Thursday, April 1, 2010

PHI 2010 T 5:40pm


Gabriel Sebastian said...

The planet can only truly sustain 11 billion people according to the best predictions. Maybe there needs to be a hard look at some countries exponentail growth of overpopulation before we acheive a Malthusian catastrophe. I am sure it is the right of everyone, some may say to have as many kids as possible since thats what "we are here for on earth" according to the Bible.

I am going to take a hard line against this. Overpopulation and exploitation of of our plantes resources right now has not stopped or slowed. We are sitting on a ticking time bomb. If we dont find solutions to make wasted and devastated land areable again. then we are dooming ourselves collectively as what happened to the many other civilizations that needed to plant more and more as they destroyed their very existence.

To that I bring the example of the Anasazi Culture of Indians. For years no one knew why they built such huge structures on the face of mountains in deserts with nothing that grows for miles.

What was later discovered were that these Indians ate themselves out of house and home and disintegrated as a civilization.
If we do not use these and the multiple examples of other great civilizations that destroyed their own resources then we are doomed to make the same mistake ourselves.

Here is more surprising facts. In Europe, the standard European population is having 1 to 2 children maximum, while other cultures within Europe like the Muslim faith are having 6 on average. The most popular name for a child now in Europe is Mohammed. In africa, many countries follow the Roman Catholic principle against Birth control. Being that the natural drive for sex, lack of education and unemployment will have these families produce mulitple childrem that will be born into the same misery and low resources that already exists.

Time to start handing out condoms with the food lines for starving africans? maybe as a country we should stop giving out so many carrots to these countries and start whipping a stick.

Anonymous said...

Simone Miranda Mueller
As for my information, scientist don't know how many people the earth can sustain. I think that with over 6 billion people, we are already overpopulated, which all the damages we cause on the environment proofs. Earth is not capable to resist mass-produced air and water pollution and to reproduce enough trees and fish as a consequence of deforestation and overfishing.
Scientist also say that we do have enough food resorces, they are just unequal shared. But as I just mentioned, the oceans are empty and we are on the way due to heavy logging to completly distroy the worlds rainforests. 90% of West Africas rainforest is already distroyed. The cruel side of all that is that we produce more food in high develped countries than necessary. Due to this overconsumption, the fridgeraters at the supermarkets are full and food is thrown away en masse. It is not rocket science, we all know that the government needs to set up strict limitations. Fishing should be immediately stopped. For every cut down tree, a new has to be grown and we need control over birth. Some people might say it is inhumane to decide how many children a family can have, or it is inhumane to put restrictions on food, but it is in our best. "Common good before individual good" We don't need to have meat or fish every day, even better is to become vegetarien, that is how everybody can participate the most in the wealth of the earth. And besides of that, by stop eating meat and fish, you are not responsible for animal cruelty. I stopped eating meat and fish 20 years ago and I feel physically and mentally great. I get a blood screen done once a year and never had an issue. In fact, I am 35 years old and everbody thinks I am in my 20's and we all know: You are what you eat!!!

Thomas Kennedy said...

Most scientists agree that the earth is not overpopulated and no one really knows how many people the earth can really support... now thats not to say that we should all go have six kids but i dont think thats the problem. I think that we dont manage our natural resources in a responsible manner. The companies that are in charge of gathering and putting to use these resources are in it for profit not to make the world a better place, so they dont care about renewable energy and stuff like that... they like the status quo cause they are rich and they dont care that the world they live behind will be trashed. As for food we have more than enough to feed all the people in the world but so much of it is wasted everyday. The answer is to manage our resources more responsibly or perish.

Gabriel Sebastian said...

These are the references to what I wrote. I apologize for not citing my claims:
FAO of the UN
POPIN report:
(link to Pdf)

A wiki reference with even more links:

Michael Telcide said...

When will we acknowledge the main reason behind these issues? Everything in the planet is interconnected and interdependent. Not every area on earth has the same properties; one should complement the other. But when human put boundaries on different areas of the planet and call them countries, it automatically breaks that connection. Now every country is trying to be “the best”. So it all comes down to SELFISHNESS, which is the destruction factor of humankind. I don’t think the earth ran out of resources…yet; if we don’t change the way we do things, then that day is just a few decades away. How one country gets ten times more than what another get? Is that fair, considered “all men are created equal?” This is where politics take us. Through politics and all its forms, we are justified to directly or indirectly cause the suffering of others. If we think about it, almost everything the society (capitalism) teaches us has an impact, mostly negative, on others. We drive, use electricity, eat too much and waist food, overuse water or steal it from another region. The list is very long.
What I’m saying is not that we should go backward and ride horses instead of driving cars, but we should think about the impacts of the things that make life easier (or make people lazy).
The solution to the problem is “consideration.” When we understand the interdependence of the creatures in this planet, we will realize that we destroying ourselves by destroying others. We do need to feed on plants and some animals to survive, though. But how efficient we used them, however, is also a crucial part in the survival process.

Unknown said...

