Tuesday, November 16, 2010

MWF, 8am


NinjaSol said...

I think that gay marriage will eventually happen....
U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips' permanent worldwide injunction -- praised by gay rights organizations -- orders the military "immediately to suspend and discontinue any investigation, or discharge, separation, or other proceeding, that may have been commenced" under the "don't ask, don't tell" policy putting an end to the ban on openly gay troops.(posted by CNN.com)
This is the beginning of alot of changes for the gay community....the U.S. Army is acknowledging the fact that there is a gay community out there that needs to be recognized and respected, I believe the government will also come to it's senses that people have the right to marry regardless of sexual orientation....though it took them a while to recognize African Americans and woman's rights, I’m sure the gay community too will have their day. Yes, the conservatives might have a panic attack, big deal, the world is changing and we must change with it or deny our human nature to grow and evolve.

Stephanie Rodriguez said...

African Americans and women have their rights, so why can't homosexuals? I was born and raised a Catholic & I attened a Catholic school all my life but I firmly disagree with the Catholic teachings when it comes to a lot of issues, especially same sex relationships, or same sex marriage. Yes I do believe that there is a God & I know that God doesn't want us to judge someone based on their sex, age, or race so why should we judge someone based on their sexual orientation? Were we not all created equally? So shouldn't we all have the same rights despite who we are attracted to, or want to the spend the rest of our lives with?

America is full of ignorant people unwilling to accept change. They believe that what they think/say/feel is what's right; they live in a bubble because in reality, people all over the world, are "coming out of the closet" left and right. Unfortunately there are those who haven't come out because of those ignorant people who disagree with who they are. They don't want to have to constantly be defending who they are just to satisfy the ideas of others.

I personally can't say that I know what these individuals are going through because I, myself, am not gay, but I can say that I understand the situation they are going through. I hear it everyday from my best friend, a gay female.
She has not openly come out to her parents or siblings because they strictly believe in what the Bible states...same sex marriage is not correct. Each & everyday she tells me how difficult it is to have to live a double life & how stressful it is to be constantly lying to her parents. Therefore, I applaud those who have had the strength and will power to let the world know who they are.

Being gay is not a choice, it's not a lifestyle, it's who you are. Homosexuality is beautiful just as heterosexuality is. So I believe that 'gays' should & must have the same rights (marriage, adoption, etc.) that every 'straight' person has in this world. Said & Done.

Jose A. Rodriguez said...

The thing is that we are a lot more aware of human rights now in days. To be gay in Nazi Germany was very dangerous, but now in days, at least here in America, gay culture has taken another kind of attitude. The “if you don’t like it, don’t see it” attitude has revolutionized this whole issue. Gays and lesbians are now a lot more open than they were ten years ago. In high school it has become a normal thing to see, even thou I’ve noticed that there are a lot more lesbian couples in high school than there are gay couples. But there are still a lot of rough spots, I believe caused by the influence that parents have over their children with their old fashion ideals. But now, students spend a lot more time in school and friends than they do with parents, giving the opportunity to learn other ideals. This has taught the young population about other cultures, therefore becoming more uncertainty-accepting.

Anonymous said...

Gay marriages should be allowed because the couples who cohabitate togehter are just as much citzens of this great nation as any other citizen. They pay taxes, they pay medical bills, they buy products from this great nation, i.e. car's home's, misc. and yet they don't have the same libeties as any other citizen. What makes us a citizen is the qustion? If I'm gay I have know rights yet, i am either punished for the violation of the rights of this nation or I have priviledges of this nation only if it'a not about gay marriages.

patrick said...

