Saturday, January 8, 2011

MWF, 10am


Anonymous said...

twitter is a universal device that people use to communicate and talk freely about what they feel and believe. This is sometimes not a good thing for actors athletes and political figures. They're comments are always magnified and seen in a different way.So its a tool that our governments use against our people to invade our privacy without us even knowing. As we are to blind to see that we are being watch and heard for everything we say and do. I don't have an account with twitter or any other domain as i rather keep my thoughts of a source we call the internet. See thats easy access for the world to see and misunderstand. So why put yourself out there like that. It might be a good device to communicate with people from another state or country but if you really want to just call them. Thats just what i believe.

Anonymous said...

Twitter a form of communication use by many no matter your race, gender, religion, age everyone is using what is calling now “the new phenomenon in texting and interaction”. First it began with MySpace; it was just to keep in touch with your close friends, but after having the profile open people star having 1000, 2000 fiends really who can say they have that amount of friends. Them Facebook show up with the same theory keep in touch with your friends, but it turn out to be just a tool to keep track of what others are doing your husband, wife , kids, employees, from the coziness of your house. Now day’s people do not have the necessity to call their friends and meet to catch up with their life they just go to Facebook. People often complain how the government is always trying to get their hands in our personal life, but by going into this sites and posting our entire life whose fault really is it? Twitter is another way of people to try to stay connected with friends, nonetheless one really have to post every single thing you do through the day. If one really have something to say or want to help a movement go out there and show your face and participate get involve do not hide behind your cellphone. In my personal opinion MySpace, Facebook, and twitter should be eliminate. People are losing the human touch and interaction with one another because they spend too much time behind these sites.

Jorge (Anton) Laplume said...

To say the twitter isn't the next big thing or won't be the next big thing is irrelevant now. It already is. Although I do agree with you that it is inevitably diminishing the art of conversation and language as a whole, it is already too late to stop the phenomena. The number of users grows everyday, to preach against it and to surface it's negative impact is one thing, but to assume that it can some how be stopped is a little idealogical. The only way that twitter or any other social networking website will end is when a cyber attack is launched on America and all connections to social media, which we have become so dependant on, are inaccesable. If that were the case we would be in a global melt down anyways so the absence of twitter would be the least of our worries.

Unknown said...

Social networks like Twitter are created as a form of self-expression where some go overboard in expressing every moment of every day. Political figures and celebrities should be of example in public situations like Twitter where anything they say is viewed with a magnifying glass and exaggerated to the tenth degree. As for the rest of the world using Twitter I have seen the use of correct grammar to be dying. Then society complains about how teenagers do not write correctly, but who do we blame the lack of proper education or society’s encouragement of places like Twitter. We are creating an “Instant Generation” where everything occurs now. As we keep developing social networks we continue feeding the unnecessary tweets and statuses that our fellow followers or friends post. Honestly, we should actually start thinking twice about what we write even if we don’t think twice to what we say.

-Louisiana Baltodano

Unknown said...

The result of using Twitter to stay connected with friends, relatives, and coworkers is that we have a sense of what folks are up to but we are not expected to respond to any updates unless we want to. And it is a fast and convenient way to stay in touch with those who we choose to stay connected with we can totally control the information. However, my problem with Twitter is that it runs the risk of generating too much output. Since the beginning of the dot com industry social interaction has been taking and switching directions. We never know what the future of social media hold. If it’s not my space it’s Facebook and so on. Actually it is unpredictable what is going to come next. It will take time to see what will fall and what will remain with the dot com industry, as well. The time will come; we will then begin to see what the next big thing will be. So, until then, people will keep on Twittering and Connecting and broadcasting their life and the life of others across the web.

Jaii Smiles said...

Is twitter the next big thing? Really?
I personally think this entire "twitter" thing has gotten out of control. When it comes to the topic I'm on the fence. It could be a good thing, but people have gone twitter crazy. Why do I need to know when you get up, where you're going, what you're eating and how long you waited for your food to digest before you went swimming? The fact the people feel the need to update the world constantly is a little obsessive. On the other side of things, having a twitter account can actually be beneficial, say you have an up and coming company, because so many people have a twitter account it is a great way for you to advertise. It's also a great way to find out where someone is or what’s going on in town. Twitter itself isn't the problem, because its serving its purpose, what I personally don't like is the fact that people are twitter crazy, updating their status every 3.5 seconds, They even set up their twitter account so that they can update their status via text.