I don't think we take enough responsibility for the events that happen around us. What ever happened to helping out our fellow man? The reason we are overpopulated is because there is no sex education in third world countries and even the information we get in junior high and high school is not enough. Why not give aid to those countries we know can’t help themselves. The U.S. is already doing what they can in Africa. They give aid to the country only of the country complies with educating its people about female genital mutilation. Granted in some places its part of their culture but that does not make it right. They haven’t been informed correctly. Why is the AIDS virus predominantly in young children in Africa? The misinformation about sex is simply not there. If we could educate these countries about disease and procreation, I think we would have less of a problem with overpopulation.

We allow this to happen, it’s a taboo in most countries. I remember asking my mother about the first time she had sex. She told me “I was never informed about what it mother never talked to me about it and in school it was a subject that was not covered, it happened and I didn’t know I could get pregnant....I didn’t even realize what was going on.” You would think my grandmother would have informed my mom(who was 1st born of 9 children) about sex. In my country (El Salvador) parents just don’t speak about it and because of this its overpopulated and in poverty, they can’t afford to have more children yet they do. I’m sure this is the same in many countries and without giving them the right information, we are just going to continue to grow and continue to use up our resources.

Fanny Martinez said...

Over population is getting worse. This is because there is no advisement about it like it should be. there is even a show on mtv called "16 & pregnant" which has so many girls pregnant that they can only give an episode for each.

Many women and girls have kids without even knowing what to do with them. Most common reason ive heard for these babies is: this will save my relationship! ARE U JOKING???

Besides these ignorant people on which i really dont want to get started. I want to say that i agree with Thomas Kennedy on the fact that most of us are irresponsible with our resources and both of these issues need to be handled before is to late.

Ileana said...

Historically the world population grew only very slowly from about 2.5 million at the beginnings of urbanization. During the 20th century, the world's population increased almost fourfold, from 1.6 to 6 billion. Until very recently there were fears that in the next century, world population would explode to some 12 billion people, leaving little room for wilderness areas to preserve wildlife and putting extreme pressure on food production, water and non-renewable resources.
For the most part, this agricultural expansion has occurred at the expense of arable land. To meet the needs of growing populations, farmers have had to exploit more marginal agricultural areas. In areas with weak soils, farming makes the land vulnerable to water and wind erosion.
Population growth is an important issue for any country. If better facilitates are not provided then many young people take up the path of crime just to sustain themselves and this also becomes a major concern of the government as the inmate population also increase and they have to build various other infrastructure to hold them. However, the major concern regarding over population is that of nature and shortage of food and water.

JORDAN said...

Right now China is the most-populous country (w/ approximately 1.3 billion inhabitants) despite government efforts to control population- such as the "One-child policy" enacted in 1978, which led to an increase in forced abortion and the killings of newborn baby girls. India is the second most-populous country (1.1 billion) and is rapidly expanding. In India it is not uncommon for women to have six or more children- usually a product of her husband's will, because it is legal there for a husband to rape his wife. As it is in China, sons are more desirable than daughters and some men will force their wives to bare children until they have produced a son.
The United States is currently the third most-populous country, with over 300 million residents. Does the future of our country look like those of China or India? Could we see a "one-child policy" implemented here? Will abortion remain legal? These are all things to consider.

Unknown said...

Overpopulation and exploitation of of our plantes resources are not stopped or decreased, it only increases with more time. If we don't make an effort then we are only getting closer to the destruction of our existence. Scientist have stated that since there are more than six billion people an earth that it is over populated and that it is a main reason of our problem.
But I don't think that they need to go control how many kids we should have, I believe the main problem is that we are not taking care of our natural resources. Many people are trying to exploit it and use it until the last drop is used and abused. I think that's where we should start in order to try to save our world.

- Vanessa S

Bryant hernandez said...

Let us look at some propositions. The food industry not only feeds our population by putting food into our mouths, it is the economic back bone of our country. The food industry drives our commerce so much it produces more calories per person than needed, about 700 on average. Why you ask? Well lets’ examine all the variables that are involved. On a broad spectrum there is petroleum. Gasoline is needed in every step of food production; from the tractors that farms use in agriculture and the airplanes that spread insecticide over crops. Trucks that transport goods from the farm-land to the processing/packaging plants burn gas to transport goods to distributors. More trucks are then needed to convey food products to the markets and restaurants; lets’ not forget the automobile that we use to pick up our groceries and drive when we dine out. Wow, that’s a lot of gas, think about all the jobs that are included in that scheme I presented. I didn’t even include the trucks/automobiles and employment that our society utilizes to dispose of the goods that are associated with the food industry. In Florida some counties pay other counties to bury the waste that is collected in their county. That’s a lot of SH!!!
Now let us consider jobs that can be created to effectively deal with this “waste”; garbage is a variable that we cannot just wish away. The worlds’ population is going to continue to grow, exponentially. Our duty as humans on our planet is to be responsible, resourceful and pick up after ourselves. Do we want to be known as the generation who did not step up to the plate to handle this seriously growing issue or have the legacy of “the people of the twenty first century were the pioneers of saving our planet”, I prefer the latter.
Back to my proposition; education, commerce, and T.V. (entertainment) will ultimately control the problem of our planets exponential population growth. Easier said than done, I know. I will testify, like many of you all, that the most challenging aspect of any project is getting started. This morning the most difficult part of righting this blog was getting started, now I can go on & on. First, begin on a micro level, take personal responsibility and recycle regularly. If you paper bag a lunch don’t throw away a perfectly useable brown bag after lunch, fold it up take it home and use it again. Then move on to a macro level, if recycling is not available in your community get in touch with your county commissioners and let them know of your concerns and them communicate with your neighbors the importance of recycling. Perhaps become a scientist and get involved with industries that are thinking out-side of the box when it comes to “energy” or the food industry; be a part of the solution not the problem. Perhaps you have a HUGE HEART and feel it is your responsibility to help others who can’t help themselves, the Peace Corp are looking for people just like you.
Our great country has its roots in exploration, which was followed by expansion. The agenda was not always completed in the most humane way; however the idea of Manifest Destiny was full-filled from one coast to the other. Now it is time to full-fill the “manifest destiny of our minds”, collectively humanity can preserve our planet for generations to come.

