Monday, February 8, 2010

T,R 8:25am


joel mathis said...

Allowing the homosexuals and lesbians the oppurtunity to enter and engage the in the act of war is a bit of a stretch. on one hand you have some of these behaviors completely dirogative towards some of the members of the core, on the other hand many men and women would like the oppurtunity to serve their country in ways that normally theyre not allowed because of their extra curricular activities that really have no business being mentioned out to the public if it has no purpose in educating the other on its core principals. Meaning, if you dont need to know, really, you just dont need to know. Believe me when i'm saying i dont approve of homosexuality or lesbianism in the military, but what you dont know wont kill you. They shouldve just kept it secret. On a lighter note, is it really safe to allow homosexauls onbaord with a crew of men, im not saying that automatically he will be attracked to the men that is presented in his presence, but will it be somewhat of a disturbance for both hetero and homosexuals alike? That goes for the women to. I think this was to be thought over again by Obama and his personal before he mentioned this in his opening speech.

Sean Wilson said...

If you have a problem with gay men in the military being attracted to other men, then I guess there shouldn't be any women in the military either. I think the military is run with enough discipline, that those types of things are kept on a back burner. Meaning, people refrain from acting on their urges... If a person, gay or straight, wants to join the military and defend this country, why should they be denied that? Gays and Lesbians still have such a long way to go in this country, and it's sad that people can still be so pig headed about the topic. They are clearly just as capable as everyone else, and should not be persecuted based on their sexual preference, which SHOULD be irrelevent to us. Unless they can prove that being homosexual=dangerous, which will never happen, they should NOT be forced to leave the military. People need to stop being afraid of homosexuality.

Unknown said...

I believe that homesxual people should be let to serve the US milatary because they are humans and not insects. It's bad enough that gay marriage is banned. So why can't they do something that would make them feel useful in society and have some respect. being gay doesnt mean that that person isn't strong. that just being stereotyping by the way a person looks and acts. We should let them serve beacuse as much right as any other Americans.

Bismarck said...

Don't ask don't tell policy is an infringement on human rights. I don't think a gay man or a lesbian woman would join the military for the sole purpose of meeting someone. As citizens of the United States they're as importants as blacks, asians, jews, etc.

You would not tell a black man to wear a white suit because its unethical. Just because you have a different sexual preference from the norm does not mean you can't function right. Homosexuals are humans they can do anything equally or better than any heterosexual men.

According to General Robert McBrayer it's important to protect the gays of America. However, i don't think the gays are asking for protection, they're asking to participate. Its quite baffling what some men say about homosexuals and really it just displays their own insecurities. African Americans have come a long way, and I'm positive that once America has become educated on homosexuality and is able to step away from its die-hard religious views, the Gay community too will be more accomplished.

Michael & Christopher Sanchez said...

homosexuals in the military is an idea that should be reinforced by every american individual. Regardless of your social status towards males you are still representing your country and devoting your life to stand up and fight for our freedom, homosexuals do nothing different but get frustrated in the bedroom besides that issue which is a personal one at that , they can still put up and shooot a gun gun aswell as the guy next to them. homosexuals are as american as apple pie now a days and they have every right to serve this country with the same passion that straight individuals posses.

AndrewExum said...

Part of me is not surprised this is an issue, and part of me can't believe this is still hanging around. There is no question that homosexuals are HUMAN BEINGS, they are just like you and I, with different preferences. Before, African Americans were not allowed in the military, would you tell one of them them that they could not serve now? I don't think so, and this is the same ignorant mentality. When black soldiers came in it did upset the unit, for a while, but guess what , the unit got over it. Now they are just like everyone else as they should be. They're fighting for our lives and freedom here people, are you really going to tell me that their sexual preference matters for that. There are punishments in place for sexual misconduct, for any one, those will apply to homosexuals too, lets move on.

Rachel Rivero said...

Sexual preference shouldn't be a trait that should stop someone from joining the military. Whether someone is gay or lesbian shouldn't matter at all. There is no difference between a homosexual and a heterosexual person when fighting for OUR country. What matters is that at the end that someone is willing to fight for the better of something. We should allow all sexual preferences in the military, they go to be in combat. Pretty sure that the last thing on their minds is to go looking for a partner.

chrissanchezz said...

In my opinion homosexual's should be let in the military because that would be like not letting women in the military. Homosexauls can do anything a normal straight man in the military can do. The idea of saying we have "homosexuals" in our army or navy might not be the american traditional way but its should be the new way.

yeily colon said...

It's weird that this topic actually came up because last Tuesday in one of my classes a student brought up the same topic about gays in the military and how they shouldn't be discriminated against but the great thing was that in my class I have two marines and they had their own opinion about it. The said that no problems arise if they don't act different than anyone else because being in the army your trained to act as one, your not really suppose to stand out so basically for them there is no reason to state that your a homosexual. I do agree with the fact that everyone is suppose to me one but i don't think there aren't any good reasons to hide the fact that your a homosexual, it doesn't necessarily mean that your not gonna achieve in the dutys that are assigned to you just like any other soldier. Just as much as a homosexual can fail and heterosexual can fail the same. When it comes to the important things that are valuable in the military being attracted to a certain type of person doesn't not mean the difference between life and death in he battlefield.

lazara gonzalez said...

I personally think that homosexuals should have the opportunity of serving the u.s military because homosexual are just like any other human. the only difference is that they are gay, but so what, they are human with feelings and rights. why cant they have the same right of serving the country as any other human would. Gay people should really have the same rights a straight person has because we are all equal no matter. so i think that if a gay person wants to join the u.s military he/she should have the chance to join without any problem. They should have an oppurtunity to show people that they are the same as anyone else.

Thamara Quintero said...

Homoexual and Lesbian are human beings, they pay taxes, they have the privelage to live in the United States (as do many of us). They own businesses, so what about them is so controversial when it comes down to being allowed to join the armed forces? If our heterosexual husbands and wives, children and grandchildren are encouraged to join, what makes them different? regardless of a person's lifestyle choice they should be held equal to the rest of the United States. Straight soldiers have been found to sometimes act inappropriately, why would it e so far fetched to have a homosexual or lesbian act appropriately? clearly their sexual preference makes no difference when it comes to their behavior. There are definitely some people that may act a bit eccentric, but the has never been scientifically linked to their sexual preference. Therefore discriminating against something such as this is pretty ignorant.
If a homosexual or a lesbian meets the criteria to be allowed to join the armed forces, the nby all means let them. They too shall be allowed to defend their country and freedom. After all what are human rights for, if not given a choice?

DAWNKAY! said...

This whole video is absurd. Prof. your sense of humor is indeed unique, I like it. Not allowing homosexuals to enlist in the military has been a controversial issue for the past sixty years. Gays in the military is a taboo. Homosexuals are just as adequately adept to participate in military engagements. But, we love them too much, if one was to get shot, it would be like losing seven men. Then the sh**t would really hit the fan. How ridiculous….

monica lastre said...

In my opinion gays should have the same rights and duties of heterosexual people. There is nothing wrong, physically or mentally, with gay people. If they want to serve their country like any other citizen I believe that they should have the opportunity of doing it. If someone thinks that gays are not man enough to serve in the army, then having women in the army would be the same thing, right? We have already discriminated women and black people. Is it right to do the same with gays?
Monica Lastre