Tuesday, November 16, 2010

MWF, 11am


Unknown said...

But what makes something wrong? Can one say that the gay people are not virtuous? The virtuous utilitarian would say that something is wrong if it doesn’t bring the greatest happiness. One can argue that gay people find happiness being together they even expect to have a normal relationship as heterosexual couples do. But this is not enough for the utilitarian most of the people in the society are not happy about it. On this view gay marriage is morally wrong. The virtuous Kantian in the other hand would argue that an action is wrong if it violate a duty. Then in this case what duty must gay marriage violate to be morally wrong? One could say that it does not violate any of the prima facie duty therefore it is not wrong. Now, if we talk about freedom and equality of individuals. It is certain that people have the right to choose who they want to marry because it is their life. Furthermore, their choice should be respected and their right equivalent to those of the heterosexuals. In this view it is not morally wrong; people are free and deserve to be treated equally no matter their choice.

Jennifer Rubino said...

I believe that homosexuals have as much a right to be together as heterosexuals do. What we call it is a different matter. Some believe that the legal union between homosexuals should not be called marriage because marriage is a religious institution, to those people I say, "Pick up a History book please." Marriage existed way before the Bible was even thought of. We are denying people they're civil liberties here. Is gay marriage unmoral, no, not at all? The people who say it’s immoral believe this because of their religion. We must look at the history behind this. Some believe that homosexuality was outlawed by the Hebrews for one very simple reason, they were a militaristic culture who needed to reproduce in order to sire new soldiers, and if men were shacking up with men then their society was not going to be able to meet their child rearing potential so they outlawed homosexuality. After a substantial amount of time people forgot why this was the law and blamed it on religion. So the argument that it is immoral on religious grounds is faulty and cannot be trusted. Pondering homosexual marriage logically, I do not believe it is immoral. If two people want to be together who are we to infringe on their happiness. How are they hurting anyone by wanting to be together, not me? There should be no restrictions anyone’s civil liberties. Countries such as Belgium, Canada, Iceland, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden and most recently Argentina have made same sex marriage legal, and four out of the ten are predominantly Catholic countries. The people of these nations have grown to understand that human rights cannot and should not be hindered by religion. The United States, which is supposed to be a forerunner in advocating human rights should follow suit.

Jennifer Rubino said...
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Unknown said...

Americans seem to view homosexuality as morally wrong. Well, I have a problem with it, if it is a member of my family. If it is someone else out side of the family. I don’t know why people should care so much about others on their orientation. They should worry more about what is going on in their own family. I have a problem with it because where I was raise at, if you were to say you like your own sex, you would probably get kill. Homosexuality was something I only saw on TV until I came to America. I am still trying to get use to it but it is not working. One of my friends just came out of the closet; I don’t talk to him anymore. We just say “what’s up and head opposite direction”. I know that it is wrong for me to think that way but that was not in the culture I was raised in. It will take a long time for me to actually be not against homosexuality. However, if they not my family. If they are just strangers I would not care if they get married or not. It is their life; they should have a right to do anything that pleases them. I thought America was a free country. Also I don’t think it is wrong but if my son one day comes to me saying “Dad, I am a homosexual” I would still love him but it would bother me. I apologize in advance if I offend anyone.

Unknown said...

By definition marriage is the union of two individuals of opposing sex with the purpose of insuring the survival of human species. The unify couple is now a family which is almost found in every society. Many people see Gay people as a deviation of the norm it was even characterized as a psychological disorder in the past. Now many people are becoming tolerant of the phenomena but still there is an urge barrier that separates the right of a heterosexual couple from the homosexual one. If we problematize this situation, on what ground should one society decide that gay marriage is wrong? Of course religious people would argue that God prohibit it and they can even prove it written in the Bible. In this case this act is morally wrong because it is a sin. In addition, gay marriage does not fulfill the purpose of marriage; it does not perpetuate human life. Let’s imagine for a second that everyone in the world were homosexual; that would be catastrophic because the human species would disappear.

Tyler Richman said...

Living in such a diverse place like Miami, we are conditioned to be tolerant of those who practice different ideals than ourselves. Those in more conservative areas would try to have us believe that being tolerant of "sinful acts" is a fault of our society, when in reality, being exposed to such a vast amount of lifestyles is incredibly beneficial to our well-being. In cases like homosexuality, we understand that it is not as a big of a deal as others make it out to be. Homosexuals are not heathens, they eat, breathe, bleed, sleep the same way heterosexuals do. Marriage is seen by many as a religious act under the eyes of god, when in reality it's a legal contract. A gay man can sign a lease to a car or a mortgage to a house, so a legal document such as a marriage certificate is no different. They are not shoving their ideals down anyone's throat any more than the average straight person. Marriage is supposed to be about two people who want to spend their lives together, no matter what religion or gender. Two men getting married should not be any more controversial than a Jewish woman and a Catholic man marrying. Gay couples can live together their entire lives and even sign civil unions to legally bind them. Those who follow the Bible condemn homosexuality, but doesn't it also preach understanding and loving thy neighbor? They are hypocrites of the very book that structures their lives. Gay couples have a lower chance of having gay children than straight couples do and even a lower rate of divorce because if they survive jumping through hoops in to be together, they will sure as hell make it work.