Anonymous said...

Luis Canales

Being over populated might be a little "missunderstood" by many people. According to what i found out the entire population of the world can fit in ONLY the state of Texas and it even can be given a backyard to all of us. Now, this being said is obvious is not being over populated, but the damage each one of us as consumers represent to the planet. I also have the understandment that between 70% to an 80% of the basic grain that we grow is feed to farm animals. Now if all this info is accurate then a solution will be to reduce the amount of meat that we regularly eat. Now most of this solutions wont ever be put in practice because it would cut significaly in the earnings of farmers, meat product corporations, etc.
I do believe as well we are waiting for something either really really bad to happen, or something really really good that save us from our own hand. But the way things are going, we might as well wait for a miracle that never will come.

Luis Canales

Anonymous said...

David Acosta
Unfortunately we dont look at the big picture. At some point there is going to be a food & water crisis and only when that happens is when we will look for a solution. However, by that time that happens it may be to late. Like many other issues around the world until it becomes a problem no one seems to care.

Donavan Ludwig said...

I think the problem of running out of food for every one is not good. But are things not the way they should be? It is situations just like these that cause great things to happen. Hopefully this will cause the next jump in our level of consciousness and we wont have to worry about something so small as having to eat food.

Anonymous said...

There are numerous problems concerning overpopulation and world hunger it's overwhelmingly impossible to come up with a definite answer. It was only until the birth of industrialization that began a dramatic increase of population. Now, many of the developed countries have slowed their birth rate to a reasonable number. As of now, Europe's population rate is decreasing as the U.S has in the slightest bit (the factor of immigration hinders the results). My point is the focus on overpopulation (has nothing to do with resources) is in developing countries. India, which has a higher population than china, controls 1/6 of the world's population but has one of the lowest GDP's in the world. People say education is the solution. Many people have tried in means of a resulted low birth-rate but have had no progress. It's pretty funny when countries like the U.S have gone through the same problem in the past and claiming we have the right answers because we screwed up before - it's not that easy.

Solutions for world hunger isn't any easier. Cutting back on meat isn't the answer. What was being solely addressed here is the ecological problems of crops not cattle (though that as well is a problem). Aside from oil, the next major wars will be on water and soil. Yes soil; soil depletion is one of the biggest problems we are facing. The answer is not to cut back on one or a few particular food products but many. Rice is one of the most resource wasting crop we continue to grow. It just requires too much water. My answer for this is explained in one word - moderation. Cut back on crops that use too much water and soil and start facilitating other foods like whole grain. My phased out environmental obsession led me to believe one thing- there is no definite answer to solve the world's biggest problems.

Cristopher Dollar

April D said...

Overpopulation is a continuing problem that many tend to ignore. The fact that abortion's legality is still a debate while our country is multiplying by the second is disturbing. Ignorance breeds children.. statistics show that people who lack much education tend to have more children than those others and tend to conceive at a younger age. Education is out there but the church tends to cloud peoples judgement and logic based on beliefs that are upheld merely to implement power over others and total control. Overpopulation = chaos = more human pain suffering and turmoil= more people turning to the church for help. The more followers, the more soldiers they have to carryout what the church wants to achieve in the future like they had in the past... TOTAL CONTROL.. I beleive that one should have to apply for a license to have a baby. Not just anyone should have the right to conceive. One needs a license or permit for everything else in this world, why not for creating a life! I think one should maybe go in front of a judge and be mentally, financially, and personally evaluated befor bringing a life into this country.. Otherwise while I'm waiting to have my first child, the ignorant are multiplying double time... Scary

Anonymous said...

I think girls and women are having kids for the wrong reasons and not have the needs to provide for them. Having children is not a simple decision, it takes a lot of planning in order to provide them and when we just have them to "keep our man" won't help the increase of over population. Also the reason why are planer is being exploited is because no one seems to care that our natural resources will one day come to an end. Since they hear it all the time they often time think it's not a major deal. But when that day comes is when everyone is going to panic and try to fix the earth.

- Idania G.