Wednesday, September 19, 2018

our ideas about the world need to be informed by FACTS about the world (10 much discussed points)

our views of the world need to be informed. to be informed one has to inform one's views from all angles. statistics help. there are armies of experts tabulating information. now, reliability in statistics, like in any other factual endeavor is a matter of sedimentation (i.e., obtaining information that validates the result over time). so, here are 10 random samples:

1. in the discussion of marijuana, my students are generally pro legalization. are they aware that the marijuana today is quite different from the "pot" of the flower generation? here is the study. 

2. in the discussion about family roles of men & women, one needs to know how society presents itself. this study will surprise you. 

3. 43% of women leave the workforce after having children. that's the number, now, let's not jump into conclusions.

4. take the pareto distribution rule to explain why 20% of the population basically is basically richer than the remaining 80% (no matter what you try to do to change it).

5. latino college students are falling behind whites and blacks,

6. i'm not kidding when i say absenteeism and academic productivity are directly proportional?

7. millennials are reading more than the previous generation: GOOD,

8. as per our political inclinations... (read carefully),

9.  minorities resent one another as much as they do whites (1996 poll), 

10. as per immigration (80% close the border, 70% end chain migration),

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