Unknown said...

Marriage has never been about a man and a women or man and a man or a woman and a woman. It began about economics and property. Women were considered property. And men had as many wives as they could buy or acquire. It is still that way in muslim countries. The church got involved again over concerns about property. Which is why the catholic church want it clergy celebate. It perserves their wealth. Marriage in it modern form is realitively new. It has only been in the last 100 years that women have been able to contol themselves and own property. Marriage is in the realm of civil laws and should not have religious overtone. Gay marriage is also about property and economic.But, in that sense i am neutral about the whole gay marraige issue. It does not bother me at all.

Anonymous said...

I was brought up by a pretty liberal family. Sexuality has always been openly discussed and my parents have made it an effort to educate us on taboos of all kinds. I'm sure that most of us have gone through some sort of confusion,dealing with our sexuality. I'm comfortable enough to share that when I was younger I went through a state of bisexuality. In life there's a realm of gray areas. The spectrum from Homosexuality to Heterosexuality, or from Socialist to Fascist, etc.

Ancient Greeks and Sumerians practiced same sex love. The taboo on anti homosexuality came into place because of Judeo and later Christian assumptions that same sex love was devil's worship and went against humanity because of two same sex lovers could not procreate. That to me is an outrageous double standard because I'm sure that in the next 50 years or so, when overpopulation is pouring through the our lands, and our resources will be minimized to the very least, homosexuality will most likely be encouraged (As stated in Anthony Burgess' distopian novel, The Wanting Seed).
Hate is a product of fear. Therefore, all those who hate on homosexuals are only manifesting their own personal fear that they can or have had romantic feelings towards a person of their same sex. Which I believe to be as ridiculous as when interacial couples were viewed as a taboo before the Civil Rights Movement.

Personally, I am not fond of extremes. I enjoy eating tofu as much as I enjoy eating a medium rare steak, I have socialist views but I enjoy a capitalist lifestyle. And with that said, I could fall in love with man, as easily as I could fall in love with a woman. I don't mean to speak as a gay activist, but as a human capable of accepting the fact that our world is a realm of many shades of gray.

conconcorel said...

Considering the recent acceptance, I picture our society becoming more and more open about this subject as the years pass by. If a new issue arises and there’s thousands of people claiming for what they believe is their right, the common majority shouldn’t blind their eyes, we as an evolving society should understand one another and look for a balance that promotes happiness for the great majority. If many people, in this case homosexuals, feel the necessity of formalizing their union in a legal manner, I don’t see why that right is denied. When it comes to religious beliefs I can understand clearly why they oppose to homosexuality and don’t want to recognize that union in their rituals. But to me their different arguments are not sufficient to leave homosexuals aside from doing what they want outside of a religion. Society figured a way to separate law from religion throughout history. I understand that this separation is not obvious enough yet; to me they are two very different subjects and should not interfere with the other. Therefore, I agree with gay marriage, everyone should have equal rights regardless of their sexuality.
Is a different situation when it comes to adoption, to me is a little bit more complicated than just adapting the child to his/her fate of having homosexual parents. This could be an issue psychologically, not because of the common fear that the child is more likely to end up gay (because this is discrimination), but more because of his/her appreciation of female and male figures in his/her life. As a young adult, having a normal family (with few exceptions), the role of my parents is crucial in my life obviously, and I am sure that I can blame them for many things in my psychology. I’m not saying that an abandoned child wouldn’t be better with a family that supports him/her, but I just want to point out to the delicate issue this could be, in this case, I wouldn’t be so liberated.

Mercedes said...

My thoughts about Gay marriage, is that they are human and they should have equal rights to be married to whom ever they want. One of the illogical comments that I have always heard is that gay people shouldn’t deserve to get marry because they can’t procreate, but what about those couples who can’t have children. Another inaccurate comment that I have heard is that gay people can’t make good parents which is a lie. What about those heterosexual couples who are horrendous parents. The statements of these people who are against gay couples shall do some research and they should stop being so judged mental. I think some people aren’t as open minded as me, but it would take them time to accept the idea. These people should have the same right as heterosexual couple such as adopting, marrying and happiness. I believe that children’s should be able to be adopted by gay couples, because they could offer them the life those kids would never have. They can offer them a genuine family. Homosexual people not being able to join the army freely, is another controversial subject that makes me angry. I think they should be able to join openly. This people are being restricted because of there sexual orientation. I think this country is about freedom and they should be able to get married, adopt, and join the army freely. The time will come when the world becomes a better place and accepts people who are different. I believe that people should be more open minded and willing to accept everyone as they are.

vanessa said...

In my opinion I believe that marriage is a form of showing how much you love one another. It should not matter what sex the opposite partner is, as long as they love each other. Homosexuals should have the same rights as Heterosexuals. In the USA they are always saying how free we are but its not true if they keep judging the Homosexuals and preventing them from getting married. I don't believe their is anything wrong with like or loving the same sex, all that should matter is if they make each other happy.