result of this lack of understanding, are making the women suffer the most.

Unknown said...

It can be shown that the human race can be the worst creature on earth. Although animals are seen as inferior because they act based on instinct, humans consciously act violent and behave worse than animals. Humans not only kill but destroy, traumatize, and humiliate their own kind. The best illustration of this vicious behavior would be gang rapping; which is used as a war weapon in places such as Congo. It is devastating that individuals, women in this case, have to go through these circumstances; not only are they raped but they are also mutilated and destroyed to the point that, even though, their body is still alive, they feel as dead inside as an empty shell. These abominations done towards women just prove how ugly the human race can be in order to fulfill some selfish need of pride or self-fulfillment.

Alfredo Triff said...

A man is not a man unless he is honored; a man is only as powerful as the change for greatness he makes in the weakest link. To weaken his own is to destroy himself, making him weaker.

How do we avoid this meaningless self-destruction? How to solve the problem of poverty, the lack of education, lack of fair distribution of wealth?

indira flores said...

After watching the videos and reading the article about the raping problem occurring in Congo it definitely demonstrates the cruel reality of the world and how we are destroying ourselves without caring for the consequences. All the raping issue increased with the genocides occurred in the 90’s in countries like Rwanda or the civil wars in Congo or in other countries of Africa, but even after these episodes have happened long time ago, the raping occurring in those areas remains. Despite the physical damages that the abusers make on the women affected, the simple episode destroys their emotional and psychological well being. The sexual abuses in those areas have became common and the silence of them too. It is very sad to see that because of the lack of education and knowledge of their rights, women let the society lower or minimize them until the bottom of their feet, leaving them with fear and repression. I think it is all about education, to give priority to this matter will help everything. It will make women fight for their rights, become more secure and self-sufficient, it will make men get acquaintance of what they are fighting for(civil wars, gangs, terrorist groups), that by imposing fear or abusing of women is not a trophy or a way to get what they want, sometimes it happens that because of ignorance people get manipulated by others for their own benefits, and these little men pretend to be real men when they are just mannequins of others. However there are associations like the one that appeared on your first video called “women to women” which I thing is an amazing organization that promotes the change and the improvement of women in Congo and other countries around the world . And because of these events I always ask myself: How far can hate go? How deep cruelty can be sowed in men’s hearts to hurt their own people? Even if we cannot find the absolute answers for those questions, there is always a way we can get involved on solving them.

Veronica M. said...

The fact that society and most men have this perspective that they have to have power or be on top of people is wrong. We are in the 21st century where women are somebody in life and have a voice. But this type of situation happens mostly in rural places and countries suffering of poverty such as Congo. Places where women are still being denied their place. Real men do not have to rape women to feel like he has power. I believe it is the other way around. If the men can get riches the right way and women the right way, then THEY should be categorized MEN. Sometimes it's not even their fault. One really follows one's culture. What do you think the sons that see the act of their mothers’ getting rape believe? They will see it as if it is a normal act, and will repeat the action later on in life. As far as my beliefs go; men are also known for protecting their families. Then why are husbands letting other men do this to their wives or their daughters and especially in front of them? They shouldn't act indifferent towards their wives or daughters and should always respect them.

Unknown said...

Raping is indeed the most efficient way to take away someone's dignity. The woman subject to this outrageous act not only lose her pride, but also is hurt in a mental and physical way. "Many are shot in the vagina or penetrated with a machete, sticks, bees, etc". Of course, the rape not only affect the woman, but the whole family. It is said in the videos that sometimes their children are watching the scene. This is psychologically unbearable for a child. they are scars that are going to have to be worn by the people for the rest of their lives. It is really scary to know that stuff like that are still happening in the XXI century. It is a necessity for the developped countries to do whatever is necessary in order to eradicate this atrocity. Fight it in the poor countries yes, but without forgetting our own.

Hector Castaneda said...

To what extent are human beings willing to go, to make this world a nightmare to live in? I can’t believe that people with a heart would do such atrocities. Life in the Congo is hard enough, with a high percentage of poverty, poor housing, and not so many technologic advances, to add hatred and violence to the list! This isn’t fair. Women have rights too, and in the Congo, men seem to not understand this. Some of their excuses are that they are in a gang, and they need to show their manliness, but, what they’re really showing is how big of cowards they are by tying people and raping and killing poor and weak women. If I lived in Congo, and was asked to be part on one of these activities, I think I would rather get shot in my head than live and suffer such pangs of conscience.

NinjaSol said...

