Sunday, November 29, 2009

PHI 2010 T,R 11:15-12:30PM


Margo said...

It kind of an obvious question (to me) why we're still like this in the 21st century, because sex and drugs trafficing are never going end, we like them too much. Not that i'm saying it hasn't crossed the line. I think that if we made prostitution legal it would be a lot safer, and less brutal. It would have some sort of authority to it and since it wouldn't have to be so much on the down low it would be less shady of a business, and (hopefully) they wouldn't need to force people against there will.

Anonymous said...

I believe we are still struggling with issues of human trafficking and prostitution in the twenty-first century because as long as there is a demand for something then there will continue to be a supply. Sex is always going to be something that is desired. Sometimes you have to just go out and pay for it. There are also instances of people with paraphilias that would rather pay for the services rather than be turned down or laughed at by their significant other. The women, men and children that get into prostitution do so for a reason; whether it be drugs, easy money, had an abusive background, they was forced into the trade, etc. The people involved in prostitution will turn down and even laugh at the offer of a regular job that can earn them $8-$10 per hour. The reason is because they have the opportunity to make MUCH more money doing what they are doing. That is not always the case in the prostitution world but only for the “lucky” few. The government is also a culprit because you see instances of congressman petitioning to make prostitution illegal yet they are being caught purchasing a prostitute. It is a vicious cycle. I do not believe that prostitution will ever disappear from society based on those factors.

Laura Benitez

R. Rameau said...

It's sad how children are being used like objects and not like human beings. Many children are being sold for sex to earn money. They are treated harshly and brutally. I am against sex trafficing and prostitution. Too much people every year are killed and raped because of this. I just think this isn't a way to treat our bodies and certainly not for money. I find it also to be hard in some countries because some of these women and children don't have the choice whether they want to be involved or not. Some are in the business at a very young age. It's sickening that even parents would actually sell their children and think it's the only way to help support the family. It doesn't seem fair to the children and they really ain't enjoying their childhood living this way.

Tomeka said...

I feel that evil comes from a person young or old, when you have experienced some bad of horrible things in your life that make some people want to or react in retailiation.

Tomeka said...

I feel that evil comes from a person young or old, when you have experienced some bad of horrible things in your life that make some people want to or react in retailiation.

Miguel said...

Human nature is sometimes terribly primal. Men want to dominate and anyone weaker is to be used for their desires, whether its women, children or other men. The trafficking of sex slaves has been around since before the Roman Empire and will most likely last until the end of time. No matter what culture or time period you explore, you will find some sort of forced prostitution going on. Any conquered people are sold as slaves, men for manual labor and women for their bodies. How they are treated are of little consequence to the “owner” as HE could do what he pleases with his property. Most pimps and johns are the same, if she does not perform the way they imagine, beat her until she does. Since most of these women are exposed to this type of treatment normally and usually have nowhere else to go, they just follow orders so that the beatings stop. I think sometimes if these abused women could find a way to fight back they would be better off, the movie Sin City by Frank Miller is an extreme example.

Alice Milagre said...

As mentioned in class, people are selfish, and one good example Triff mentioned is the movie "The Box". When we are dealing with people we don't know, we just don't care. Those pimp's and those who "buy" the services are not thinking about the woman as a mother, sister, or daughter, they see her as a product. That's the best explanation to why we are still struggling with prostitution during the 21st century. Besides,it's important to highligh the fact that obviously those who practice that crime are treating the prostitutes as means to their ends, knowing or not, but I don't think they ever cared if it was moraly right or wrong to treat others as ends. Ignorance and not free will is for me the cause of such unecessary evil in the world.


S.O said...

Human trafficking is a very important issue that globalized twenty first century world still deals with. The statistics show that mostly in underdeveloped countries, if women or a teenager girl is raped they see the solution to run away from home, start a job as prostitution and usually they are being used as sex slaves like a trade commodity around the world. This transaction’s way is from east to west that means less developed Asian countries of less developed regions mostly from Russia, also ex Soviets, to imperial capitalists as Western Europe or to the States. In some parts of the world fear from traditions, religion or beliefs make women such a bad job, in some parts people even their husbands, fathers, brothers do not say any word because they need money, food and shelter so ignore their women’s tragedy. As globalization increased, which means less borders more communication, things happen regionally, locally, nationally and globally at the same time, some people use this benefit in an opposite manner. It is mentioned by this globalization action it is easier to reduce the borders and create a harmonized worldwide networks among varies of nations cultures and states, but this welfare trade turned in human trafficking, these women (also the men) used in both heavy jobs, worked for 20 hours a day and paid less, and also they are forced to do prostitution. These illegal human trafficking organizations gain a lot of money, and because of unequal distribution of wealth in the world some women do it voluntarily since their government, non- profit human right organizations or justice and home affairs could not help them.

