Thursday, September 27, 2012

T 5:40pm


Unknown said...

I agree that even “good people” can contribute to this global decease. I would like to make my point by giving you the example of the Blood diamonds, also known as conflict diamond or war diamond. I’m sure most of you have watched the Leonardo Di Caprio movie where he manages to keep perfect hair while taking part of this war in West Africa. Two thirds of the world’s diamonds are extracted from that Continent, most specifically from the countries of Angola, Congo, Zimbabwe, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

You might think that you have nothing to do with this conflict, but we, as consumers demand the best quality for the lowest price. And guess what could be the best bargain for your money when you are trying to get your girlfriend to marry you? Yes, a Blood Diamond. Blood diamonds since come from the black market can be offered at a lower price. But what is the real cost of it: Millions of lives that have been affected by this conflict. The rebels take the children and force them to be objects and puppets of a war that doesn’t belong to them. The rebels forces in this countries use this source of money (power) to finance arms and other illegal activities.

I believe that us as consumers have a key roll in the demand of blood diamonds. Same with any other good or service that we know is against our morals and violates the civil right of every citizen of this world. We should educate our family, friends, classmates, colleagues, and every person into this matter. It affects us all.

Unknown said...
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Julie Neel said...

When I read the title of the post “the human-traffic pandemic. Can we do something about it?” it caught my attention. I actually was sitting at Starbucks enjoying a cafĂ© latte when I started to read the story of Asia Graves. It really surprised me how a human being has the capacity of taking advantage of another human being, taking control of his/her life, body, and even thoughts. I stayed without breath when first of all, I read: “years later, the light scar remains just below her left eye. Others violent episodes left her with eight broken teeth, two broken ankles and a V-shaped stab wound just below her belly button.” Why do people do what they do? Am guessing power and money come at the top of a long list. Second of all when I read: “For some of the time, Graves herself remained in high school, attending classes sporadically in boy shorts, small tank tops and worn heels.” In the schools, they thought I just dressed provocatively”. How come the school did not do something about Asia Graves inappropriate dress code? Why people don’t ask questions? Why not to get involve? And finally, the worst of my reading was the following part: “A capture Graves did what experts say others have done: she recruited others. We’d go to malls, schools, group homes, bus stations and look for girls who were by themselves or looked vulnerable”. At the end of this sentence my coffee was cold and tasteless. Being a woman, a sister, a friend, a neighbor, and soon a mother I felt concerned. We always hear something new about Lady Gaga, but not enough about what really matters. Trafficking organs, sexual slavery, pedophilia, racism, and so on. Children should get educated about those sensitive and real subjects. Parents should talk to their kids, guide them, and spend time with them. Girls like Asia Graves should go to schools to share their story. People don’t communicate with each other anymore; we should get to know our neighbors, share our experiences. Furthermore, in places like malls instead of having five guards in an empty expensive store, those guards should walk around the entire mall all day long to identify the recruiters. In addition, a lot of people watch the television or listen to the radio. Therefore, messages and pictures should be inserting during the advertisements in order to educate, sensitize, and involve people. To let people understand that the next girl that is going to be recruited might be yours. Also, the police should arrest the clients that make all this illegal business possible and put the picture of their face on the front page of every newspaper in the nation. Why? Because if the business is not lucrative anymore, it’s the end of it.
Julie Neel

Daniel Tomczak said...

I have always felt that you cannot to begin to fix a problem when you can’t measure the true extent of it. Until now, our government can only make guesstimates as to the extent that trafficking exists within our borders. This of course makes sense because real and exact numbers would involve getting all traffickers to be caught. If our government does the “minimum” to “deter” something as serious as human trafficking, refer to the Current Status of Human Trafficking on the referenced Wikipedia page, how can we expect to begin to come up with real solutions to the problems?

It is not to say that a difference cannot, and has not been made. Much like the countless other issues our country faces, the best way to start is to create awareness. Once you’ve created awareness, you have to hope you target people that are willing to get involved. This would probably narrow the numbers even further to those that are in some way directly, or relationally, connected to the problem at hand in some way. Much like the majority of people that support causes already in place usually occurs because there is a direct impact to theirs or someone they personally knows life, you would have to find a way to get people that aren’t affected and get them to rally together. In the end every illegal business taking place in the United States directly affects each and every one of us whether we want to face it or not. How? In our pockets. To go further, this is definitely not limited to Human Trafficking. This is just one of many moral issues that I feel will never be completely dissolved.