The situation is out of control. These people need help. There is no belief strong enough on the f-ing planet that can excuse the trauma that these woman are suffering (men and boys as well). Not only being raped but mutilated, taking the rape to torture? penetrating them with machetes? these people are ANIMALS wheather they are being forced to abide like the rest of soilders or not! I am outraged, saded and left with a sense of disbelief in humanity....This is not new news of the monstrasities that happen in africa, but hearing the details has left me nauseas.....the mass scale on which these rebels are operating on can not be ignored! I pray for these people and cherish the life we have in the United States...179 victoms, there are probably more unaccounted for, I pray that the rath of god will fall upon them one day and burn their souls slowly for the disgrace they have brought upon humanity!

Sandra C.(DOC) said...

These videos are very overwhelming, it’s devastating to see how the human race attack each other. These acts of rape always existed and with time it has become more public. We are not animals to act in such violent manner, sometimes animal conduct themselves better than us. I think rape is one of the most atrocious experience that anyone can go through in life. To me the faces of these women in the video do not reveal the pain that they might be over going inside. But I am glad that some of them have and are going through a healing process thank God and the people that help by sponsoring them. One of the stories in the video is truly inspiring because the woman that was raped, has a house and owns a piece of land where she grows crops. I think that many people can learn from her because there are some people that undergo difficult situations in life, and they stay down instead of trying to get through the problem. Overall it is heartwarming to see that there are still good Samaritans in the world that reach out a helping hand because to me this is the ideal way of being.

Camilo Utset said...

I would have to agree with Amarish .. The act of "man being powerful" has been taken to the next level and for the worst. Not just in Congo, but as well as all over the world. As a man, I believe that it is wrong for men to take their strength and use it in violent ways such as rape. Rape has escalated in the country of Congo and the women are dying day by day.. I believe that the men that are taking these actions and ruining these womens lives should be inprisoned, some even killed. The life of a women is much richer than a mans in my opinion. Unfortunately, we live in a society of violence and anger.. These men that are destroying these women physically and mentally are actually men that have no self righteousness or beliefs in womens rights.

Yesenia Torres said...

After watching the videos and reading about what is happing with those women in the congo honestly I can say im shocked that the people there find that to be normal or somewhat normal that this happens. Men who commit these acts do it for self impowerment and to be quit honest men everywhere are looking for that type of power something to make them feel incharge and needed at all times. The sad part is that there definition of impowerment is using anger and violence towards these women and treating them like dogs as if they were objects who can pushed and shoved whenever they wanted to. It just horrible.

Yesenia Torres said...

After watching the videos and reading about what is happing with those women in the congo honestly I can say im shocked that the people there find that to be normal or somewhat normal that this happens. Men who commit these acts do it for self impowerment and to be quit honest men everywhere are looking for that type of power something to make them feel incharge and needed at all times. The sad part is that there definition of impowerment is using anger and violence towards these women and treating them like dogs as if they were objects who can pushed and shoved whenever they wanted to. It just horrible.

Adriana A. said...

Bitterness, hate, and vengeance are some of the feelings women experience after being raped. Not only are they raped, but because of that they lose their value to society, stay traumatized or sometimes are mutilated or even killed. These women are often abused in front of their husbands and children. Each day women are raped and this is seen as a weapon of war, one third of these of these women end up with HIV aids and so do the children. There is an organization called “women for women” which helps such women with therapy to build back self-esteem and respect. Also women around the world sponsor these raped victims through such organization to give them better lives. They say one women can change anything so many women can change everything. I believe strongly in that because as with everything going on if these women around the world unite and stand up for each other then just maybe the raping would stop.

Jennifer M said...

After watching these videos I can honestly say that rape is a major crime now in days. I feel bad for these women. Rape is a serious act of aggression. Men feel as if they need to have some sort of power over women and therefore treat them with violence and torture. In these videos after everything these women have gone through, they have amazed me. Not only have they tried to mentally move on, but they have grown to a larger extent. It is amazing how these women can own a house and land on their own. Overall it is proven that women can continue life after any devastating event in their life.

Ricky Roumain said...

The consequences of rape are painful physiological stigmas, social stigmas as well as psychological stigma. The stigmas related to rape is very harmful to victims Rape is intellectualized as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Congo’s government as well as the other countries must take drastic measure to end to rape in Congo. The gangs are destroying women’s life and they must be stopped. Rape’s victims should get more help. Rape’s victims must be respected. It is very hard for them to live with the painful experience. They need a lot of psychological help. In the document, they show that there aren’t many doctors and a lot of patients. Doctors should be very interested in volunteering to help
The lack of protection and help motivates women to be creative. Amanda Bailly, Putting teeth against rape shows women in Africa trying to fight against rape. They invent rape-axe .Amanda Bailly says that it is a flexible polyurethane condom-like tube that fits into the woman's body. Rows of jagged plastic hooks line the inside of the tube — bent backward like teeth in a shark’s mouth — and lodge in a perpetrator's penis upon entry. The perpetrator can withdraw from the woman, but the Rape-aXe remains clamped on. Trying to pull it off will cause discomfort
Everyone should be concerned about the rape around the world. We should take actions to erase rape in Congo and around the world.

karla orozco said...