Diana said...

I think that the reason why there is sex traffic in the world is because humans are selfish creatures. Everyone look out for themself caring only for whatever makes them happy. Not caring wether is a good thing for a bad thing as long as it pleases them. Beside there are a lot of sick people that get turn on by raping someone or just by seein the pain in someone face. Rape and prostitution is something that has being around for many centruies, it might had a diffent name but it is still the same. I think that is still going to be a around for many year to come, because the only reason that slavery still exist today is because of men need for power. Men is the most destructive thing that exist on earth and explortation has and willl always exist because of men are ambitons of trying to control everything that revols around them.There are peoples that would not stop at anything to get their ways. Supposely we are all good with a little bad in us, but I think is the other way around. Humans are mostly bad with a little bit of good in them. The only way that this moder day slavery would stop is when humans learn to be less selfish and learn to use the "Golden rule" treat people like you want be be treated.
Diana Ozuna

rosemary said...

Sex addiction is on a rise. So it’s no surprise that trafficking and prostitution are also on a rise. “Supply and demand.” Nevertheless the reason for it doesn’t excuse the act. In the 21st century its all gotten way out of hand, although its has been around for ages, even well before biblical times. I don’t really think of this as there being more evil in the world, I more see it as how the advancement of our species has given evil more of an opportunity to show and act on their desires. Mark Twain once said that in studying humanity he studied himself, which makes sense because we all have the same properties. So although someone might say that they can’t put themselves in the shoes of these evil men that do such things as prostitution we have to so that we are able to understand the reason for why they do it. So ultimately we will continue to struggle with these horrible problems because we are humans and we are fallible. People will always try to justify their wrongs and rights and in doing so there will always be conflict and wrong doing.

Rosemary Blaz

Katherine Boyd-Garard said...

The issue of prostitution and sex slavery is such a problem because of the people who choose to act as predators and take advantage of the weak. These predators have no conscious and they have no sense of good within them. They only care about what they can gain even though the wealth that they attain is a result of someone's intense suffering and turmoil. These pimps and madams have no concept of right and wrong. Prostitution and human trafficking are still such a common crime because unfortunately they are both lucrative businesses. I feel that the popularity of prostitution and sex slavery is so high because of society's lack of respect for women. Women are still seen as inferior and weak in many cultures and due to this belief they are treated as a means to an end and taken advantage of. Though we as human beings have made many advances in the technological and medical world during this century we still seem to not make progress in terms of the way we treat people especially women and children. I hope one day in the near future we can make progress in our treatment of one another.

Katherine Boyd-Garard

Agaia Trottier said...