-Jheanelle Gilmore

Anonymous said...

Twitter?!? Never heard of it…..
YES, I’ve heard about Twitter and NO I don’t live in a cabin out in the woods. The title is just to achieve my point, which is I don’t pay attention to twitter. I believe that this particular social network is an exaggeration of everything is posted on it. Why does everybody have the need to flood this site with stupid posts? Why should you run to let the whole world know what you ate today? I really don’t care how many Frapuccinos you had before brain freezing. I read this one a couple days ago…”I kissed a girl, does that make me a lesbian?”. No offense to the gay and lesbian community because my point is, people just have this need to cry out for attention. Why? Probably Im old fashion, just not that computer savvy so I keep away from them that includes having social life through a computer. I confess I do have a Facebook account (which somebody else opened for me), and you know something, I don’t even have time to check it. I do have around 450 friends on it, but for the most I just keep it to stay in touch with them, most of them live abroad. So in that sense I would give two thumbs up to social networks, a tool to keep in touch. Not to read “walking the dog, taking for ever (posted from your iPhone)”. Come on!!!! “People say Twitter is the next big thing”, when a social network makes coffee in the morning, files in my taxes and changes the channel in the TV for me, now that’s the next big thing. Tell me where do I sign up for that one, meanwhile Twitter is still a cry out for attention.

- Manuel Suarez -

Alfredo Triff said...

Interesting thread. Don't mind me.

Maria said...

Social networking such as Twitter have become a phenomena for many who wish to socialise with their friends, and meet new people online. However, when one looks at how addictive Twitter is and how much time we spent on it, we come to realize that just a mere decade ago people used to either meet for coffee, or pick up the phone and call, but the modern society is different.While people may still interact with one another in more traditional ways, today many people are more apt to learn or receive the latest news about one another through Twitter rather than from a personal inform. Twitter has had a significant impact on socialization. Some of these changes are for the better, but some for the worse. With new technology advance there are always going to be some tradeoffs in order to obtain the benefits. We as individually need to decide whether or not these tradeoffs are worth the costs. Is twitter the next big thing? As a whole remains to be seen, however, it current trends continue impacts our socialization.

Marc Fleurjean said...

Wow, will it be?
Today, social networking has become the most important thing in our daily lives. It is quite clear that they are assisting in the development of new innovations, significantly speeding up the process of which we are connected to family and friends around the world. Their capabilities to keep you connected are being introduced at greater speed from day to day. It’s brought us a brave new world. In addition, the society as a whole are becoming reliable on any social networks (twitter for example) to express their feelings. It is a smart choice to being able to access many things at the same time. It is basically a matter of the people who are using it of course (Actors, Athletes, Government people and so on). Everybody would love to follow them on twitter; therefore, it becomes more popular to the public. It is truly can become the next big thing.

Marc Fleurjean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I believe that Twitter is a good thing. It is a place where people can voice their opinions without ridicule. It is a place where they can meet new people (with similar ideas and views on life). Sure, Twitter is a fad, and will probably die out within 10 years or so, however at the current moment it is a place where I can place my thoughts and not have to worry about what others think. One can keep in touch with their favorite celebrities too. The fact that Twitter has a character limit is quite annoying, but it is nothing to feel overwhelmed about. If you don't like it, you don't have to use it. Sites such as Facebook and Myspace and even Blogspot can be used for those thoughts where one wants to jot down their whole day. However, Twitter is brief, and to the point. I don't have a problem with Twitter. I have an account, and I use it everyday with no shame.

Felicia White said...

Twitter is a social networking site that allows you to answer the question, "What are you doing?" twenty-four hours of the day. Although Twitter is widely used, I do not think it is the next big thing. Twitter is mainly for celebrities, socialites, and their fans who tweet what they are doing all the time, every second of the day. I think
Twitter has advantages as well as disadvantages. Celebrities use
Twitter for publicity, but sometimes the publicity sheds a negative light and image. For everyday people, I think Twitter can be entertaining but it is becoming obsessive. I personally cannot let Twitter be the center of my life. Even though I don't think Twitter is the next big thing, I do think it will continue to thrive. But who knows? Maybe something "bigger" will come along. Times and technology are always changing.