Homosexuality, in general, is perversion. Perversion by definition is: 1 act of perverting; state of being perverted. 2 a preference for an abnormal form of sexual activity. b such an activity. (Oxford American Desk Dictionnary, 1998) We are not born homosexual, we become homosexual. The nature has its laws. It is like physics, if you take two magnets, it’s impossible to attract the same pole North-North or South-South. They reject themselves automatically and naturally. That’s why we have night and day, light and darkness, positive and negative, and male and female. Period! One of the fundamental goals of the union (It could be any kind, marriage or free union) between a man and a woman is PROCREATION. The one who becomes homosexual was born by the coitus of a man and woman; fecundation, sperm and eggs, embryo, fetus, reproduction of cells, development of organs, etc. We already know the process, it is just a reminder. So, if the entire society becomes homosexual, human species will stop to exist. We will create our self extension. Why we condemn and punish severely those who commit genocide, ethnocide, the murder of person or animal, etc. It is to preserve life, humanity. In the same perspective, we have to consider homosexuality as a felony at first degree, because at long term, there will be only animals on the entire earth since there are not homosexual. Hmm! It seems that animal, for once, is more reasonable than human being. So I do not see any interest being homosexual and impose to others, the majority (This practice is still marginal even, it is on progress.) to legalize their absurdity. Happiness? Marriage and Homosexuality are not necessary either sufficient condition to be Happy. Are not they, Professor and fellows?
PS. During my intervention, I did not mention God either religion.

Heller said...

I do not believe that people become gay. It is not a choice, and while I cannot site the specific scientific evidence, being a homosexual or not is in one's genetic makeup. The politically correct term has even been changed to "sexual orientation" rather than "preference." Therefore, I don't think people are correct to have a prejudice against a gay person because of their homosexuality when they had nothing to do with it. While I am religious, I don't understand this ban on someone's nature; if that's the way they were created, how can it be wrong? Gay marriage should be legalized.

Anonymous said...

First and foremost, i'd like to state that i am a supporter of Love. Regardless, whether in traditional couple or non-traditional couple. Love is Love! regardless of its face.I can't blame a person for loving another person enough to want to spend the rest of their lives with them.Whom do i presume to be by telling two people they cant be together?.This is where we have skewed what should be a union between two people and made it a political agenda. It goes both ways!
The conservatives and the liberals both imposing their agenda on the people. Yet, we have forgotten the most important ingredient for marriage. L O V E.
There is a bigger picture people.

Castaneda said...

It is sad for me, and almost unbelievable, to realize how hypocrite and ignorant we, humans, are. We seem not to learn from our mistakes, and to not look back into history to see what we did wrong and how much it hurt people. If I’m not wrongly informed (which I don’t think I am, because the following facts are taught in every high-school, and commented among people) African Americans were highly disrespected and discriminated, to the point in which they were looked down upon and not treated as equals. Jewish people had their harsh times too when the Nazis tried to exterminate them just for the fact that they were different, and believed in opposite views. Homosexual people, no matter what race or religion, are now the target of offensive comments, and repressive laws that make their lives living hells and suppress them into a lower “moral class”.
Once, a very wise teacher told me: “nobody should be ‘tolerant’ towards gays and lesbians; tolerance is putting up with something bad or wrong, and being homosexual is none of that. People should simply live, and let love and love and let live”. His words left a mark in me so great, that I am always trying to avoid judging anybody.
I am proud to say that I am a male who is in a relationship with another male right now, and even though were young, we are always dreaming of having a family and being able to raise our kids. I take it that some people might disagree and repudiate my point of view, but I just want to let them know that homosexuality isn’t something I chose. I even tried to escape from it, and as many other teenagers, suicide became an option at some time. I’m not trying to make myself a victim; I’m just giving realistic facts: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth are up to four times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers, according to the Massachusetts 2006 Youth Risk Survey. Recently, America witnessed seven teenagers who, after comments and harassment from closed minded people, killed themselves.
Anti-LGBTQ (lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, and questioning people) support their cause of preventing marriage to be “perverted” by homosexuals, by saying that marriage is sacred and that letting people of the same sex marry would make it unsacred. My question is, Doesn’t divorce make such sacred union unsacred too? What about adultery? And intra-familiar violence?
In my opinion, marriage must be constituted of love, and I could say from my own experiences, that the love felt towards a person of the same sex, and the love felt towards a partner of the opposite sex, isn’t different.

Unknown said...