I used to live in the Brussels, two streets away from a ‘prostitute neighborhood’; I hated to pass there because I couldn’t stand the sinister atmosphere, the small streets, the cars slowly driving by and the woman selling their bodies. I couldn’t understand how they could stand there, with smiling faces and uncovered body parts. Even when it was freezing you could find them on their specific corner, each woman standing on her own territory, like a private office. One of these women, a very tall woman, always wearing huge heals; which made her look even more gigantic was always looking down on me. One day, I stepped to her and asked her why she was doing this ‘job’. ‘Because I like it”, she said. “I like being in control.” She came from Eastern Europe and in here country, woman had no power. She likes dominating men; it’s some kind of revenge to her because she beliefs that men are weak and can’t resist sex and that this is her way of proving it. A ‘colleague’ of her came seeing what we were discussing about. I asked her the same question. Because she has a son to take care of she says. She also came from Eastern Europe; the situation in her country wasn’t good. She has a nurse diploma but it wasn’t accepted in Brussels plus she didn’t have the papers she needed, so she was illegal. Both of the women are doing these actions out of free will. One is more limited in her decisions, but these actions can’t be said ‘good’ or ‘bad’. These issues should be discussed more and other alternatives can be found but as long as some people don’t have a choice and it remains un- discussed, the situation is unlikely to change. Since that day I greeted these women when I passed. That street was no longer a treat to me, I talked to these women, and thus they are no longer unknown and obscure. They are women with feelings and families and are a mum, daughter or wife. The problem is that nobody discusses this issue. This leads to the fact that people are unfamiliar with it which makes the situation even worse. Prostitution was one of the first ‘businesses’, when societies were created and it will most likely be one of the last. I am not justifying their actions; I am trying to identify myself with their situation. I find it more difficult to identify with the pimp, especially, one who forces and mistreats his ‘victims’. But it all turns around power. Though a lot of them probably think they are actually doing ‘good’ actions by for example keeping ‘kidnapping and raping-rates lower’, I think most of them have identity issues and have their conscious keeps them from sleeping at times. But I am even more sure that if one actually steps to a pimp and asks him the question ‘why are you doing this’ you will receive an answer and answers are the first steps in finding solutions…

sandy wells said...

I think that human trafficking is struggle with these horrible issues in the twenty-first century because it’s all about the pleasure, supply and demand. This issue has been in place for the past; doesn’t matter how they name it and seems that it will not cease to exist. Human trafficking is the practice of being tricked, lured, cored of force to work with no or low payment or term which are highly explorative. For example, prostitution in the act or practice of engaging I sex acts for hire. The short of money and economic recessions have a tendency to increase crime rates. Sex is something that everybody enjoys to do, so people would pay for it or even take it if they don’t get it regularly. Prostitution is a way woman gets money for personal reason and other are doing it by force.

Sandy Wells

Ernesto Mendez said...

In my opinion, the reason why we struggle with this issue in the 21st century is because we struggle with the issues involving prostitution. Child rape amongst parents, close friends and family members is a common crime in the United States. Freud’s theory of childhood development puts an emphasis on the events occurred when we are children. It is the way we are raised and the events that happen in our lives which pave the way for adulthood. Childhood rape will lead the adult to a troubled life in the future, not just prostitution but drugs as well. In other cases, women may see prostitution as the only way to earn an income. In my country of El Salvador, many young teens are put to prostitute by their own families in order to provide an income for the family. Also, in the United States, several brothels offer legal prostitution services to the public. As long as these issues still occur prostitution will continue to be an issue.

-Ernesto Mendez

desmond brown said...

In the twenty first century we still deal with these lustful issues due to the lack of knowledge on how to deal with everyday situations. If a man doesn’t know how to talk to a lady then how can he persuade her he want sex? Without intellect testosterone turns into aggression, which forces a man to rape women. Sometimes people get so frustrated and stressed out they lose control and seek drugs to help cope with life. Also due to the means of living in today’s world I believe people are forced to do outlandish things in search of better living. For example, people living in Cuba under strict circumstances, will risk their life to migrate into America in search of freedom. Yet in America times can be rough and people here are forced to perform bizarre tasks for standard living. For instance, independent women desperate to feed her sibling will do almost anything for money. Regardless if she has to sell her body and commit prostitution. The big problem in the twenty first century is that no one really knows the correct way to live and religion is gradually based on faith. Faith can be strong subconsciously but consciously temptation is stronger.

Shamara Brown said...

I believe its the fact that people know they can get away with it, that makes sex trafficing all the more alluring. I can compare sex trafficing to a comodity. As long as there is demand for it, it will always exist. For whatever reason a person has for their desire to have sex with a young child or abducted woman,it isn't justified or moral. Even though I would like to believe that people are being trafficed against their will, the truth is there are some prostitues that are freely exploiting themselves. Maybe they come from broken homes and many shortcomings. Making as much money as they can on the streets, night after night can mask the pain and lonliness in the end. Basically there is a need on both parts. Trafficers sell children and woman for money, the buyers obtain their pleasure, prostitutes sell their bodies for money and their clients obtain their pleasure. People have their own strange needs and though I see it as sick and perverted, they see it as a means to an end.

Anonymous said...

