Thursday, April 1, 2010

PHI 2010 T,R 8:25am


joel mathis said...

With all the various crisis going on in this world we as a individuals "we choose to go on a hunger strike". If this were true then it would mean we made the choice to starve ourselves, but because it's not true people all over the world who are starving are not doing this for their health, on the contrary its killing millions of many unfortunate people around the world because individuals like ourselves care only about ourselves. With all the new research taking place in this world, in the name of science, we are destroying our future and are people alike at a rapid rate. There is no reason why we cannot hold back from doing experiments that seem to cause more harm then good. Population explosion, we need seriously a food explosion around the world where everyone can have a full belly. For every dollar that is spent in fast food markets around the world & food distributors everywhere, 1% should be taken from every dollar and given over to these countries building food organizations and feeding the people without pay. WE HAVE THE RESOURCES TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN! Every other nation should chip in in making this project happen come alive.

Bismarck said...

In 2009 an American woman hit the limelight by becoming Octomom. The sole idea of having eight children should be outlawed but here in America it was a symbol of media attraction. Nations throughout the world are plagued by the problem of a high population. A world that exceeds its maximum carrying capacity is in danger of depleting its resources. In order to bring population growth to a halt; family planning, free acess to contraceptive use, and a higher education for women are methods that should be excersiced by local governments. We are unable to know how many humans the world can hold because that is like asking how many cigarettes one can smoke before getting lung cancer, instead we should focus on precautions to keep our population from sky rocketing to points of no return!

Bernex said...

Well with everything that goes on in this world(planet) I am not suprise. The world is getting to a point of being over populated and history always repeats itself. Not wishing any harmful thoughts on anyone, but look at the state that the world is in now. Global Warming, Tsunami's and Earthquake. Well excluded the earthquake that just the plates in the earth crust shifting. But overall we just need to sit down and buckle up because it is going to be a HELL OF A BUMPY RIDE FOLKS.

Yeily said...

When it comes to work hunger and the over population of a place things need to change and very quickly. I know making changes is easy to say but it's not so hard for the people that cant really help to say it. I don't understand how there are so many wealthy people on the world but no changes have been made, I understand that they have their own life and responsebilities to take care of but we do need there help. One thing I do think
we can change is the way we help these countries, instead of giving food and supplies; give them the tools they need to create these essential things, the ability to reroduce them whenever needed, it's a way better solution then giving them things that sooner or late (usually sooner) they will now have anymore.

Anonymous said...

Jacqueline Johnson

There is little that can be done about the population explosion in Africa(for example). As harsh as it may sound, but seeing how our medical advances have yet to reach this part of the world, do to government and so forth, this issue will continue to balance itself out with diseases and illnesses commonly know in this area. More money could be spent to send enhanced medicines such as birth controls and clinics that specialize in this field. As far as having enough food to sustain the population, money could be spent on research for genetically engineered crops that can survive and prosper in such climates.

Anonymous said...

we can only feel what those starving people are going through simply when we try to put ourselves in their shoes. In my case personally, i cannot even stay hungry for more than 10 minutes.However, every day in the United States, people are throwing food away while so many children are crying for not being able to even taste a piece of bread. Being hungry is hard and painful. It can also lead serious deseases. We can do something better. From now on let's put ourselves together in order to collect money and food to relieve those people from the hunger issue.They need us!

laplanche said...

hunger is a craving or urgent need for food.people can die if they are not well feeded.if the rich countries do not try to give a hand to the other poor countries, many kids, including their parents will not be able to survive. those people will end up developping any type of diseases which later can spread all over the world and even healthy people can be affected.So there are many ways to help those people instead of wasting some good food.I know changing the situation of a country is very hard to handle but step by step we will certainly succeed.

Anonymous said...

Ruth chama Duchatelier...
Hunger, overpopulation and global warming are things that we keep talking about everyday.We spend our time worrying about the definition of the words without really thinking about a way to stop the situation. We can't forget that we are the ones who are responsible for what the world is today. Looking at all these people who are hungry, we need to do something about them. We need to stop thinking about ourselves only and start making a difference. If we are the world, we need to save, we need to protect it. after all, we need to make it a better place.
Ruth Chama Duchatelier

Thamara Quintero said...