Carla Pierre-Louis said...

I do not have a Twitter account so I have limited knowledge of it; but I do know that it is very similar to Facebook which may be why I found it unnecessary to bother with Twitter. From previous posts, I’ve observed that the pros and cons of Twitter generally consist of: an expression of free will, “text talk” and “lack of words,” cyber-bullying, gossip, “textlebrity” drama, stalking, and a means of government “mind-control” and invasion of privacy. I myself have yet to find value in Twitter, hence it: doesn’t allow for critical thinking, it doesn’t teach wisdom, and it’s not a reliable source for knowledge. So if Twitter lack true worth and value then do we also devalue ourselves on a daily basis when we engage in this universal movement of senseless “following”? Thus, could Twitter be a corruption of morality/ethics? If so, who is held responsible: the creator of Twitter, the textlebrities, or the 2.2% of frequent users? What makes Twitter so popular? Is it the infamous # key, or the euphoria we experience when we “follow” friends and strangers alike? Furthermore, is Twitter just a harmless fad? Or has it become an idol that is popularly worshipped?

Christian Pain said...

Throughout time men have always had things or activities, if you will, to waste their time when nothing was to be done. The television was that thing. People wasted thousands of hours of their lives by just watching pointless TV. Today, the television is being matched by the potential and power of the internet, which some say has no limit, and if it does, we are nowhere near it. Twitter is just that. The current form of time-wasting humanity has at its disposal in this period of time. But Twitter belongs to a category of communication called social networking. And this social networking, in my opinion, even though not being an evil virtual entity, is harmful to human social interaction, which I find to be significantly important to human life. You see, people don’t speak to one another anymore; they don’t meet face to face like in the good old days. They send a friend request on Facebook. But this is about Twitter. Twitter is only a part of the social networking universe, but it still has its effects. Continuity and encouragement for grammatical errors isn’t a bliss form of uniting people if you ask me. And Twitter glorifies itself because of it. It basks in its immense popularity without realizing the fact that they’re making a not so bright generation into a dimmer one. To conclude, I say the following. Twitter is definitely not the root of problems when speaking about human interaction, but it does cause certain problems, such as lack of social interaction between people, encouragement of grammatical errors and such. I’m not saying twitter should be put down, only to not be seen as a true significant and valued and fulfilling part of your day.

Christian Pain

Anonymous said...

Twitter the next big thing? I honestly don’t think so at all. I don’t have an account nor do I know much about it. All I know is that people are always on it posting random statuses so that people I guess will talk to them or they will get attention? I find it to a certain extent kind of pathetic and in a way it looks like people that “live” on it just can’t talk to people in a face to face conversation. Maybe they feel intimidated by other people. I just honestly find it pathetic because I don’t think anyone is that important that people want to know what they are doing every second of the day. “I am walking to the bathroom”,” I’m washing my hands now”, “ooh never mind there’s no soap”, “now I’m going to the store to buy some soap”. Really, do we honestly care? I just think that some people honestly don’t have anything better to do and just stay on it because they can’t think of anything productive to do with their lives.

Vanessa Nuñez said...

Twitter might or might not be the next big thing.
It is true that many if not most of the Twitter users just post irrelevant and unimportant things. However, being part of an organization that is big on spreading important information massively I must agree that Twitter and Facebook are the next big thing.
The problem with Twitter is that it diminishes the space to provide information, at times "forcing" its users to condense the words and begin using slang. Reason for which I despised and refused to open a Twitter account. Despite this dilemma I finally opened a Twitter account because in my organization we were continuously in need of spreading massive, important information rapidly; and honestly, Twitter and facebook were at times better than spreading it through word of mouth, calling, or emailing. This is because people are constantly checking their social networks.
In the end, it may depend on the use that you give your social networks, for some it is the next big thing, for others (mainly because of those who give it a pointless use) it is not. However, technology is changing and advancing at an accelerated pace, so we must make the best use of it and enjoy the ride.

Alfredo Triff said...

Anonymous 4:08pm, who are you?

Fernando Villavicencio said...

