Thursday, April 1, 2010

PHI 2010 T,R 9:50am


Julie McConnell said...

World hunger is clearly a terrible issue. There is not much else I can add when it comes to pointing this out, but thankfully, several efforts have been recently made to try to combat this. These include the UN’s World Food Bank, and a large number of non-profit organizations which have also sought to battle this. I did, however, find a link of photos that I thought was kind of neat that was indirectly related to the world hunger issue:

I’m not sure of what else to say, other than to state that as non-profits; we perhaps need to focus our efforts on teaching sustainable farming/food-producing for these malnourished countries. As the saying goes, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Unknown said...

World hunger is a major issue. From the blog it seems as if the more ways that humans try to cut corners and mass produce food the worse it gets. The ways that should be helping obviously arent. Maybe as a whole we all need to step back and realise that maybe the food that we consume on a daily basis is too much and if we cut back then this mass production will not be necessary and this will turn around and positively affect the ones who need it the most.

One might say that hunger is just one issue that can be controlled with feeding the hungry but along with hunger comes malnutrition and consequently illness. According to poorly nurished children suffer up to 160 days of illness a year. Us healthy people can barely deal with a day or two every so often. Imagine 160. Our selfishness and greed is affect more that we realise.

It must be noted that developed countries such as the US don't have such a high percentage of hungry people but we cannot go and help others if we cant first help our own. Let a low percent turn into 0% and hopefully this will cause a ripple effect. What ever is done needs to be done fast because humans arent the only ones that are suffering and very soon our greed will cause the demise of the world as we know it.

For facts about world hunger check out:

Scarleth said...

We have massive amounts of people in this world, and stopping our human reproduction is clearly not a way to go. Many people are hungry because there isn't enough food in all the places of the earth. Where there is food they are using substances that pollute the environment and clearly that is not good. From this article it is easy to say that they would prefer to have people be vegetarians if producing meat is not good because it pollutes and there many other ways to get protein. Even planting causes pollution and world hunger because the left over stuff goes into rivers and lakes where people in Africa go for water. There has to be a solution for such hunger in a way that won't cause trouble to any outcome.

paola botero said...

It still amazes me human impotence or incapacity to relate with those who don't have the same benefits. I believe that the problem is just within us, our constant desire to have more and more and our lack of love and compassion for the people. Our world and each society has lost the purpose of life. People think that satisfaction will be achieved by accumulating material things. However they also forget that we are spiritual beings as well and that we seek satisfaction because we are constantly looking to fill a void. People are stupid now a days, we are ruled by corrupt politicians (minority) but still do nothing( majority) we see hunger and ignore it because we care for money more than for another being. As a matter of fact I admired the natives, who ever believed that a piece of land belonged to you, a reef to a company or fruits that are produced by the land, reconsider it. In my utopian world the land would be properly distributed, the food from the land would be for all as well as the water and money would loose its value because the only good thing we gain from it is trade. forget about politicians either be a spiritual person or ethical and all of our problems would be solved. Impossible? apparently, thanks to people's stupidity, shallowness and lack of compassion towards others! PAOLA BOTERO

Jorge Cano said...

World hunger is a vital problem in our world that will only get exponentially larger as our population increases. There are two ways to solve this upcoming catastrophe, the first is to reduce population levels through means of contraceptives or the use of regulations limiting the number of offspring's, which is attainable but is loaded with ethical and political problems that weigh this option down. The other and is to greatly increase the output of food to meet with the high growing demands and to effectively regulate the distribution of these food products. Unfortunately i see neither of these options happening in the near future. A more realistic picture is that of a few major organization holding a monopoly over the food industry further creating inequality and world hunger.
Jorge Cano

Ina Dougherty said...

In one hand there are the innocent that starve due to circumstances that are well out of their control. In the other hand when is it the right time for people to do what they have to in order to meet their minimal obligations to sustain themselves. Why is it that the rest of the world can come out of the dark ages and some places still remain in ruins? All throughout the world people have struggled through famine and plagues and all kinds of obstacles and have come up from the ashes of trying to survive. Yet we still have places that never seem to come up from there dismal circumstance. There comes a time where you have to make life happen and fend for yourself. Victims that make more victims are perpetuating a cruel cycle where no one can get ahead. We as great nations need to intervene once and for all and fix what we can or just leave them alone. This endless debate needs to come to a conclusion. Democracy, education, means to begin sustainability financially and in every basic aspect, civilization is the key missing element in these places. They need something to grow from and while they grow they need protection from people that do as they please with them committing all kinds of crimes and keeping them from being free of their cycle of strife and misfortune.

