Monday, February 9, 2015

homosexuality is as "inherently evil" as earth's rotation

alabama's chief justice roy moore declared homosexuality an "inherent evil" in a 2002 custody ruling against a lesbian mother.

what sort of argument will moore put forward when he declares homosexuality an inherently evil? 

he cannot come from a sound biological argument. if biology is the science of living organisms, including their function, growth, origin, evolution, etc, then homosexuality is as biological as heterosexuality. moore cannot come from a sound sociological premise: homosexuals are socially integrated individuals: they are successful as citizens, as members of families as workers, scientists, artists, etc. moore has no philosophical argument either: "evil" and "homosexuality" are as close as amomongo and the chupacabra

yeah, homosexuality is as "inherently evil" as the earth's rotation.

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