La sexualidad es una característica de los seres humanos y su forma de expresarse tiene que ver con las costumbres de la sociedad en las que este inmerso el individuo, y de sus inclinaciones sexuales, las cuales dependen de su personalidad. Independiente de ello, no hay duda de que cada individuo tiene derecho al goce sexual, a ejercer su sexualidad, y a disfrutar de ella libremente, con quien lo desee, siempre y cuando medie el respeto por el otro.
En este marco cuando un individuo, hombre o mujer, decide tener relaciones sexuales con otra persona y media un acuerdo entre los dos, es decir se presentan algunas condiciones para que se de la relación, como por ejemplo la retribución económica que puede ser efectiva en dinero o en especie (un viaje, ropa, comida), no hay razón para que se señale esta acción como una afrenta a la sociedad, no es una injuria, porque en esta relación media el respeto y no se afecta la libertad del otro. En ocasiones la relación se da libremente, pero es porque existe una presión para ello que, generalmente es la necesidad del dinero; muchas personas recurren a las prostitucion porque no tienen otra opción; hombres y mujeres venden su cuerpo para poder subsistir. Lamentablemente esto sucede en todo el mundo por las desigualdades economicas que existen entre los hombres y por la incapacidad de los estados de generar ofertas de trabajo que satisfagan la demanda de empleo. En este caso, tampoco hay razón para estigmatizar a las "prostitutas", por el contrario debiera de posibilitarseles un "empleo" en buenas condiciones, con apoyo del estado, en vez de su persecución.
Lo que no puede aceptarse es que se atropelle a las personas vulnerando sus derechos, en este caso, el de la libre decision para tener relaciones sexuales y se les obliga a realizarlas con quien defina su "jefe", sin su consentimiento, contra su voluntad, violentándolas, presionándolas y explotandolas, limitando su libertad con restricciones económicas, alimentarias u de otra indole. Es inconcebible que aquellos que tienen el poder lo utilicen para ganar dinero, para alcanzar rentabilidad económica, este es el caso de las mujeres que son explotadas sexualmente, sin escrupulos de ninguna clase.
Esta explotacion sexual, se da en gran parte del mundo, tanto en paises desarrollados como en aquellos que estan en via de desarrollo, a pesar de que la sociedad avanza a pasos agigantados hacia el desarrollo tecnológico y científico, se conquista el espacio, y se dan elementos desde diferentes entes, religiosos, civiles y estatales para avanzar también, en la cultura, en respeto por los derechos humanos, se siguen vulnerando los derechos de los mas débiles, de aquellos que mas necesitan por sus condiciones sociales o económicas. Los estados debieran diseñar estrategias, diferentes de las actuales, que garanticen la disminución de la explotacion sexual, con sanciones morales, económicas, con privacion de la libertad, de tal magnitud que los responsables, los criminales que lo hacen, se vean obligados a cambiar sus empresas de explotacion, por otras actividades económicas aun que menos lucrativas no dañen, ni degraden la dignidad no solo de la mujer sino la de cualquier ser humano.
Martha Perez

Paul Urquiza said...

The reason why sex trafficking is still going on in the 21st Century is because it's like an addiction. As the article from the link that Triff posted about the pimp Hugo Gonzalez, it's really easy and simple for one to start their own business. Hugo Gonzalez was one of those "nice" pimps as the girls from the article would state. He wasn't one of those enforcing people who mistreated or abused his women. He treated them well and gave them a sort of "protection" so to speak. All the girls and women that works for Hugo were content and not just because of his personality but also because he would always pre-screen their clients to make sure they weren't psychos or anything of the sort. So basically, anyone can have this nice, sweet personality and charm plenty of women into this kind of work and earn themselves a lot of money this way, but is it all worth it? I mean one can get charged a lot for this kind of offenses and they could even be signing away their life if caught because you can get up to 100 years in jail for sex trafficking. Why hasn't it stopped yet if there's so much to lose? Because as we all know, it's the "easiest" way to make money and if not caught, one could make a lot. And it isn't just being a pimp that brings in the money, also girls being prostitutes can get them money. The girls' and womens' reasons for going into this business are sad but unfortunately they see this "job" as their only option and don't think about how they could accomplish so much more if they just tried. Anyways, as long as prostitution continues to occur, it will always be an "option" for abused, drop out, and other type of girls/women. Hopefully someday the madness will stop and this option will be eliminated for good but until then there isn't much anyone can do.