All throughout history we have seen the populations rise and fall. There are always problems that need to be solved. Once those are solved, problems arise from those solutions and so forth. Unfortunately that is human nature. We are great beings with great potential and great faults. We create magnificent things that seem to be the solution to our problems and yet they cause even more problems. Hunger, over population is the same thing. We are consumers, it is in our nature. We will consume until there is nothing left to consume. That will result in some type of ultimate change, whether good, or bad, right or wrong this is how it has always been. After that, the we begin again, until once again history is repeated and the vicious cycle continuous. Of course I am not implying that we do not want to stop this, but can we? It is unfortunate for human kind that this is how it is... Of course nothing is set in stone. I am just going on what we have seen in history. All great Empires have fallen, one way or another.

Bryant hernandez said...

Let us look at some propositions. The food industry not only feeds our population by putting food into our mouths, it is the economic back bone of our country. The food industry drives our commerce so much it produces more calories per person than needed, about 700 on average. Why you ask? Well lets’ examine all the variables that are involved. On a broad spectrum there is petroleum. Gasoline is needed in every step of food production; from the tractors that farms use in agriculture and the airplanes that spread insecticide over crops. Trucks that transport goods from the farm-land to the processing/packaging plants burn gas to transport goods to distributors. More trucks are then needed to convey food products to the markets and restaurants; lets’ not forget the automobile that we use to pick up our groceries and drive when we dine out. Wow, that’s a lot of gas, think about all the jobs that are included in that scheme I presented. I didn’t even include the trucks/automobiles and employment that our society utilizes to dispose of the goods that are associated with the food industry. In Florida some counties pay other counties to bury the waste that is collected in their county. That’s a lot of SH!!!
Now let us consider jobs that can be created to effectively deal with this “waste”; garbage is a variable that we cannot just wish away. The worlds’ population is going to continue to grow, exponentially. Our duty as humans on our planet is to be responsible, resourceful and pick up after ourselves. Do we want to be known as the generation who did not step up to the plate to handle this seriously growing issue or have the legacy of “the people of the twenty first century were the pioneers of saving our planet”, I prefer the latter.
Back to my proposition; education, commerce, and T.V. (entertainment) will ultimately control the problem of our planets exponential population growth. Easier said than done, I know. I will testify, like many of you all, that the most challenging aspect of any project is getting started. This morning the most difficult part of righting this blog was getting started, now I can go on & on. First, begin on a micro level, take personal responsibility and recycle regularly. If you paper bag a lunch don’t throw away a perfectly useable brown bag after lunch, fold it up take it home and use it again. Then move on to a macro level, if recycling is not available in your community get in touch with your county commissioners and let them know of your concerns and then communicate with your neighbors the importance of recycling. Perhaps become a scientist and get involved with industries that are thinking out-side of the box when it comes to “energy” or the food industry; be a part of the solution not the problem. Perhaps you have a HUGE HEART and feel it is your responsibility to help others who can’t help themselves, the Peace Corp are looking for people just like you.
Our great country has its roots in exploration, which was followed by expansion. The agenda was not always completed in the most humane way; however the idea of Manifest Destiny was full-filled from one coast to the other. Now it is time to full-fill the “manifest destiny of our minds”, collectively humanity can preserve our planet for generations to come.

Sean Wilson said...

Actually, the population explosion seems a little inaccurate. Although the world population is still growing, more than half of the population of the world (including the U.S.) live in countries with birthrates below the replacement level of 2.1 children. (The Economist) Places like China and India which are growing rapidly still are seeing a decline in birthrates to, as they slowly become more wealthy. This of course does nothing for those in the poorest countries who are dying of malnutrition, but at least if the world population does in fact level off in the foreseeable future, the prospect of being able to feed everyone might not seem such a daunting task.

monica lastre said...

In my opinion is necessary to decrease birthrates in third world countries. The poorest countries are the one with more births and in well developed countries the rate is lower than the expected to maintain population. We are destroying our planet with aggressive agricultural techniques, and still the people that needs this food is not having access to it.
monica lastre

Jose Medina said...

Malthus already explored the problem of overpopulation nearly 200 years ago when it wasn't such a big deal as it is today. Realistically speaking, we can't really regulate birth rates successfully. China has a system in place, but a natural balance is disrupted (significantly more males than females curbs population problems, but leads to new ones). An alternative may be to spur sustainability in sub-Saharan Africa; without industrializing, non-governmental organizations can attempt to colonize potential agriculturally-rich zones and use them to harvest fresh, healthy foods. The lack of education and development in these nations is the equivalent of an international quicksand—and it must be alleviated. After we create these resources, it seems that malnourishment won't be the issue; but population control will. When we run out of space, it will be time to start considering the notion of colonizing space.