Karla Orozco
This video reflects one of the common issues that society face today. Lack of food, education and poverty leads society to a terrible situation. I believe that sexual abuse as other major problems in COngo and the entire Africa comes from the cultural background which help them to behave in certain demagrating way. Women are consider to be the weak gender therefore african's man believe they can abuse just because they want to feel superior and get respect from their relatives , friends or accuentecies

srod said...

For as long as we can date back, men have had this idea or belief of empowerment over women in their community. While a male is in his teenage years, he hears from TV, friends, or older family members about how being with a female makes you man. This is seen in almost every country, even here in the U.S. Men use rape as a way of having superiority over women. Rape is a crime that men commit against women because of their upbringing, religious beliefs, right of passage or blatantly because that's all they know. The sad part about these rapists, is that they, for the most part, know that what they are doing is an atrocity and a crime but yet continue destroying the lives of females of every age. When men rape women, they scar them for life, because when it comes down to it, it is very hard for a rape victim to lead a normal life after the event has occurred no matter how much therapy that person has gone through.

In order to rid of this malicious crime, we must educate, from a young age & instill in the younger generations that rape is not a right of passage, that it is not OK. Teaching this, and promoting it is something that can go a long way. We must also teach and inform developing countries of the dangers and consequences of these actions. Because without women, no man can have a children, and without a children, well your blood line will stop with you.

Rape victims contract all different types of diseases causing health dilemmas, birth complications, but for the most part psychological and emotional disturbances. All these negative effects lead to depression, sickness, loss of child, and even worse, death. It is every woman's right to decided whether or not they want to engage in sexual intercourse and once a man takes that right away, that woman feels ashamed, dirty and useless. What woman chooses to feel like that?

Talia said...

This material is beyond disturbing. I am horrified by these videos and this information and am desperate to grasp the reality that this is actually occurring in today’s world. While rape is already one of the most degrading acts of violence that could be inflicted on a person, for these women it’s exacerbated by the fact that it is done in front of their families. Humiliation and helplessness are understated feelings to what these families must endure. The superfluous distances these militiamen go to wipe out any sense of self-esteem or self worth from these women is appalling and sickening. Hearing about the physical trauma these Congo women are forced through makes their emotional and mental recovery even more awe-inspiring.

Ivi said...

For quite some time the public medias have showed stories of gangs rapes of kids,people with mental problems,and women in general.What we are seeing in those videos, it is not anything new at all.Every day even more and more horrendous cases of sexual violations over infants and women are appearing.Rape is threat to all women,is sustained by the unequal distribution of power and the masculization of space.Yes, we all know the definition, but really what can we do about it?!

Anonymous said...

These horrible occurrences of violence in the Congo I believe are just part of a cycle that has been going on in Africa for years. In years past Africa tribes would attach each kill the men and keep the women as slaves of both labor and sex. This has been going on for so long that each upcoming generation gets conditioned to this it’s either victimize or be victimized. Also, this conditioned the culture to look at women as nothing but mere tools and the women are made to believe the same. I think there is no hope for cultures like this they haven’t really grown from how they were in years past the only difference is they use guns and cars. If areas like this aren’t stop with forceful intervention I think place like the Congo will be frozen in a time of violence and rape.
Joel Duran

tamargo said...

It is horrifying to know that hundreds of admissible rapes go on every single day all around Africa, but it is also difficult for someone from another culture to completely understand or even have a direct impact on this issue. The best way to help the country and these women is to educate and provide resources for them so that they can stand up for themselves and better comprehend what they are feeling and what they should do. Educating and helping these women regain their strength would not only have a positive effect on them but it would also help their offspring and the next generations. Usually, people who are raped and/or traumatized tend to displace their anger, disgust and embarrassment on their children, especially if they are results of the perplexing event. The continuance of this maltreatment would just be passed on from generation to generation, worsening people’s judgments and making them feel helpless. Helping these women help themselves is imperative for the wellness of the country.

Unknown said...

In respond to your comment, Triff, made on September 1, 2010 12:00 AM. i have to say the following:

If “a man is only as powerful as the change for greatness he makes in the weakest link” then the gang-raping in Congo contradicts this statement. If in fact they are as powerful as ignorance allows it; they are far from greatness and honorable. As I compared human, in this case man, with animals on my first comment; you are able to see that these men are pursuing power and respect by destroying their own race. This kind of action must be call to an end, however, doing so is not as easy as I would like. Lack of education is a major issue in Congo; it is important that schools should be built and programs for adults should be created. Schools should teach kids the importance of knowledge and give them the opportunity to grow and expand their horizons. The programs for adults should teach them self-respect, respect to others, the power of their rights and general education. With time individuals in Congo will search for personal greatness; this will help them improve their financial status as they improve their lifestyle.