Monday, February 23, 2015

aristotle's de interpretatione 9

think for a moment of aristotle's argument in de interpretatione 9:
. . . if a thing is white now, it was true before to say that it would be white, so that of anything that has taken place, it was always true to say ‘it is’ or ‘it will be’. But if it was always true to say that a thing is or will be, it is not possible that it should not be or not come to be, and when a thing cannot not come to be, it is impossible that it should not come to be, and when it is impossible that it should not come to be, it must come to be. All then, that is about to be must of necessity take place. It results from this that nothing is uncertain or fortuitous, for if it were fortuitous it would not be necessary.
if you find this compelling you're into modal logic. here's a cool "playground" for modal logic enthusiasts.

here, a nice link to modal logic for beginners.  check it out.

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