Monday, February 8, 2010

T 5:40pm


Sara Estopinan said...

I think that anyone that wants to die for our country should go right ahead and join the military. I don’t think it matters that the person is gay, straight, black, or white; we all should be allowed to have the same opportunity. The times are changing, and as they change so do we. I’m happy that homosexually isn’t taboo anymore. I’m proud of us as a country that we are able to see people of color as equals. No we have not been able to fully get over our racial or homosexual tensions, but I see America moving forward. As far as a gay right is concerned, I feel that gays and straights have more in common than we think. “Some people talk about the problems of sharing quarters with a homosexual in the military, (as if homosexuals were predators by nature).” I think this statement is outrages. What does it matter if someone is homosexual when it comes to being in the military? Gay people shouldn’t be allowed to fight for our country because they may have a different sexual nature then you do? I agree with the “don’t ask don’t tell” way of thinking. I don’t think sexually makes a difference in the military, but that’s only my opinion. I’m sure that many don’t agree with homosexual marriage, but that’s completely different then homosexuals in the military. I hope people start opening their minds to the possibilities of a world without discrimination.

Elizabeth Molina said...

When a person joins the military, they are forced to sign a paper that basically says "The Government Owns You!" There are many can's and cant's in the military. DADT policy isn't the only right that is based on sex or sexual orientation. Another one would be that gay and straight women can't serve in combat yet, gay and straight men can. I highly doubt the military is basing their policy on what the bible says regarding homosexuality.

DADT means that if a gay person is outed, they are at risk of being discharged. This sounds like discrimination to me. This is not to say that there are not gays in the military, they just have the option of remaining as long as they are silent on their sexual orientation. Now, If the DODT were removed without changing the military policies against homosexuality or homosexual acts, gays I believe, would be more discriminated against. The DODT policy is actually protecting the service members right now, allowing them to serve without being asked their orientation (and being revealed and open to persecution). Taking that away before military policy changes would not be in their interest.

So while gays have to hide their relationships and deny their loved ones, heterosexuals and their spouses are able to enjoy family events sponsored by the military such as the "Military Ball". They can even join clubs such as the Officer's spouses club and the Enlisted spouses club that a gay family CANNOT join.

The only opposition to gays in the military is coming from homophobic soldiers who feel uncomfortable with sharing showers/locker rooms/living quarters with gays. This is the exact opposition the blacks faced when they were integrated into the military. People questioned where the blacks would sleep and shower, and who would respect them. We all know today that this behavior was wrong. So military guys, get over yourself. Gay men don't usually waste their time on straight men anyways.

In all, Obama's proposal is to remove the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy and then to meet with Joint Chiefs of Staff and Congress to REVIEW the military policy against homosexuality. But I think it should go the other way around: make homosexuality legal in the military and THEN remove DADT.

Anonymous said...

jessica james

Its so sad to see how people react to gay individuals. People act as if being gay is a crime or a disease. They should have the same rights as straight people to serve in the military. There sexuality shouldn't play a role in determining if they are capable of serving. So basically what is being inferred is that gays are wimps or emotionally unstable. Wouldnt some people say the same about women. But we are allowed to serve.Im quite sure if there were a shirtage of soliders and gays were the last people on the earth, who would they have to get. At the end of the day they are HUMAN!

Anonymous said...

Simone Miranda Mueller
Gay, straight or bisexual....nowadays it should not be a topic anymore. Why don't we deserve the same rights as straight people? What makes us different? Does it really matter if I am in love with a woman or a man?
Being gay is not a choice, neither is being straight.
Besides, being a lesbian doesnt mean I am into EVERY woman on this earth. We are picky too, just as you straight people are. We usually don't look for straight woman - we are not that self-destructive. So, don't worry if you have to share your room with me, I won't jump in your bed. Dont worry if you have to share the shower with me, I dont care to see you naked.
I remember being at the airport with my girlfriend about a year ago. She had to go back to Germany,to serve for the U.S. Military. I hated that we had to act as if we were only friends.
We want to been seen with our partners, we want to be asked who we are in love with, we want to talk about the person we love. So, hopefully the "Don't ask don't tell" regulation will be past time very soon, so we can be ourselves.

Fanny Martinez said...

I understand that most of the people who make these types of rules are older men who stick to their believes towards gay people. Ex: Being gay is a sin.
But now days they should come out of there bubble and realize that it should depend on other things. Any one who would risk there lives for their country deserves a chance it shouldnt matter wether they are gay or hetereosexual. From my prespective its not descriminative! Its stupid!

Fanny Martinez

Michael Telcide said...