Silvia Vargas said...

The way that I look at the problem is that it seems as if its just going to continue to grow. We have called soo much attention to World Hunger with commercials, celebrities going to feed those in need and people donating. But this is going to be an ongoing problem, just because you donate to someone now does it necessarily mean that you are feeding them for life? No. And its as simple as that, as much as we should populate as human beings there should be some sort of structure and knowing how we are, we people dont like structure or in other words "being told what to do." It sucks, but I cannot think of any other way to solve this.

Arnulfo said...

World hunger is an issue that has been plaguing us forever and it's only going to get worse as time goes on. The way I see it, the only way to control the problem is to control the population increase. We have many underdeveloped nations where people reproduce like jack rabbits without thinking of the consequences of having such a large family. What needs to happen is the education of said people. They need to know at least what comes about when you have so many kids. Unfortunately that scheme looks like a pipe dream.

nicole said...

Everywhere in the world people are going hungry but that's because there's too many people to feed. There's food (there's always been food) but it isn't being distributed properly and in some cases, processed improperly. Poverty has a lot to do with the world hunger issue. Too many people are having too many kids, unaware that doing so only makes the problem worse. The three factors that contribute to world hunger are, in my opinion, lack of education, too many large families, and corrupt government. The government is in many cases responsible for what its people eats and in many underdeveloped nations, the governments tend to be run by corrupt dictators who only care about personal gain (food hoggers).

Madelayne said...

The growing hunger and lack of resources to fill the demand is a big issue that affects the world. I think that the U.S. needs to set an example for the rest of the countries and begin to preserve the natural environment. If the world does not learn how to conserve the ecosystem that we all share then this problem will lead to the devastation and destruction of the planet because earth is as alive as we are.

- Madelayne Cisneros

Anonymous said...

What's difficult about finding a solution to this issue is the fact, and mentality, that at this point in the game it's hard to adjust our ways. It's not as impossible as some make it seem, but humans are too
comfortable to actually alter or sacrifice for the sake of the planet and our existence.
Nothing seems to be wrong, and reality isn't going to make an impact until the world breaks out a more notable amount of earthquakes, mudslides, and other natural disasters that have been taking place.
The world has to acknowledge the problem before being able to effectively and efficiently fix it.

Gabriela Flores

Casandra Mejias said...

I'm going to play devil's advocate and say that while world hunger is a horrible truth, the true problem arrises in human oversensitivity and gluttony. As Americans, we have seperated ourselves so much from the food we eat that we are oversensitive to human suffering but simultaneously irreverant to nature. We spend our lives finding ways to undermine natural selection. Nature is all about balance. Some live some die, but it's a system. We are constantly trying to take ourselves out of that system. The truth is that we cannot all live forever, luxuriously, and without any suffering. If we want to even attempt to address world hunger we have to first address our fear of personal suffering.

Tomas E. Pendola said...

Well I actually don't think that the real issue is the food growth at all. We need to face some facts, agricultural technology has reached its limits. We can't really produce more food than we already do, specially not in places like sub-Saharan Africa which are really not the best for farming. The true problem here is human reproduction. How in the hell are we supposed to be able to grow enough food for the obscene number of people that now inhabit the earth. Specially in areas like most of central Africa where people live off the land and thus have numerous children in order to work on that land. These people might think they are getting cheap labor but guess what, ITS JUST MORE MOUTHS TO FEED! The earth is just not made to support such a rapidly growing population and lets face it there is no real solution (other than a major plague) because any kind of solution would violate someones given rights. We can only try to lessen the problems cause by this major population growth by redirecting the massive amounts of food and technology that we have in the developed world (because lets face it we don't need to eat 4000 calories a day we are all fat anyways) into areas that have a serious food shortage like sub-Saharan Africa.

Marianne L Merisier said...