SVanac said...

Prostitution has long been called the oldest profession in the world, which may have existed in every human culture throughout history, and there is probably good justification for that. Human trafficking is the fastest growing form of contemporary slavery and is the third largest and fastest growing criminal industry in the world. Humans have always traded whatever they had in exchange for something they needed - and the one thing that a human always has is his or her own body. Everyone trades something about their body, or the bodies of others, for the necessities of living, so why not sex as well?
The ethical issues on hand are obviously pointed at the choices and actions the “pimps”, “madams”, and persons in the sex traffic industry partake in. Robert Blatchford was a socialist and defended hard determinism, disassociating actions and behaviors from free will. Those heavily involved in the wrongful treatment, buying and selling, and exploitation of women (including the women themselves) are subject to something OTHER than free will to commit the actions they are. Blatchford contributes those sorts of actions to “Heredity and environment: temperament and training”. I can’t disagree that a large part of the sex trade, prostitution rings, and horrific treatment of women and children around the globe are due to those factors. Due to the current severe financial distress on the economy that echoes worldwide, the standards of living and means to that which people will go to to sustain those standards of living, have both reached a staggering low. It is unfortunately nearly impossible to monitor, control, or help those involved in the “business” of prostitution, whatever form it may conclude in. As scary and heart wrenching it may be, better ethical choices are far from being made until the financial status is improved around the world.


Anonymous said...

I think that the issue of sex trafficking is not only an increased problem in the 21st century of our society, but will get to be more and more complex as the time goes by. Many countries around the world have a human right crisis of sexual abuse of children, women, men and other forms of prostitution. In my opinion, the reason why we struggle with these issues is because of legal prostitution, poverty, abuse; power over the weak, business and profit for pimps and johns, and the list could go on and on. Legalization of prostitution in some countries have increased the number of sex trafficking. As a matter of fact, since the legalization, more women and children are seen on the streets. Legalizing prostitution gave free hand to pimps and kidnapers to hunt for more and more victims. Also, for many pimps, prostitution and trafficking is the only think they can do. As well as their victims, they possibly come from abusive families, many of them do not even have their high schools diplomas and most of the time they are their own bosses. Sadly, there are also women who are making more or less free choices to be prostitutes due to poverty and unemployment. They see this “job” as a temporary means of making money until they are able to pay their debts or beat poverty. Furthermore, the industry of sex trafficking will look for what the demand is. Children, young women, virgins are the best paid product. It is a business run by mafia. Probably, many of the members are driven by control and power over the helpless and especially women. I feel that governments should consider trafficking and prostitution a serious issue worth considering in more depth.

Melania O.

Anonymous said...

To me, it was really interesting to talk about Human Trafficking in class. This semester, I have had the opportunity to study and discuss this alarming issue in three of my four classes.
My belief is that as everything in life, this issue, has a cause.Around the world, on average, there are two an a half women for every man. If you think how male individuals treat females in the wider society, it is easy to notice that it is as means to an end. When you go to a bar you are able to observe how guys are mostly the ones hitting on girls and not vice versa. As Dr Kinsey explain in his human sexuality studies: females are psychologically determined by a sense of feelings exposure and security, while males are a lot more carnal oriented. Then, when we place those characteristics into the capitalistic environment in which we live today, an we add to that the fact of the corruption in the way in how we obtain our goods in general, issues like human trafficking emerge. Now my question is, do those individuals that are kidnap and sexual exploited cease to exist when they are taken. Personally I would believe that an individual without freedom automatically looses its quality of being. There is a transition from human to an object.
Probably, if women were more carnal oriented than men, perhaps the trafficking business were about trafficking males. The demand for females is extremely prominent over males, because males are biologically open to present paraphilia tendencies. I am not excusing the way we act, im just trying to find the best explanation.


camila said...