The time is changing; that is a true statement. Seeing the way societies embrace gays now is amazing.The attitude I had toward them eased up a little over time. I think if someone choose not to involve with, or dealing with a gay person is totally a personal decision. But when it comes to institutional level, it raises discrimination questions. If we, as a nation, follow the constitution and its amendments, we should know that everyone is covered by it. So if homosexuals want to serve their country, they should not be denied access. I always thought the arm forces were for the tough guys with “balls” and a person who drops theirs would be impaired in some ways. But studies show it is not the case.
The problem is that heterosexuals and homosexuals will have to interact in a very closed manner when serving in the military. They have to shower together and stuff like that. It is foolish if someone says “gays are not predators” and they are not interested in straight people. If you are gay and you are not interested in straight people (virgins), good for you. But don’t think your gay fellows feel the same way. Why do they separate men and women bathrooms? I believe it’s to avoid harassment. Positive (+) and negative (-) always attract. Now if a man (+) decides that he likes other man (+), he automatically change to (-). So when a gay man (-) is around a straight man who is (+), the chances of attraction are definitely present.
With that been said, I don’t want to be naked around a man who might be fantasizing about me. The “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy is very important in that matter. If everybody is in the shower and no one knows who is fantasizing about what, that’s fine. But if I know you gay and I see you looking at me naked in the shower in a certain way, I will walk up to you and ask “WHAT THE F**K YOU WANT?”

Unknown said...

Homosexuals should be able to freely serve our country. Until this is established, I don’t think they should be sent to war. Our country does not support them or their lifestyles; we denied them the right to legal contracts (i.e. gay marriage) and now are fighting to keep suppressing them in the U.S. forces. It is such flagrant, old-school discrimination, it’s sickening to think that crap like this is still happening in 2010.

Now, regarding the religious turmoil. As you stated, many religious zealots have issues with this because their deity condemns homosexuals. This is where they have to understand the fine line between sacred and secular. Now, unless I missed the memo where we turned into a theocracy, religion should not even be spoken about in this debate because we have something called “separation of church and state.”

Anonymous said...

Gaelle Mompoint

Although I am a Christian, going back to the bible you can see that it clearly contradicts itself. It states that a union should be between a man and a woman but then again God says that you should love and not discriminate anyone. So who is to say what’s wrong or right. For those who do not believe in the bible then an argument for you would b: How does your sexual orientation hold you from actively serving your country? That question has always been my basis for this argument. Blood shed is blood lost. Everyone bleeds the same homosexuals do not die differently from heterosexuals. Your sexual preference does not in any way diminish your abilities to fight for a country in which you believe in. In my opinion, if I were a gay individual in this country, I would not want to fight for a country who does not respect my sexual orientation. If the military continues with such an absurd rule, which I believe will not exist in a couple of years, it is the same as saying that homosexuals can not apply for certain jobs. Homosexuality can in no way be compared to harassment!!

Jake Torano said...
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Gabriel Sebastian said...

To include policy that contains anti-gay rules, it is then prudent to use science to determine what is considered gay. According to the popular Kinsey Report there is a Hetero-Homosexual scale which is broken down like this:

0- Exclusively heterosexual with no homosexual

1- Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual

2- Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual

3- Equally heterosexual and homosexual

4- Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual

5- Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual

6- Exclusively homosexual

What I am trying to affirm is that is would be absolutely ridiculous for the military to then account for which variant of gay it would disapprove of. Is three ok? or is that too homosexual for them? How many homosexual acts are committed in the darkness of night and among the confidence of some men and women?
The world is not black and white and neither is sexual preference.
The fact is, whatever happens in people's sexual lives does not weigh on their courage, intelligence, valor and significance.

What is also difficult to understand that being a nation of equal rights and freedom from persecution, we carry the same military codes of Russia and China yet, Great Britain, our greatest ally, allows gays in the military. The Bible thumping persists by the sexually insecure and ignorant in the feeble attempt to hold up this ideal sexual connotation that bravery equals masculinity.

Gays should be allowed in the military, they should be allowed any position they are fully prepared and qualified for. Some of our most brilliant scientists and researchers of the 20th century have been gay. Whomever is willing to put their life and limb on the line for Country needs to be allowed their full rank and position and DADT should be DEAD.

Thea Matias said...

There are two culprits: Homophobia and the society's conditioning through Judeo-Christian religion. This personal essay highlights the origin of Homophobia.

...and to Michael: don't you think you should be flattered more than anything if someone other than a woman finds you attractive? I am not attacking your valid comment, but I find it to be extremely anachronistic of the times.
When a soldier is in combat, I think the last thing that he should be worried is other people's fantasies.

