Wednesday, February 17, 2010

T,R 8:25am


Jose Medina said...

We need to ask ourselves if it's unethical before we can evaluate the ethics of it, and it seems to be so. If there are ways to alleviate animal suffering, then we ought to engage in those methods. If we kill, we can sacrifice some of the barbarism as we have over the years. We trade off plenty of qualitative contents for the sake of efficiency and amoral practicality, but we can't continue to do this.

monica lastre said...

I believe that the mayor problem with animal cruelty is that we need more food every day for a growing population. Nevertheless, we have to be careful with these practices because sometimes it can be harmful to ourselves. All the hormones and antibiotics given to these animals, the lack of vital space to develop like normal farm pigs, chicken or cows may led to physical problems in a long or short term to ourselves. I also believe that just because these animals are going to be eaten is not a reason for mistreat them, we are capable of loving dogs and cats like family but we can not fight for pigs or chicken because we are going to eat them? We all must do something about it, and I think that the first step is to buy more organic products from farms were the animals have better living conditions.
monica lastre

Bismarck said...
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Bismarck said...

Methods used in Factory farms to kill animals are unethical because the animal’s feelings are ignored. However, humans who are involved with factory farms are wicked beings for carrying out such acts of violence on defenseless creatures. The mass production of these animals is understandable due to the consumption of meat by humans. Although animals may be considered property they are still living creatures that deserve a humane and not torturous deaths.

Jacqueline Johnson said...

I believe that animal farming is necessary to maintain the level of meat consumption that currently exists. This is not to say that I don't believe in animal rights. Much like some humans were considered sub-humans decades ago, animals too have rights. Such as to be free of pain and torture, even if their destiny is the dinner table. Mass production can be accomplished equally, although perhaps, at less profitability, with some humane changes. In the end, as with any supply and demand, as long as people cherish and pay for meat, quantity will out weigh the quality of their lives.
Jacqueline Johnson

chrissanchezz said...

The way we slaughter these animals is just the most ethical way we can find , to save money , manage time and use less space and money.It is sad and unjust to the animals but people have needs is mass quantity that have to taken care of in someway or another. These people are just getting paid to put food on the table and send their kids to school. Im sure they do not enjoy it but it has to be done.

Michael & Christopher Sanchez said...

the slaughter of these animals has become a way to keep up with population growth. More people want more food and faster the only way to keep up and profit off of it is in this unethical form and until a new form is discovered where the animals we use to feed our planet are treated as individuals which will never happen they will remain as objects

giselle_avila said...

It is not unethical to hunt for food, its survival. It’s not unethical to have your own farm and feed your family with what it produces (animal or plant). It is unethical though to know that there might be the slight possibility that you are causing suffering and pain to a living being and not do anything to avoid it. Factory farming is just the result to the lifestyle that many citizens of the world have decided to live by. Businesses go with whatever is economically efficient, governments go with whatever provides the highest net benefit, all these and keeping the great majority ignorant of what it takes for them to have the lifestyle that they have.
Finding an ethical and morally correct way of farming animals is causally and logically possible. It just takes a little more respect to any type of living creature, offering a good quality and a healthy life (maybe not only for their sake but also for ours). When it comes to killing them, doing it in the most painless way possible.
But, for this to be plausible entire societies need to be educated and old habits have to change. Triff, factory farming is just one more thing we’re doing wrong. And it’s the result of many other things that we have done wrong. This is why I question if we are really the fittest, because every day it seems like we’re cutting short the little time that we have left before we get recycled.

giselle_avila said...

Functionalists might argue that since animals don’t have a developed brain like humans do, they can’t process any mental state like pain because it’s directly linked with a brain state. But with behaviorism we can’t deny that there is some kind of brain process that has similarities with when expressing pain. For example, if a person is injured the immediate and logical response is a wail of pain or a groan. This happens because the brain is receiving signals that are translated as pain, if the same thing happens to lets say a fish it behaves the same way (maybe not the groaning because we probably can’t hear it) this shows that there is a similarity. The problem with behaviorism is that some people, for example, are trained to not feel pain.

Intuitively, animals feel pain. By accepting the likelihood that they can feel pain I automatically grant the possibility of them being able to process mental states that could be translated to emotions. But trying to understand on what level they feel or think is an impossible thing with the technology that we count on today.

Considering this I agree that we should find a way of treating animals in a more humane way.

Bernadino Louis said...

I honestly feel that animal cruelty well never stop existing.
Since the begining of time humans have killed
animals as a way to exist. In order for humans to leave
the killing of animals is important. Now that it's the 21st century is it necessary to slaughter animals with such mistreatment? Not If we allow it. To stop the cruelty we as humans must speak out and take action.

Thamara Quintero said...

Animal Cruelty is a matter of concern. Of course I believe animals have rights, but killing animals for consumption is not considered animal cruelty. So who decides what animal cruelty is measured by? This is the true concern. Some people do not believe that animals have rights, while other chose to stop animal consumption based on their belief of animal rights. The reality is that the masses have to be fed, and this is currently the most efficient, cost friendly way that we have found successful. I find it extremely hard to believe that that the consumers would pay higher prices to ensure the care of the animals that they are about to consume. Therefore is the treatment of theses animals fair? no, but is there another method, that can be successful and accomplish what is currently being accomplished? no. Unfortunately for the moment there is no other way. The saddest part is that we are only aware of a small percentage of cruelty that the animals face.

joel mathis said...