Every single time people talk about social networks, I remember my mom talking about privacy. She would always says that our privacy today belong to others. I do not have a tweeter account. However, I have friends who do, and I guess it is there were they learn all these abbreviation of words which as of today takes me a while to understand due to the fact that I am foreign language student. I do not believe that there is a freedom of speech on these websites because by the moment that there is a limitation in the amount of words, our freedom is being stolen. This limitation of characters also creates a new dilemma which is the creation of new and even meanings, and as my professor once said in class “words don’t mean what they meant before… This is due to the bad usage of them.” So, instead of looking for a way to condense our thoughts, we decide to violate the sense of words. Tweeter is or it might be the next big thing because society wants to be listened even if it is on the dullest thing.

Unknown said...

Twitter, just another social network or the next big thing? I think it’s just another social network that people are blowing out of proportion. I see nothing special about twitter that you basically can’t do on facebook and MySpace. I do not own or don't plan to own a twitter, but based on friends who have an account with them; it’s basically the question, "What’s on Your Mind". Another concept of twitter which doesn’t make sense is the “follow me”. Basically adding someone to your friends list and just as it says following the person’s updates, status, and etc. It’s exactly what all other social networks allow you do, so why is twitter even considered to be the next big thing. It’s nothing special in particular to be honest. I feel its being blown out of proportion merely because it’s new. People become more addicted to more recent things; it’s the same with shoes, game systems, and etc. Every couple of months or so we get a phase of next big things. Prior to it being twitter it was facebook, and prior to that is was MySpace, and now it’s Twitter. I'd give it a couple of months before the next new thing come out.

Anonymous said...

Communication and language are things that always evolve. When the telegraphy was invented it did not serve as means of writing letter but rather to send across short messages. Twitter can be considered a modern day telegraph. The limitations to characters is done for a specific reason, to prevent it from becoming a just another blogging website. Three words such as “at the mall” are more appealing to the followers than an article about the mall. The de jure standard for text message characters is around 160 it was made up by a Friedhelm Hillebrand who typed away random sentences and when he counted the characters they averaged to around 160. Twitter hand shaved 20 characters off Hillebrands magic number, it’s fascinating how one man’s conclusion serves as a standard for the entire world. We could blame him for spoiling out language or thank him for taking our language and the way we communicate to the next level. In the end it boils down to the fact that no matter the limitations on characters the message still gets across is little less detailed and ambiguity comes knocking on the door.

Ian Sequeira

Anonymous said...

Twitter a form of communication use by many no matter your race, gender, religion, age everyone is using what is calling now “the new phenomenon in texting and interaction”. First it began with MySpace; it was just to keep in touch with your close friends, but after having the profile open people star having 1000, 2000 fiends really who can say they have that amount of friends. Them Facebook show up with the same theory keep in touch with your friends, but it turn out to be just a tool to keep track of what others are doing your husband, wife , kids, employees, from the coziness of your house. Now day’s people do not have the necessity to call their friends and meet to catch up with their life they just go to Facebook. People often complain how the government is always trying to get their hands in our personal life, but by going into this sites and posting our entire life whose fault really is it? Twitter is another way of people to try to stay connected with friends, nonetheless one really have to post every single thing you do through the day. If one really have something to say or want to help a movement go out there and show your face and participate get involve do not hide behind your cellphone. In my personal opinion MySpace, Facebook, and twitter should be eliminate. People are losing the human touch and interaction with one another because they spend too much time behind these sites.

Luis Arias

colo said...


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I could care less for Twitter. I’ve known of its existence for a while now and never really understood what makes it so much different than the other social networking websites. In fact I thought the action of someone “following” me had some ties in with being stalked. When researching Twitter I’ve come to realize that I’ve assumed correctly. Twitter allows users the freedom to post from their phones which could be good for some and bad for others. For example, let’s say you and I were at some party. You, not being able to tolerate your alcohol, vomits all over yourself. Me, finding the event hilarious, could photograph everything with my phone and post it on Twitter for everyone on the world to see. Sucks for you right? Once something is posted on the internet it stays there forever. Some websites could even save your private photos you upload on Facebook and use them. Have you ever tried googling yourself to see what you find?
The more social networking you participate in, the more privacy you will lose.
-Everett Lima

Reynelh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Reynelh said...