Let’s analyzed some of the reasons/arguments as to why gay marriage should not be allow:
1. Marriage is an institution between a man and a woman – U.S Federal Law- This is the basic root for Proposition 8; Christian groups believe that they need to protect the traditional definition of marriage. However, U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker thinks differently as he wrote in his decision “Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license … Moral disapproval alone is an improper basis on which to deny rights to gay men and lesbians. The evidence shows conclusively that Proposition 8 enacts, without reason, a private moral view that same-sex couples are inferior to opposite-sex couples”
2. Marriage is for procreation: This is one of the weakest arguments against gay marriage. If that is the case, then post-menopausal mothers, impotent fathers, infertile couples would not be allow to get marry since they cannot procreate.
3. Same-sex couples aren't the optimum environment in which to raise children. However, murderers, child molesters, and convicted felons of all sorts are allowed to marry and procreate. If the welfare of a child is the main priority, then why are the above-mentioned categories allowed to raise children.
As you have seen, the arguments against marriage do not uphold to close scrutiny. Marriage isn’t about gender or sexual orientation; it’s about a life long commitment to a significant other.

Unknown said...

I personally have no problems with same sex marriages or gay/lesbian people in any way. We live in a country where we are free to do just about anything. Why not have the freedom to marry whoever we feel like?

We no longer live in the past. The American people aren't as narrow minded as we used to be. As the post said people are slowly changing their views on same sex marriages. And why shouldn't they? Only time will tell if we can openly accept them in society. We have embraced other races, religions,and types of people in the past. It just takes time.

Mikael Weill said...

Homosexuality, is something considered by many as morally wrong. I don't understand how people can judge others by their sexual orientations. America is supposed to be the most democratic country in the world, yet people are so narrow minded. Gay marriage should be allowed, it should not even be a question. I am sure that in a few decades, people are going to look back at today and wonder how it was possible to be so stubborn, and xenophobic as it already happened for many communities in the past.
PS : Patrick said “It seems that animal, for once, is more reasonable than human being”. Homosexuality is not exclusive for human beings. You should check this out :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_displaying_homosexual_behavior.

Unknown said...

The popular US reactionary stance towards homosexual marriage is just another example of the deeply entrenched practice of "Liberal" Discrimination.

Liberal discrimination is characterized by its willingness to superficially tolerate or embrace what it may actually hold in contempt.

A homosexual may have a plethora of rights but means little its there rights to marriage and everything pertaining to it are denied.

Personally I say on humanitarian grounds that homosexuals just like every other group of people who've had there rights denied deserve full and equal treatment.

I personally advocate for homosexuals to form solidarity first amongst themselves and then women on an international level.

then a petition to the UN should be made to make amendments to its declaration of Human Rights so that it may included a clause that condemns discrimination on grounds of sex, gender, and sexual orientation.

Le Bateau ivre said...

The popular US reactionary stance towards homosexual marriage is just another example of the deeply entrenched practice of "Liberal" Discrimination.

Liberal discrimination is characterized by its willingness to superficially tolerate or embrace what it may actually hold in contempt.

A homosexual may have a plethora of rights but means little its there rights to marriage and everything pertaining to it are denied.

Personally I say on humanitarian grounds that homosexuals just like every other group of people who've had there rights denied deserve full and equal treatment.

I personally advocate for homosexuals to form solidarity first amongst themselves and then women on an international level.

then a petition to the UN should be made to make amendments to its declaration of Human Rights so that it may included a clause that condemns discrimination on grounds of sex, gender, and sexual orientation.

A.Arias said...

Laws are necessary to run any type of society, now if you think about it our society is anything, but normal. Throughout the years we have judged, harmed, discriminated and have become violent towards each other because we don’t seem to share the same beliefs. One example of this is homosexuality, I don’t think it’s necessary for people to judge other people because they think and feel different than they do. I wouldn’t like to be judged because I’m hispanic or because I’m not religious, so who am I to judge someone and tell them how to run their lives? I don’t share the same beliefs as homosexuals do and if it was up to me I wouldn’t allow them to get married, but I’m glad it is not I who makes that decision because even though I don’t exactly believe in God I believe a higher power meant only for a man and a woman to reproduce and since homosexuals can’t do that then it’s not normal and that brings consequences that might affect our future society. So I will conclude by saying that we all have rights as humans and we should be able to do what we feel is right and if we feel strong enough that something is right then maybe we can get people to see things the way we do.