As statistics have shown, in underdeveloped countries, women are taught from a young age that they have to cherish the only thing that is valuable in them, their sex. Some of these women are kept from society so they can procreate as the only purpose of their life. These same women are often abused of, physically and mentally. When they don’t know any better, and they truly consider themselves to be everything they’ve ever felt worth, and the smallest window of freedom is given to them, they would most likely opt for the same sort of treatment; a world where they find themselves to be abused of and their only purpose is sex. In these situations, men see women only as valuable objects for money and sex. These men behave in a lower level than their primitive ways, because they actually examine the situations and make a business out of other women’s lack of freedom. Human trafficking and prostitution has become an enormous dent on our development as human beings. Throughout thousands of years, the human’s brain has slowly improved its abilities, and we have become more civilized than other animals. However, I highly doubt that we are anywhere near our full potential of improvement. In the twenty-first century, the human race is not civilized enough to cease so much of these unnecessary evil in this world.

Camila Perez

Anonymous said...

It is incredible to think that an issue so unspeakable like human trafficking is so latent in the world today, everywhere. But I believe that money and power are the main drive for people to commit evil in the world. I think where love and consideration for others is absent, you will find money and power as the main motivation for all evil human actions. The reason the people that are subjects of human trafficking are women and children is because they can be more easily psychologically and physically overpower. I think as much as we wouldn't like to admit, that a lot of people, given the right external conditions and maybe the biological/psychological predispositions, are capable to turn from normal or semi-normal individuals to monsters.

Anonymous said...

It is incredible to think that an issue so unspeakable like human trafficking is so latent in the world today, everywhere. But I believe that money and power are the main drive for people to commit evil in the world. I think where love and consideration for others is absent, you will find money and power as the main motivation for all evil human actions. The reason the people that are subjects of human trafficking are women and children is because they can be more easily psychologically and physically overpower. I think as much as we wouldn't like to admit, that a lot of people, given the right external conditions and maybe the biological/psychological predispositions, are capable to turn from normal or semi-normal individuals to monsters.

Valeria Muntaner

Anonymous said...

I forgot to sign my name:
Valeria Muntaner

Siullis said...

Back to what was said in class at our discussion to the view of 'perhaps being bad is easier', I dont believe it to be easier, but perhaps that once something is in a way off limits and prohibited, for some reason humanity has found that to be more attractive and strive for it even more, despite certain consequences that are made. The consequences are very much evident and people may be aware of them, however for some reason they simply may not give a rats ass about them and proceed with its task. And it is most definitely sad to say and admit that as much as it may be controlled, this type of evil inevitably cannot. If it were it wouldnt remain to exist. Why does humanity continue to be cruel and inconsiderate is beyond me and remains to be the philisophical question?

Steve Leiva said...

I believe since we have been given "free will", we are free to be evil, and men have taken full advantage of this idea. We have chosen women to be our example of power. Men have to feel in control and must be the dominate gender. In doing so, we have used women and children as a mean to our end.Therefore we have introduced prostitution and explotation of woman into the new human trafficking business. This idea is in my opinion unethical. We are free to choose our own destiny.

-Steve Leiva

Edward said...

If you have no work options, or the jobs available pays a pittance, you have no choice but to sell yourself. If you could not enter in better positions because the education the state give to you was useless, you have no choice but the sex trade in order to have decent earnings. That is the root of the sex trade. Poverty.
On the other end, we are the customers, we men pay for sex, so, as long we pay for sex and there are girls aout there without decent jobs, there will be commercial sex.
On the other hand, there are girls who enter the trade againts their will, and are raped, beated, and forced to sell their bodies. That must be punished, punishing the customers who knowingly buy sex from trafficked women, and the pimps.
I think we must not penalize the girls that enter the trade willingly, nor those that are in there againts their will.
Puinish the customer and the trader, not the traded.
One can only gather that a lot of the present evil in world has had it's origins in the US under the Bush administration. Many of the corporations that have culpability sensed that the tide was changing here in the US and have moved their headquarters to places like Central Asia. It remains to be seen what will happen under Mr. Obama's watch.
Mr. Bush seems to be avoiding any consequences for possibly criminal acts he committed while in office. Regardless the issue is much more complex then anyone who has commented has realized. There is plenty of blame to go around. As for the history of slavery in the US.. it would not have been possible without the influence of Muslim Nations and African Monarchs who procured and sold slaves to British Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish traders for the "middle passage" across the Atlantic. American colonials wouldn't have found it economical if Muslims and the Kings of Africa hadn't allowed their greed to overcome their compassion for their fellow man.