Anonymous said...

Human Trafficking

One of the main reasons that keep this problem of human trafficking going on is that we as humans are very selfish, and since this problem doesn’t affect the majority of us we simply tend to act, as it is not happening. Ignorance is another important fact in this matter, some people just decide to ignore what is happening while others are not even aware of what is going on outside of their own little world. Issues as human trafficking, slavery, child soldiers and all of the other human related abuses have been going on for years without anyone doing anything; this year a project called “Kony 2012” gave a hint to a lot people of what is going on with kids in Africa, but is not just Africa this problem goes all over the world. I think we need to do or research and get the facts straight to learn what is going on, tell our friends and family, post on facebook and the other social networks we use to let people know what is going on. As to what can we do to stop the problem I think we need to be more careful since this is something that can happen to anyone, as a women one cannot trust any decent guy that approach you in a bar because you really don’t know what they can be after, for example in the movie “Taken” just the simple fact of taking a cab put a girl through the worst experience of her life. Another issue is the fact that most of those people in countries in Africa are poor so they are willing to join the guerrillas, or sell their kids to the soldiers just for money. Human rights are being violated all over the world and right under our noses, so if we start for ourselves little by little we might make a small change in our community.

This is the video and the web page of the project "Kony 2012: Invisible Children"

Andrea Gonzalez

Unknown said...

I believe most people in today's society have forgotten "the Golden Rule." Treating others how you want to be treated is an afterthought if a thought at all. Our behavior towards other people undoubtedly impacts them, whether positively or negatively.

Unfortunately, the ramifications of our negative treatment of others can be horrific. In this case, human trafficking, in my opinion, stems from people who think themselves better than others. People who think they are above others, who use them because they see them as property or objects. Statistically, most cases being sexual objects. This demeaning treatment can be stopped but of course it is not simple.

To stop it, it would take reconfiguring the minds of people who do the trafficking. But possibly some of these people have been either treated badly themselves and think that's the way of life so they go along with it. Or they are in desperate need of money and this facilitates that issue. The victims of human trafficking go through a terrible ordeal and it shouldn't be that way. But we can't help them if we don't attack the root. And the root needs to be able to see social equality. If there were social equality there would be more respect for the fellow man.

Respect seems fleeting now a days. So it has to start with those who believe in helping others and having mutual respect. Create a social change in your community as a start, you never know whose life you could alter for the better. No one is property, no one is an object. Show that to those who don't want to see it.

Nancy Macias

Marcos Juarez said...

Child trafficking is similar to inner-city street gangs because they're looking younger children can recuit new members. It seem that we live in a world cruelty among our children for the reason that they do not respect their privacy. These children have lost their innocence because of those traffickers and they don't know what to, but they are not losing their hope because hope is out there. They deserve a better life rather than being hummiated and tourtued with their sexual acts. We educated ourselves of this growing problem when slavery is no longer a historical thing. It is now a modern-day problem and it is scary.

Sterline Delphonse said...

When I saw the Human- traffic Pandemic s article I had a feeling that this was going to be interesting. As I kept reading they kept talking about the blood diamond .How people turn other people into soldiers this was a very interesting film that I saw a very long time ago. I believe certain people did not follow what wrote in the bible and most of them do not respect the law that says everyone has equal rights. We all are equal so I cannot believe the fact why do human treats badly other human being just to make money with them in order to survive or live a generous lifetime . The Blood Diamond and child trafficking are similar to inner-city street gangs because they are looking for young children to turn them as soldier to fight with one another. Children deserve a better life instead of being sexually abused in this society. I think we as human being should take it more serious by protesting against that because there s no slavery anymore, we need to treat equally rather you are rich or poor.

Olga Lucia said...

It’s frightening to know that human beings from all walks of life are traded (some willingly, some unwillingly) for money, labor, prostitution, and militant purposes. But the world is watching and there are numerous non-profit organizations in the United States raising awareness on human trafficking and sex-trafficking of children. Globally, we all have a responsibility to end human trafficking on a grander scale. It’s fortunate that our world is changing and news travels faster than ever before, which helps keep this issue on the forefront and impose stricter punishment on those committing these horrendous crimes against humanity.
Until the value of life supersedes that of power and profit there can be no progress.

-Olga Lucia Gomez

Samantha Reininger said...