I agree that twitter is not the next biggest thing. Twitter is already is as big as its going to get. It’s all downhill from here for the twitter community. I have an account, but never use it. I have no need to constantly tell my friends what I’m doing. From what I know of twitter is basically about individuals posting their current status. Even though it has been misinterpret to people writing about their ideas, opinions, or basically whatever they want to write. I feel like twitter’s success was helped by the amount of celebrities using it. Yet that will all change due to the fact that many celebrities have to watch out for what they tweet. Since the media takes advantage of this freedom, and puts the celebrities under a lot of scrutiny for what they post. Even some professional and college athletic teams are not allowed to use their accounts. Since the schools and teams can do without the unwanted attention. If you were to ask me I’d say twitter is a fad. What’s not a fad is social networking. Eventually they’ll be a new one to overrun twitter, and then one after that.

-Reynel Hernandez

Anonymous said...

When I first heard about twitter I thought it was the most confusing and pointless networking device I had ever heard of. One of my friends convinced me to get one and once I did I realized all the advantages twitter had to it (along with some disadvantages of course). It is a way to stay connected with the social network but not as intense as having a facebook. Facebook is a way to display your whole life on the Internet so that hundreds of people can, pretty much, know what you are doing all the time. Twitter is not that. Even though, if you think about it twitter is just updating your status, which sounds a bit strange when you first ponder on it. But, on the contrary it is a great way to stay updated on the latest things that are going on in the world. You can “follow” whatever it is you are interested in. For instance, you can follow fashion magazines, celebrities, the news, the food network, etc. I personally enjoy having a twitter account and think people should try it out. It is much more useful than any other social networking tool that is out in the world today.

-Victoria Puentes

alexandra castillo said...

Twitter, just another social network or the next big thing?
Personally I believe we have already had our "next big thing"; Facebook. I think Twitter is just an application used by celebrities to get their own points and views across. Twitter to me is just Facebook without the extras. It may be the next big thing in the entertainment industry meaning, advertising, celebrity interest, etc., but to the general public, it’s just another way to tell the world what they won’t care to hear. From my personal experience twitter has just been a way to say what you’re doing at that certain time of the day for the entire world to read. An invasion of privacy with consent. I don’t have a twitter. I don’t really like putting everything in doing in the day for the world to read. For those who choose to participate in that sort of thing, by all means communicate away, but for others it’s just another man made millionaire.

Xio said...

Twitter reminds me of a bird that lives in a tree by my window. It squawks at every odd hour of the day, hoping for attention maybe. Or perhaps it’s lost and need helps. I don’t know because I don’t speak tweet tweet. At first, it did not bother me so my life went uninterrupted. Soon however, it was following me in my home! Every room with a window, I could see that bird just staring, chirping. Tweet tweet! Tweet tweet! I didn’t know what to do. I closed my blinds, but the sounds it made constantly popped up and alerted me of its presence. Strange that it was the only one of its kind around my neighborhood for several blocks. I wondered why it branched out of its group. Did it want to be special? Did it want people to recognize and praise it for attempting to be different? I honestly don’t know, nor do I care. In the end, I took care of that bird the same way I did my twitter account. In the middle of the night when most were asleep, I deleted my account. Needless to say I no longer get emails about any tweets.

As a side note however, I think these sort of social networks are like shortcuts and poor excuses for not wanting to take the long road. How was my day? Why don’t you call me or come to my house while we talk over a cup of tea? If I want to read about celebrities and other people I don’t know, I’ll find an article or something online because there is nothing Google cannot find, except maybe quality. Then again, I’m not inclined to these sorts of sites no matter how many friend request I get. (Or one-sided followers)

Anonymous said...

To tweet or not to tweet: Who ever thought the chirp of a small bird could travel so far. With the vast amount of different social networking sites that the Internet has to offer at this present time, Twitter seems to be one of the frontrunners. Yet I still have not been convinced to open a Twitter account or any other social networking domain for that matter; however, there seems to be many positives in owning an account. For one it’s a great medium to get feedback on your thoughts depending on who you are and not how interesting your tweets are, which raises the question use as average Joe’s are governed by textlebrity’s notion. Twitter has become a big marketing propaganda, and is a great filter for celebrities, sport athletes, and politicians alike to get through the publics eye. “The best way to discover what’s new in your world” is Twitters slogan at this time, yet I find it hard to believe because most of the trending topics are based on celebrity’s current state but our world and everyday life is not what’s trending. So it comes down to us as the general people/followers and twitters to make a change and start relative trends to follow.