Civilization as we know it is at the brink of extinction. NO one seems to be paying any mind to whats going on around us, and whats worse is if there is a voice to be heard it's tuned out because of it's truth. What has gone on with society to think that lesser creatures then ourselves would have no concept of pain... when inflicting pain on a human being much less the animals also you will hear the excrutiating noise symbolizing that they are in agonizing pain. One that shouldn't be taken lightly but it is. With what Peter Singer says, about animals feeling pain is true, the same way we as humans feel pain and show our emotions, unless you're one of the super elite men or women who are able to take and inflict pain on themselves or others, pain is definitly pain. IF THE SITUATION WAS DIFFERENT I WONDER WHAT THESE ANIMALS WOULD DO TO US... REMEMBERING WHAT THEY'VE BEEN THROUGH WITH US NONEMOTIONAL CREATURES, WOULD THEY SHOW US ANY FORM OF CONSIDERATION OR THROW US IN A PEN OR BARN TO CREATE "MORE MEET."

Natalia said...

In my opinion, factory farming is not ethical. It is cruel to animals and in some cases harmful to humans. It being harmful due to the hormones they inject in cows to make them produce more milk. Yeah it seems a good a idea but it really isn't. In my religion, Judaism, we are given certain instructions on how to kill animals is a Kosher way. The way factories treat these animals is wrong, even if many think that animals have no feelings when in reality they do and taking advantage of their incapability of defending themselves just makes humans look tyrannical.

lazara gonzalez said...

i dnt really have nothing against factory farming because after all at the end thats our food and we do need food to survive ... but i do go against the way they kill and treat the animals... i personality think that the way they treat and kill the animals in farming factory is unethical because most of these mathod includes torture toward the animal.... i understand that animals are our food but that dosnt mean they dont have feelings ..i mean afterall they are living creatures.

Anonymous said...

Ruth Chama Duchatelier said...
We all know that in some way that we human beings depend depend on animal. The majority of what we consume everyday come from animals. However, the fact that we need them to consume doesn't mean that we have to kill them innapropriatly and say that they don't fell the pains. In my opinion, factory farming is not correct. In other words, it is unethical to kill animals anyhow.
Ruth Chama duchatelier

Sean Wilson said...

We chose to have a system that rewards the most efficient producers. We need everything to be cheap, and we don't really care what goes on behind the scenes. People are voting for this to happen by buying the cheapest goods. Sure, these companies make an effort to keep us from knowing how things really are, but when it comes down to it, this is our own fault. In Europe they have a system that is willing to change. It is sad that the system here is so resistant to similar changes. Business have to much power. Standards will change over time, but pathetically slow. People will continue to be sick, and health care will continue to be overpriced and private. The rich will stay rich, and the poor will remain poor and exploited. This is it.

Krysten Sargenton said...

animal farming is necessary to maintain the way we are living. i am not agreeing with the way they treat the animals because it is unethical. They are living creatures who do have rights to be treated the same way we as humans would like to be treated. however the mass production is necessary because of the amount of meat we consume in an every day basis

Unknown said...

I believe that it's wrong to treat animal the way this farmers do. An exmaple would be injecting them steriods and also killing them brutally. the most animals that gets treated in such a way that we call ourselves MONSTERS are the cows. for instance, if they get sick they would kill them and then give it to the consumers and we suffer the consequences. To continued pigs are in the same situation. We Americans tend to eat alot of meat and the animals suffer in fatal death. WE STOP ALL THIS CRUELNESS WE ANIMALS!!

DAWNKAY! said...

Humanity has been slaughtering animals for consumption without any regard for the animals comfort. You may look, but you will find no humanity here. Morality has been absent from the food industry for so long that the meaning of the word has been forgotten. Efficiency in regards to optimal profit seems to be the only topic of concern. A resolution needs to be found, and quickly.

murielle said...
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murielle said...

I beleive that animals need advocates. We should be their advocates because it has been proven that they feel the same way we do, but they commnicate differently. We do not speak the same language, but somehow we understand each other. We owe them the pride and dignity that so much we fight for, yet we take it away from them because they are inferior. I might be an hypocrit for being a complice of their purge and still judge it.Again It is a matter of education. Overall, It is the law of jungle, it is not easy to step away from our animal instinct;The law of the most powerfull is the best. It is actually a big battle between mind and body. Nonetheless, they deserved the same treatment we require so often from eachother although they will be executed. That is also where our health that we care so much about starts. If we do not care about them, how could we care about ourselves? they complement how health.

Lizzie Justino said...

Lisiana Justino said...The mafia of these companies is crazy. There are only a few major companies that control all meat. I just watched Food, inc. It is a very good movie and it makes you aware of so many issues that we have with all kinds of food. The saddest ones I would say is this unethical factory farming. We still don't know the consequences to all of this, but I am sure more and more diseases will rise from these factories of bacteria! They have so many animals in one place that they don't even see which ones are dead until they clear them out and take them to slaughtering! This is very sad, what is wrong with humanity? Have we completely lost our love for this planet? I am deeply sadden with what we are becoming. We are robots trying to make a dollar more out of everything!

Rachel Rivero said...

Whoever works in these farms or is involved with animal cruelty should be in prison or fined. Although there is always a growing population in the states, there is no need to practice these acts against animals. Animals need space to grow healthy and hormones and artificial maintenance is cruel to the animal and unhealthy for those who consume the product.

yeily colon said...

I do believe that we can't deny the fact that we do need animals to survive but they don't exactly need to be sacrifed harshly. I have heard that in Chinese they create a great environment for the animals with soothinh music, a great meal and even messages. This meat is considered to be the most expensive in the world abd also better tasting. There are facts that say these animals produce s type of toxin when they are tense and in fear. This toxin does make the meat taste different. Animal cruelty is wrong but sacrificing animals to survive isn't, the mst important thing is how you go about this. Make it fast and painless, not just a little bit of pain but none at all.