This article from the Daily Tartan summarizes a lot in regards to DADT and the waste of resources that the government has superfluously used to protect "a minority of politicians that are so wrapped up in old-Christian values that they more prone to throw a Bible at a homosexual than let them serve in the U.S. Armed Forces." (Arellano)“dont-ask-don’t-tell”-policy-needs-to-be-repealed/

Alfredo Triff said...

Does it really matter if I am in love with a woman or a man?

Good point, Simone.

Donavan Ludwig said...

If it's not broke dont fix it. I think the current policy is fine the way it is.Everybody for the most part has there needs met. Gays can be gay if they want, and normal people can not be bothered with their gayness. And for a side benifit strights can say there gay to get out of the military early.

Sergio Ramirez said...

It seems that these conservatives in Washington will never do anything out of the "ordinary" when it comes down to saving votes. Homophobia is such an outdated, extinct form of prejudice. Homosexuals have never shown extra or strange behavior that would have any affect in combat situations. These big-wigs would sooner send their own sons or daughters to war than fix any real social issues in our country. Where have all the progressives gone? Even those who spoke of change have done very little to show progress. I say if you're brave enough to sign your life over to the US Military for 4 years, you deserve to choose your sexual preference, whether gay or straight.

Alfredo Triff said...

But if I know you gay and I see you looking at me naked in the shower in a certain way, I will walk up to you and ask “WHAT THE F**K YOU WANT?”

Pure testosterone. An issue of gender equality quickly dispatched as personal MACHO BRAVADO!

Anonymous said...

Erick Tinoco

I agree that any US citizen who wishes to serve his or her country should be given the opportunity to do so. Now, if the approve homosexuals in the military, will the genders be: Male, Female and Homosexual? because i know for sure, that i would not tolerate being roommate with a homosexual, or take showers with one. that is just not natural for me. i would work with them but that's it. i believe the higher ups in the military are just trying to prevent more problems than what they already have.

April D said...

In the military or not there shouldn't be any stipulations when it comes to sexual preference. It is just the old big whigs trying to hold on to what little control they have left. Nothing would change besides people wouldn't be living in denial as much, however i do not believe that it would protect gay people in the military. A homophobic person will not be converted because they thrive on ignorance and fear. I feel that homosexuals should be entitled to all of the same rights and freedoms that we have, but I also think that it will put them in more danger then they already are behind enemy lines... at first. The more open they are, the more threatening it will be to a small minded robot. This would initiate violent acts that would then force the military to prosecute the homophobes. I think after a few unfortunate martyrs, and a few examples made out of the homophobes ... there would eventually be justice and the system would start to clean itself.

JORDAN said...

The military really shouldn't be complaining about the sexual orientation of its soldiers, who VOLUNTARILY put their lives at risk. Beggars can't be choosers- if a gay person wants to put their life on the line for America, how can we say no? Who are we to turn away someone who is willing to do such a thing, especially for something as petty as who they choose to have sex with? All of these macho homophobic soldiers are just flattering themselves when they claim serving with homosexuals makes them uncomfortable. I would think that in the middle of warfare, checking out a cute cadet is the furthest thing from a homosexual soldier's mind. Our military is co-ed- what about the 1 in 3 women soldiers who are raped by their comrades? Where's the don't ask don't tell for them?

Natalia said...
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Natalia said...

Natalia Falcon
I have to say this all seems like a big joke to me. I am completely confused, I do not seem to comprehend why this would be real! Are you sure this is not just a joke professor? Is this really a valid topic? If it is, here is my opninion. I do not understand why they would base their choices in people's sexuality, much less why they would say " gay people are precious to our country" when they are always discriminating them. It looks to me lile Mr. Robert McBrayer is laughing to our faces directly on live television, how can they allow such disrispect? Who would believe this lies? I suppose we are a lot smarter than the government thinks we are.

Natasha Urvina said...

In my opinion homosexual people should be let to serve the US military because they are humans and they should have the same rights as straight people, they are as capable of serving as anybody else, because in the end as they said before they are still representing your country and devoting their life to stand up and fight for the country freedom.

Unknown said...

I consider the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy outdated and pointless. Gays, lesbians, and transsexuals can vote for the president of this Nation, marry in some states (in addition to the topic I find outdated as well, since they are HUMAN beings and should ENJOY of the rights just as any other human does) they live together and love each other like any heterosexual couples.
“Some people talk about the problems of sharing quarters with a homosexual in the military” Honesty and Trust? How can it be possible to be honest when its being ask to hide a part of themselves from their colleagues’ and friends in the front line? Trust plays a role in the service as well, you need to be able to trust that the person beside you on the front line is going to defend you.
-Tatiana Camargo

Natalia said...

