Sunday, April 21, 2013

now that your're working on the first draft of the paper, some useful ideas

now that you'll submit your first drafts keep these ideas in mind:

1- do research your topic. the more you know about your topic the better. don't presume you know the issue, there are tons of developments to be found by authorities and specialists on the subject. the more you find, the more your palette of options. it's better to have more stuff to pick from than have less or none.

your argument is as good as the independent sources you bring.

2- do not misrepresent or oversimplify your counter. your paper is as good as your counter's presentation. it's the counter that makes your discussion worthy of analysis.

3- READ OUTLOUD. keep revising and tweaking your thesis. revising your title, etc.

4- make your sentences short and to the point. avoid unnecessary rambling.

5- don't go in tangents! keep focus with two arguments! if there's a point that is not relevant, shorten it or delete it.

6- make the sentences like pointers in the ongoing discussion. just in case, here are some examples of starters for sentences:

"X argues that"
"X's argument is that"
"X states"
"X asserts"
"X denies"
"X contends"
"X rejects"
"X claims"
"X concludes"
"X contradicts"
"X assumes"

7- your conclusion is a short one:

"I hope I have proved (demonstrated) that..."
"Even if ____(my position)____ could still elaborated some more, I believe I have demonstrated that..." 
"I hope i have shown that..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey teach - I was at a restaurant, and like the waiter acted really weird. I asked him about the mahi-mahi on the menu. I said that I am on a diet and didn't want all of it. So I asked if I could have only one mahi. I've looked all over the internet, and wanted your opinion. Was it not ok for me to ask something like that? Maybe it was just like that one waiter who didn't wanna go the extra mile for me.