- Kenny Philistin

Unknown said...

I have seen what these “social networks” have done to our society. They have changed the way people communicate with each other. People change and invent words to fit in the limited space in tweeter’s text box and as a result people have begun to adapt this improper use of language as a daily life. “Social networks” was intended to allow users to communicate efficiently with others and not to destroy our modern standards for communication. For example, people tweet to let those around them now the way they feel and think about certain subjects, actions, etc; but, if someone is given chance to speak their mind at least they should have enough space to appropriately provide their opinion with enough details and their opinions so that others can see, understand and criticize what they have read. Limiting the space not only does it limit the time, but also the way people express themselves. Another example would be this assignment. I wasn’t able to express my opinion and my emotions in only 150 words mandated by the rules set forth by my instructor. Many of my friends now began using terms that are ridicule to society such as MIA, JK, LOL, etc. I just simply don’t understand why somebody would say LOL instead of laughing and telling us that thing sure made them laugh. Limiting the space provided to type something is just like just allowing anybody that is going to talk to you; to talk for no more than a minute and a half. Imagine how would people sub exist without having enough time to communicate? I cannot see myself talking to my best friend for only a minute and a half. Society needs enough time (and space) to efficiently argue, describe or express an idea. I find this limiting of words ridiculous and insulting as well.

Anonymous said...

Twitter has its pro’s and con’s in the social realm but mostly it not good. The purpose of twitter and what it present to its twitter followers always baffle me. Because I think twitter seem very arbitrary to me. Some people use twitter to plug promotions for celebrity and products, and others use twitter to painfully bombard us with meaningless, fruitless thoughts and information. Twitter presents a world where profound thinking, educated inquiries, written expressions, human interactions, are dismissed and un-encourage. In addition what happen to the concept of writing how you feel, asking questions, freedom of expression, it seem that as well has be restricted upon twitter followers. All these factors are not only harming the way we express our self but how we communicate with each other. I feel twitter is not the next phenomenon it just a bad trend. Eventually this bad twitter trend will lose its flare and cease to exist in time.

-Reyna Barnhart

Robert said...

Robert Y. Ramirez.

The internet is, as a whole, a double-edged sword. In other words, it offers many beneficial things, but at the same time it could lead us to very grave problems. One of the negative things of the internet is a phenomenon called Twitter. This particular social network is causing any kind of dilemma day per day. As an illustration, we can see how people are constantly revealing and updating information about them—even personal. Consequently, many identity thefts and other disgraces have been occurring. In addition, Twitter contributes to the exaggeration of any comment or news is posted on it. For example, let’s suppose that there is a shark attack in Miami Beach and someone posts it on Twitter, after a while everybody is going to start expanding the news—adding false details— and at the end people will hear the wrong information because it has been completely distorted, which could bring terrible consequences. For all this reasons, I think people should be more aware of the risks they are taking when they use their Twitter account irresponsibly.

Anonymous said...

Twitter is a form of communication like Facebook and Myspace made to keep in touch with one another,
over the last couple of years however these social networking sites have been completely turned upside down. The idea with twitter and Facebook was to keep in touch with friends and people around the globe and even though it is being used just as that people have also taken it to update every single detail of their lives as if the world really cares what they ate for breakfast or if they are walking across the street. These sites in my opinion have dumbed people down by basically sending the message to write as little as possible even if it means spelling nothing right or not even putting much thought into your message. Either way you choose to look at it twitter is here to stay and it is going to become bigger whether we like it or not.

Anonymous said...