Ok, I finally got it! It is a joke, I was getting a bit concerned so I did a little research. I found out about "The onion Network". Are we still supposed to talk about it as if it was real?

Ileana said...

Prejudice and ignorance are two of the most prominent ills of our society today. The way gay soldiers are treated today is no exception. Many have been forced to resign due to their sexual orientation, which has little or nothing to do with their ability as soldiers. Most members of our armed forces have no experience in relating to gay people, resulting in a fear that has caused pain to many people, both homosexual and heterosexual. People should not be judged on the basis of their sexuality, an issue which has nothing to do with your ability to serve our country.
I believe that they only difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals is the sexual preference. There are many conservative countries that will not accept this controversy, but I think they are normal people who wants to develop a legal relationship and they should be admit.

Unknown said...

I came across a website from the U.C.-Davis Psychology department when I was researching homosexuality in and outside the military. In his blog posting on "The Facts of Homosexuality," Dr.Herek states, “There is no inherent connection between an adult's sexual orientation and her or his propensity for endangering others. Scientific research provides no evidence that homosexual people are less likely than heterosexuals to exercise good judgment and appropriate discretion in their employment settings. There are no data, for example, showing that gay men and lesbians are more likely than heterosexual men and women to sexually harass their subordinates in the workplace.” If only our government and most members of society could be more open minded and realize that times are changing. Just because you have a different sexual preference then what is considered 'normal', you should not be reprimanded for it in the work force and especially when you are risking your life for our freedom. For the freedom of certain men and women who condemn you? For those men and women who are scared of sharing living quarters or showers with homosexuals, sorry to break it to you, but you've probably already been doing that thus far since DADT prevents them from disclosing any information in regards to their sexual preference. The government should do away with "Don't ask, don't tell" and make homosexuals in the military legal, as well as creating strict rules and punishments for those who seek to discriminate or cause any harm to a homosexual soldier. We've come a long way since 1916, including the recent inauguration of our first black president. Why not do away with these false notions of the effectiveness or sexual conduct of a homosexual in the military?

Thomas Kennedy said...

The declaration of independence states that "all men are created equal." I find it a bit ironic that some american citizens cant fight to protect that promise, solely based on their sexual orientation... it's hypocrisy at its best. However i do think that gays will eventually be allowed to serve in the militarily because its such obvious discrimination that it cant just be ignored... however it will take time, especially in such a strict dogmatic organization such as the armed forces.

Anonymous said...

The Don't Ask Don't Tell policy is fool-proof - the only thing I agree with in our military. It shows a blind eye for homosexuals who want to serve the military while compromising the assurance in a non-conspicuous manner for those who aren't. Other than rank, everyone is equal, which you might be thinking serves a liable reason as to outlaw the policy. However, sexual preferences should remain outside the military specifically for that reason. I don't consider harassment as a factor at all, only violent actions committed by heterosexuals to homosexuals. It's socially distracting to have heterosexual and homosexual men, and vise versa for women, in the same quarters fighting a war, something that should have the least sociable interactions possible.

Cristopher Dollar

Anonymous said...

Luis Canales

I believe that because from a religious point of view, being gay is wrong, the government doesn't aloud gay people to join the military, well that, and because there is still some homophobia all around us.
if its true we live in a country that is in its majority catholic, the right to choose religion still belong to us ( different from a lot of other countries) now, this being said, why would you involve religious point of view in a governmental institution?
Plus we should really consider what kind of countries share U.S.A.'s poliza in this issue, China and Russia, nothing wrong with this 2 countries but it sure can be use as a point of reference.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately no matter how time may evolve many of our minds do not evolve and are not capable of accepting who we are. If a "gay" person decides to fight for our country, does it really change how a "straight" person will fight? I don't think so, everyone who decides to fight for their country is no less or more just because of their sexual nature.

Anonymous said...

I don't think if your gay or straight makes a difference. We are in 2010, shouldn't we have learned from our ancestors? Just like our ancestors who finally were able to understand that no matter your skin color, and ethnicity doesn't change a person. Then our sexual preference shouldn't separate us and not let us stop from fighting in our war. We should be proud of them and honor them just like we are with a straight person. We shouldn't be naive and degrade them, it is not fair nor right.

Bernex said...

I don't see anything wrong if someoine wants to serve there country why should it matter if your gay. It is a new day and time. Get with the program.