I think that the concept of human trafficking and information about the industry, the facts, the victims, the "clients", the statistics, etc. needs to be more widely known and spread. This industry is something that is so underground and so hush-hush I feel like everyone just kind of ignores it. It couldn't possibly be happening here, I mean we live in America, right? I think it's discussing and embarassing that things like this are happening under our own noses and especially to such young children and women, they probably feel ashamed and embarassed to even discuss it. We ened to make them feel more comfortable and have this epidemic become more common knowledge so that we can act and do something about it. The schools as well need to take more action, get more involved in these students lives, it's completely ridiculous that they just assume these girls are dressing provacatively. Why not ask some questions, maybe something is happening at home, there can be a million reasons as to why they are doing and acting the way that they are. We need to figure out the statistics, rates, and numbers to which this epidemic is happening especially in countries like America where people believe it couldn't happen to them. We also need to be aware that it's not only the fault of the people selling/controlling/starting whatnot this business but there is obviously also a market for such which is equally as bad and disgusting. Asia Graves is extremely brave for telling her story and is doing such great things by staying involved and trying to reach out and help others. We need more people like her to share their stories and get the word out there.

-Samantha Reininger

Dubert Casseus said...

Dubert Casseus
The human trafficking pandemic is a result of social poverty. This is also the result of power. This is happening everywhere in the world now, mostly because of this economic situation the entire worlds are trafficking. The reality some country are trained children massacre and torture other. For example, some Middle East country performs these tasks with enthusiasm. In Asia human trafficking has always been a part of their society culture and some of them believe that it is normal. The children are expose at early age but, they don’t know the consequence and if isn’t right to do that. Some women are doing that to feed their family even though they expose their life with disease and other dangerous thing. It is really sad to discover that in 2012 big human trafficking like slavery, trained children to massacre, and sexual abuse has keep growing up. I am not really excited too much if people choose to do it to make money but, not for children or because a family involve poverty.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the statement that we commoners can make a difference in the trafficking business. But were we to legalize prostitution for example, not only could we tax it and create revenue, we could make sure that only consenting adults engage in the act. By creating a legal business, we could create unions to go along with them and ensure that only consenting legal adults are in fact engaging in this kind of labor force and that they are being treated justly and working under adequate conditions. That being said, human trafficking is a supply because it has a demand. I think it boils down to socio-economic standings, education and of course poverty and war.

Stteffanny Cott

Anonymous said...

Nerea Duran

Human trafficking is a sad reality that will not exist in a perfect world. But in this world we live in, a lot of people care more about money than anything else. The United States government does not support anything like that. If fact, prostitution, the black market or trafficking with humans is illegal and if anyone is caught doing such thing will serve some time in jail. But sadly that is not enough reason to stop people from doing such things because money blinds the mind of the weak and the soulless. In my opinion, this is more of a problem that we as a community should take care of, instead of just blaming the government. How many people see corrupt actions in the streets and not try to help the person in need? How many of us instead of helping, decide not to get involve because we don’t want to get into any troubles. Instead of hiding and pretending that this is only the government’s responsibility, people should act as one and help your fellow neighbor because you never know; today this might be happening to somebody else, but maybe tomorrow would be your turn and I’m sure you will want people to defend you rather than to turn their head.

Nerea Duran

Anonymous said...

As I come from a third world country I do have an idea of how “not evil” people can contribute in human trafficking. Simple, I am going to take my own country “Haiti” as an example. W.W.W reported that Haitian children are being sold over for 50 euros, but I do know for fact that Haitian children are being giving over for much more little than that. For example, a child can be giving over to so the calling “not evil” people for the promise of a better education for the child, but I can tell you the child and the parents were being fooled because that particular child and hundred like him/her have a high percentage of chance of being abused sexually and sold to prostitution. Did the parents want his/her child to be abused? No, but somehow they did contribute to that child sad future.
What can we do?
In my opinion what can we do now is to educate ourselves of the seriousness of human trafficking and get the bottom of it because what we think that we know now is not half of what of what are supposed to know .To me if we don’t have deep understanding of the gravity of human trafficking we will not be able to anything meaningful.

Anonymous said...

When I read the article specially the depressing facts, I started thinking how is conceivable that we human beings, all equals, having the same rights as anybody are using the necessity of others that don’t have possibilities to succeed in life, taking advantage of innocent children and women to make us richer and powerful. Using children as soldiers in armed conflicts, suicide bombers, children are growing with hate and with the desire of killing and harming others. Conscience is the most important foundation to try to alleviate this problem, Start thinking how do we treat others (as we'd like others to treat ourselves. Integrity and respect are the keys to preserve our species and have better people in the future.