I am stating with all uncertainty that word hunger in a lot of countries is just an understatement, and there are a lot of reasons for that I will definitely touch a couple of reasons. First of all let me start by saying countries like the United States, China, and India should consider to on their carbon footprint to decrease on the full scale of global warming if you believe their global warming really exits. so after we will make little progress and toward raining. Second I think the develop countries should think of help third world countries with good fertilizers that will contaminate their drink because their infrastructures are really poor. Third we need to stop sign bogus treaty where smaller countries will suffer by not produce x amount of food just to receive help from big countries. My opinion in this case i do know that UN should find better way to help small countries fight hunger by having guidelines on how to distribute food to the people not the elite class of a country for corruptions. Hunger is really a bad and evil thing we all should be fighting against it

Bryant hernandez said...

Let us look at some propositions. The food industry not only feeds our population by putting food into our mouths, it is the economic back bone of our country. The food industry drives our commerce so much it produces more calories per person than needed, about 700 on average. Why you ask? Well lets’ examine all the variables that are involved. On a broad spectrum there is petroleum. Gasoline is needed in every step of food production; from the tractors that farms use in agriculture and the airplanes that spread insecticide over crops. Trucks that transport goods from the farm-land to the processing/packaging plants burn gas to transport goods to distributors. More trucks are then needed to convey food products to the markets and restaurants; lets’ not forget the automobile that we use to pick up our groceries and drive when we dine out. Wow, that’s a lot of gas, think about all the jobs that are included in that scheme I presented. I didn’t even include the trucks/automobiles and employment that our society utilizes to dispose of the goods that are associated with the food industry. In Florida some counties pay other counties to bury the waste that is collected in their county. That’s a lot of SH!!!
Now let us consider jobs that can be created to effectively deal with this “waste”; garbage is a variable that we cannot just wish away. The worlds’ population is going to continue to grow, exponentially. Our duty as humans on our planet is to be responsible, resourceful and pick up after ourselves. Do we want to be known as the generation who did not step up to the plate to handle this seriously growing issue or have the legacy of “the people of the twenty first century were the pioneers of saving our planet”, I prefer the latter.
Back to my proposition; education, commerce, and T.V. (entertainment) will ultimately control the problem of our planets exponential population growth. Easier said than done, I know. I will testify, like many of you all, that the most challenging aspect of any project is getting started. This morning the most difficult part of righting this blog was getting started, now I can go on & on. First, begin on a micro level, take personal responsibility and recycle regularly. If you paper bag a lunch don’t throw away a perfectly useable brown bag after lunch, fold it up take it home and use it again. Then move on to a macro level, if recycling is not available in your community get in touch with your county commissioners and let them know of your concerns and then communicate with your neighbors the importance of recycling. Perhaps become a scientist and get involved with industries that are thinking out-side of the box when it comes to “energy” or the food industry; be a part of the solution not the problem. Perhaps you have a HUGE HEART and feel it is your responsibility to help others who can’t help themselves, the Peace Corp are looking for people just like you.
Our great country has its roots in exploration, which was followed by expansion. The agenda was not always completed in the most humane way; however the idea of Manifest Destiny was full-filled from one coast to the other. Now it is time to full-fill the “manifest destiny of our minds”, collectively humanity can preserve our planet for generations to come.

Liony Arzu said...

Hunger is something we just can't stop. I believe over reproduction can be reduced to stop hunger in third world countries.Food scarcity will continue to grow more and more. Unless they start making food artificially. So the solution is defenitely come up with a method to stop the reproduction in poor countries.

Gabriela Flores said...

What's difficult about finding a solution to this issue is the fact, and mentality, that at this point in the game it's hard to adjust our ways. It's not as impossible as some make it seem, but humans are too
comfortable to actually alter or sacrifice for the sake of the planet and our existence.
Nothing seems to be wrong, and reality isn't going to make an impact until the world breaks out a more notable amount of earthquakes, mudslides, and other natural disasters that have been taking place.
The world has to acknowledge the problem before being able to effectively and efficiently fix it.

(It wasn't allowing me to post my ID last time so I reposted it...)

Gloria said...