To analyze Twitter as a tool or a method for the government to see what we think or do, is simply a view from extreme theorists. Twitter can be used in that form, but the government could honestly care less on what we do or believe unless an individual is consistently posting about committing such a terrorist act. In fact, Twitter is a useful source of information for people who are extreme posters or just people who are constantly on the move and need a vital source of selective information they need. It is to consider, that we are not force to open our lives to public, we post only what we wish. It is a tool for a selective news from the direct source. On the other hand social networking biggy; Facebook, can deprive of an individual of their social life, only by choice. It is there for the connection between people whom you only choose to connect with. On a personal stand point, I probably won't know the people I graduated with existed if it weren't for these social networking sources. It is vital for our so called busy lives, being on the go all the time. But surely, there is always the flaw of a source or device being abused. Nothing is perfect.

Unknown said...

Twitter is just another social network for us to trend into. Just like blogs, Facebook, Friendster or Myspace, its getting marketed to us somehow Although it is the buzz now, Twitter has a 140-character limit, minimal profile space and for the majority it's an impersonal way of communication compared to Facebook. Your business is available to a wider range of audience and not limited to your circle (unless you figured out how to protect your tweets). I don't think it will be the next huge thing but it will be the trend with a 5 year lifespan until a newly developed site comes and steals the spotlight. Since Twitter has that one to two sentence limit on what you can say- it forces its users to get either get creative with their words or dumb them down to “txt message” format to get their point across. I’ll admit to falling victim to the Twitter trend and tweeting my commentary on random happenings that make no sense. I get hostile during boxing matches and tweet every 5 minutes to contribute to the “#MannyPaquiao” trend. I’ll use it to also PR someone’s work because I think everyone else that follows me should know about it even though they don’t care. Someone doing market research that is stalking me knows I like it, and its on paper to benefit @CocaCola to know what someone my age digs. At the end of the day it is all a vicious cycle that we are part of. Til the next one comes around, I'll be retweeting that awesome @Groupon deal for someone else to tweet.

-Krystle Edelstein

Cindy Marin said...
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Cindy Marin said...
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Cindy Marin said...

Personally I believe this so called “Internet Phenomenon” is useless beyond being a spam website for useless thoughts. I have concluded that in its creation twitter was meant to be used by those who “matter” and by that I mean celebrities. Twitter is a way for the demi-gods of our modern world to convey their thoughts and actions or upcoming events. No one really cares about what an average person had for dinner or what color underwear they wore last night when they saw a UFO. I do admit I have a twitter account but unlike many who still use it, I found it redundant. All the information filtered through this website, in my opinion, is a waste of cyberspace.
I don't think it serves very well as a way to keep in touch with friends across the country and/or world and if that really is the primary goal for the use of twitter, I can think of at least ten other more effective ways of keeping in touch with said people.

Nadya De'Lasoul said...

They Follow Me or They do not Follow Me?
Either way, it won't break me or make me.
Twitter is the best thing created since "Myspace". It's sort of like my personal agenda. I tweet about what i plan to do for the day, when im actually doing it, who i am with and when i will be home. To all of my followers feel free to stalk me, afterall, i tweet my every move. Is this bad? Obsessive you say? I was just thinking the same thing.

What has the world come to? People prostituting their thoughts and actions just for an "individual" to think you're cool enough for them to be your fan. The original concept was to see more of what goes on inside of the minds of our favorite celebs and artists. But in all actuallity, followers were created for a person's infamous 15-minute-celebrity-moment in life. In the measurement of 140 characters. We mulitply by how often we update in a day, multliply still by any given time frame, divided by how often we pay attention to others equals...A million man march (Tweetverse). Since i was born a leader, i try and stand ahead of the pack. Although at one point, i did have a Twitter account but never have i commited the crime of spending too much time updating it neither exposing my personal life (known as TMI). Reason being that there's a minature balloon growing on the top of my head saying "do not allow the social networking sites control you, let them believe the fallacy that you're just as egotistical as them". There is only one answer to this pandemic. Take a minute to sit back and analyze the psyche of people and configure if we have birthed a site like this,what's next? Never mind exchanging phone numbers. Now it's IMS, Facebooks, or "Hey, let me google her". We lack physical interaction. This is why emoticons were created, To express emotion through a simple message. Other forms of communitcation like letters have lost their art one really knows how to write any more. Copy and paste is our saviour! And for those of us who are addicted will soon admit it..this site messes you up, internally.

As I write this, I am constantly clicking F5 (refresh),Waiting to see what YOU are doing.

*Nadya Davis*