Jose Gallegos

Anonymous said...

Before I read this article and did some research on it I have to admit that I didn’t know much about human trafficking. I knew what it was and that it existed but I had no clue that it had reached our country in such high numbers. I specially didn’t know that the state of Florida was on the top 3 destinations for human trafficking. After reading some facts about human trafficking I have to say I’m somewhat amazed and at the same time embarrassed. Embarrassed for the fact that all of this its happening right in front of our eyes and I personally don’t see much being done for these people that suffer each and every day of their lives that they spend as sex slaves. Also, I feel embarrassed to be part of a race that is capable of doing something like this to its own people. Such a coward and disgusting like behavior that the people in charge of these human trafficking companies show should be treated more seriously; not only by the government but by anybody who can be of any help to this situation. In my opinion, a lot more help should be given to the organizations that are trying to fight these low-life traffickers; that is financial and moral help.
The worst part of it all is that this has been going on for years at a global scale and the numbers of people that are being affected by this conflict it’s only increasing. I think people need to become more aware of situations of this kind and not only say they want to help and then forget about the whole situation a week later which is what I see happens very often. We need to make a commitment and start taking action on trying to put an end to situations of this kind. It might sound impossible and it might take a long time since the numbers have become so high, but any type of contribution of any kind helps. I’ll finish my comment with a quote of a great character that has taught me to never give up, ‘Lets be realistic, and demand the impossible’.

Sebastian Mayorga

Anonymous said...

unfortunately, human trafficking has gone global. it it very sad and sore painful to know that children 5 years of age and mostly our women have been trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation experience a significantly higher rate of HIV,and permanent damage to their reproductive systems. We all can start this fight against this global threat by educating our children and women even men, to stop talking to people they don't know over the internet. Don't date guys simply because they are very nice.stop buying and downloading porn not to promote them. Trafficking, however, is a market that bring money to the lunatics, sorrow to the victims, worst of all, shame to our world... I believe we all can make a difference in our community by watching out one for another.

Roberto Joseph

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Human Trafficking is a cruel act that should have been eliminated many years ago. How can you image a person (another human) to be so manipulating and self-centered to his or her own profit that they are willing to invade another human being’s rights as a person and individual? To be forced to be a sex slave and or a suicide bomber and heartbreaking and to think that the world just acts as if nothing happens in these third world countries. I am not sure what we can do to help stop these actions because we cannot guard all of these countries 24 hours out of a day to make sure these do not happen. People will continue to import and export children for good and services because they have no heart and they would never think “What if this happened to me” or “What if this was my child”. The world is a cold place and people forget about the saying “Do unto others as you would want someone to do to you”. Also money plays an important role in these actions but no price should be put on another human’s freedom and freewill.

Joyce Jimenez said...

Human trafficking is shown to be international onto 127 different countries. In which in my opinion it should be eliminated because of the fact that regular people just like you or me are being manipulated for their own personal pleasure. They manipulate your body; control your life and sometimes even control the way you think (thoughts). It is for certain that it is unfair to another human being to be forced to do something they don’t want to do because of the fact that they are being forced. Some people are victims of being a sex slave, or even a suicide bomber. Now the bigger question is… what happened to free will or free rights? You may not specifically notice it around the environment that you are living in but believe it or not it may still occur. Some people are even aware of it happening but yet they don’t do anything about it. To start off with, we can start by actually issuing the problem, instead of knowing that something is happening and do absolutely nothing about it, try to make a difference and actually do something about it. Another thing that can be done is by giving younger people the education needed to understand what is happening around the world about human trafficking and how it is affecting society. Surely, if they get educated and they know what is right and what is wrong there will be a possibility that there would be a decrease in human trafficking.

Heather Dilani said...

Yes, there is something we can do about the human trafficking epidemic.

We can boycott and stop buying from companies that use child and slave labor in order to increase profits. Take a look at Obama's announcement on several initiatives involving businesses’ supply chains that will strengthen his zero-tolerance policy of human trafficking in the United States.

The platform provides businesses with tools and resources to remove child and forced labor from their supply chains. I think this is great that the issue is being recognized and the government is stepping in.