World hunger as the years progress has and is a major issue and concern. From this article it seems clearly that now the problem is with overpopulation as it creates an issue in putting extreme pressure on food production, water, etc. Unfortunately places like sub-Saharan Africa have always dealt with these problems. It is sad to see how children are malnutrioned, how they have diseases from an early age, etc. There are numerous organizations that try to help out by distributing food to places like sub-Saharan Africa but there are just so many people in those countries expeiencing hunger that it can become difficult to reach them all to help.

Gloria AYosa

luis Ilabaca said...

i feel as if this situation that is clearly out of hand is just in need of some drastic measures. we can not allow for the human population to continue increasing when we don't even have the basic resources like food and water. we need to stop analyzing our selves as a nation and see ourselves as what we really are; citizens of the world. we need to allow for stronger world policy and every country should join in on controlling things as their populations in accordance to their resources.

Anonymous said...

earth have enough resources for every single one leaving on the planet. the distribution of wealth and management of these resources are the main causes for me why Hunger is devastating the planet.
Africa is one of the places were hunger is mostly seeing. the Lack of knowledge due to the poverty makes the people unable to come up with engineering idea to self provide them .
I usually say why don't we teach people how to fish whether to give them the fish . we have sough for many years idea that can stop the world hunger but I think that we always make the wrong decision .
We have to provide people knowledge to have the capability to self provide them self , otherwise we will always have to provide them ourself.

Steeve Philippe

Unknown said...

World Hunger has been by far one of the most horrific topics we can ever discuss. Due to the fact that it has given a major increase throughout the years more and more people around the world is suffering from low production of food. Most of these people are situated in Africa and other areas and many of the population consist of children and many of them are not able to survive with what they have. It is indeed one of the topics that brings the attention to everyone and has many trying to find a solution to this. There are organizations that are finding their own ways that they can be able to provide food for these people that are suffering from world hunger. One of the organizations I know of is free rice which consists of just entering online and each day take a small vocabulary quiz which can reach up to 1000 rice grains which will be able to help heal world hunger in many countries in need.

Unknown said...

World Hunger has been by far one of the most horrific topics we can ever discuss. Due to the fact that it has given a major increase throughout the years more and more people around the world is suffering from low production of food. Most of these people are situated in Africa and other areas and many of the population consist of children and many of them are not able to survive with what they have. It is indeed one of the topics that brings the attention to everyone and has many trying to find a solution to this. There are organizations that are finding their own ways that they can be able to provide food for these people that are suffering from world hunger. One of the organizations I know of is free rice which consists of just entering online and each day take a small vocabulary quiz which can reach up to 1000 rice grains which will be able to help heal world hunger in many countries in need.

Vanessa Urbina said...

It's frustrating for me to see all the injustices that bring inequalities among people, and the ones that are most likely affected by these problems are the poorer societies. If one looks at the problem of hunger in the world it is easy to think that people who suffer from this have bad luck for not having been born in a first world country.
However, if one looks carefully at history and to how all these places in the world got so poor and others so rich, one realizes that the ones to blame are the first world nations.
These nations are taking the natural resources from third world countries and making profit from it without giving those countries what they deserve at least for having let them take control over their land.

Once one understands this cycle of taking advantage over the poor (that in reality are the ones who really own most of the natural resources and should be the rich ones), it is easy to know why people that live in third world countries suffer from hunger, even starvation. The capitalist take advantage over the worker and use him/her as tool to become richer.
Therefore, off course these people (capitalists, investors, etc.) don't care that people are dying from starvation. They just care about making as much profit as possible. That's why all what is produced in poor countries go to those "blessed by god" countries. Consequently, that's how consumerism and obesity and health problems started emerging in first nation countries. Even more, some of the food that is being produced by the cheap labor that poor countries give, is not even for human consumption but to feed cattle that later is going to be sold in nice supermarkets. Furthermore, how is it that there are so much money spent in feeding cattle but not in feeding people? The answer again relies in the principal of capitalism: to make profit.

I really don't think there can be any solution if people don't look at the big picture of these problems which make people suffer all over the world. Or maybe humanity's essence is to be selfish and to aspire for control and power above others and my philanthropist vision is an illusion given by morality family values, and off course religion.

This is a link that talks about Global Inequality consumption if someone wants to look at it.

... There so many things to do for this world and so little time ...