We can also volunteer and give our efforts to help the situation. Facilities that help women and children always need volunteer help. These abused people need an escape route. They are often stuck in sex trades because they think they have no where to go. We need to help out in the community to show there is hope. That there is a way out.

And lastly, if we open our eyes and are suspicious or suspect sex slavery or human trafficking we can report it. is one website where we can do so.

Anonymous said...

Yannery Garcia

Can we possibly eliminate the human-trafficking pandemic? I find it difficult to believe that is the case by just imagining the many people involved in transactions taking place in order to move these innocent children, adults from their homes to the buyers’ hands. How can so many individuals stand by and assist in abducting children, adults from their homes to be abused at the hands of strangers? Are they that desensitized to this situation to believe there’s no moral wrong doing? Is the desensitizing due to a lack of education, the need for greed, for gluttony, for power? How can we make a difference when those involved may range from the very poor, ill educated individuals trying to make a buck regardless of what the work entails, to those with education, powerful individuals seeking power over defenseless children, women, adults? I believe the issue is greater than what we can wrap our heads around. Mainly, because I feel governments can truly can do much more about this pandemic but choose to do close to nothing as a result of the billions of dollars generated by this “so-called business”; money that is likely reinvested in downing economies around the world. I also will venture out to say that many government officials in the countries affected most by this pandemic may possibly receive a piece of the pie; reason why many may turn a blind eye to this situation. So what can we do? Putting a spotlight on it is a great start but we need to do much more for the sake of those children and women unable to help themselves.

Yannery Garcia

Anonymous said...

President Obama’s words were greatly precise, Sex trafficking is "barbaric, it's evil, and it has no place in a civilized world." to say the least. The statistics are outrageous and I can’t help but wonder what our future is going to be like if our humanity keeps diminishing with such acts against mankind. It is shocking to know the extent that some people would go to make money. Have they no integrity or conscience? I’ve seen many movies, documentaries, etc. and I just cannot even begin to understand the idea of hurting a child or of teaching them anything but good values.
Denep Santana

Unknown said...

I agree with that. today people being forget good relationship and

Andrew Anatala said...

A huge decrease in this disgusting area of crime would be awareness. People need to be made aware of the severity and how close to home this is taking place. We take for granted our "freedom" to walk up and down our streets, parks, beaches, etc. We never think "it will happen to me" until it happens. Self-defense courses should be highly endorsed. Let's be honest, our "secret agencies" within our government know enough to put a drastic end to this. Unfortunately we have all these technicalities that don't allow them to seek and destroy.What really baffles me is how anyone can be attracted to a child girl or boy. And how can a human being keep another human locked up like a pet only to beat and rape like its just another day. Just like global warming, any issue can be solved immediately. It's this item called "money" and emotion called "power" that continue to rule this world. With the existence of these two nothing is going to change. Say goodbye to our water, air, food, morals, and eventually us. An enormous amount of change needs to start taking place NOW!!! If not, women and children will continue to be used as toys.

roudeline said...

I do believe that we young people never think about the consequences of what is going to happen next. We more worried about our own self,and we do whatever people asked us to do which not good. For example, the blood diamond, They used adolescent to do what is not appropriated . They even used us as slave because we never think and when we see we can benefit of something we do it and we not even thinking the danger behind that. human used human as slave because they want to be superior and take control over others.

Anonymous said...

I am extremely disgusted that such a practice exists. While it is extremly difficult for me to comment on other countries in light of my limited knowlege of law enforcement and economic sanctions that could be implemented on these countries for lack of enforcement against these acts,I can comment on the practice as it pertains to the United States. The problem clearly begins with illegal immigration. First we must secure and protect our borders. It is difficult to bring in minors into the country without the proper visas or other documentation. This leads me to believe that these individuals are literally being brought through the borders without being checked by immigration officials such as the Border Patrol or ICE. Furthermore illegal immigrants tend to stick together. There should be a whistlelblower program or other incentive to allow illegal immigrants to become legalized if they should snitch or provide useful information to track down the individuals perpetrating these acts. If what I belive is true most victims of this practice should be illegal immigrants. The victims of these practices should be given legal status in this country should they come forward and provide useful information as well. The best way to stop nillegal activity is to harshly punish it. This country has to do a better job of placing public service announcements to create awareness of the practice and what to do prevent it from happening. I have lived for around ten years and I have never seen a commercial that explains or provides awareness for this disgusting practice.