Tuesday, November 16, 2010

TR, 5:40pm


Unknown said...

I personally am for gay marriages. It is similar to the issue of legalization of marijuana, whether it is legal or not or whether it is accepted or not people will still be doing it one way or another. If a gay couple feels committed enough to each other to take the next step in their relationship and get married who’s to say it is wrong or immoral. I feel it more an opinion rather than a religious issue. Adultery is wrong in many cultures and religions and yet it is a leading cause of divorce. If two people were committed to each other and vowed to be faithful and honest and still break that vow by cheating it is just as bad as gay marriage for those who think gay marriage is immoral. If being gay is what makes somebody truly happy then I don’t see why it would be a problem.
Ashley Mueller-Gomez

Maria T. Gonzalez said...

I think same sex marriage should be legalized not only in the United States but in the whole world. Everywhere in the world where two people can get legally married, gay marriage should be legalized. If two people are in love and want to marry whey should be able to do it despite their sex. We need to stop worrying and wasting time on things that are not that important. There are more important things going on in the world that need attention. We are all different, we like different things and society needs to understand that. Gay people have the right to be happy and have a family. I see an erroneous assumption that gay people are different when in reality they are not.

Loudie said...

It is important that people understand the concept "Gay marriage" before speaking about it. First, marriage is "a civil or religious union between a man and a woman such that children born to the woman are the recognized legitimate offspring of both partners." It is understanble that marriage is done purposedly to procreate. Many cultures or religions interpret marriages in their own way. On the other hand the term "Gay" refers to Homosexuality. Therefore, it is somewhat explainable that the concept of "GAY Marriage" is not completely matchable. I personnally am for civil union, civil rights for gay people. Some people, from the medical point of view, were born in the wrong body. Thus it is understandable that those people are transgenders, or homosexuals. Those people must fully have the right to develop or live with the person or gender of their choice.

Stephanie Groothaert said...

I have absolutely nothing against gays getting married. If it doesn’t affect my life, then why should I have a say in whether it’s right or wrong. I believe it is completely unfair for a gay couple not to get married because straight people think it’s wrong. How does it affect them in any way??? I’m sure that straight people have beliefs or values that gay people think are wrong so let everyone be who they want to be. To each is own. I have no respect for those who go out of their way to protest and show hostility and disapproval about gay marriage. Let them be, even if you don’t necessarily agree with it. Not agreeing with the topic is one thing, but going out of your way to make them feel inferior is completely unnecessary. I feel that those who are threatened by gay marriage are those who have the need to “protect” marriage and the institution. Being gay is part of someone’s identity so the population needs to stop being ignorant and respect who that person is. It’s a shame that so many people have to hide who they are because they won’t feel accepted by society. Gays are people with rights and should not be punished for their views; they should be allotted all the privileges everyone else has.

wendolly said...

I think not allowing gay marriages is one of those things that still links our society to the stone age. The arguments which oppose gay marriage are irrational and weak, in my opinion. Opposing gay marriage is contradictory to the image we portrayed as a country and everything America stands for which is freedom overall; not allowing people to officially and freely express their preference of sexuality and to have it accepted legally and socialy is incoherent with with our way of life.

Leandro said...

I am for gay marriage. Before when i was younger, i had the belief that marriages was for males and females only. I thought this mainly because i grew up in a hispanic back round, and my parents have always instilled in me heterosexuality for marriage. After finding out my cousin is gay, i started to recognize it would be unfair if i have certain rights, but not him because he has a preference for same sex relationships.
That being said, i do feel society will eventually come to the realization that either being straight or gay is not such a major difference. Just because i prefer women, and my cousin prefers men it doesn't make me better than him, or having more entitlement because I'm straight.
This era of acceptance regardless of your sex or ethnic background will soon become law and no discrimination will take part. That will lead to a much greater happy life without the need of judgement or criticism.

Audrey W said...

People debate about the definition of terminology in attempts to keep things the same. The truth is that people and times do evolve. Most people would not argue that the state of marriage is not quite what it used to be, even when referring to the "traditional" man-woman unification. 50% end in divorce. This is not what God intended, if you were to reference the bible (as many do when defending the ban on gay marriage). Since Prop 8 was defeated in California, there has been a resurgence of hate crimes and teen gay suicide has sadly trended up as well. People should ask themselves if allowing two people a chance (at a loving life together with the same opportunities and consequences that anyone else who marries incurs) is worse than violence, discrimination, and even death. I have two friends living in California, who were absolutely crushed when the ban failed to be amended. It seems many people in the US are unable to see the truth, despite their own insecurities, and consider how they would feel if they were denied a government-recognized contract based on discrimination.

Unknown said...

I do not beleive that it is the right of any government to make these determinations. It should be totally up to individuals to decide what they want to do. As long as their being together does not affect anybody else negatively, then it should be condoned by all societies.
I am sorry to say that homosexual activity that is open and public is typically frowned upon by a large portion of people. A lot of devout Religions attempt to preach against this activity and it is disputed as to whether or not the Bible actually prohibits homosexual relationships. For that reason, I beleive that measures should be taken to ensure that public display of affection is minimalized. I still feel like it is fine to hold hands for example, however, it is a little uncomfortable to watch two males kissing in public.
Marriages should be allowed among homesexuals. It is only fair that they be able to share all the benefits of marriage with their partners. Issues of important consideration include full hospital visitation priveledges, social security and income benefits, and health insurance together under one partner's policy.

John Perdomo said...

By definition marriage is the union of two individuals of opposing sex. The united couple is now a family which is almost found in every society. Many people see homosexuals as a deviation of the norm it was even characterized as a psychological disorder in the past. Now many people are becoming tolerant of the phenomena but still there is an urge barrier that separates the right of a heterosexual couple from the homosexual one. on what ground should one society decide that gay marriage is wrong? Of course religious people would argue that God prohibit it and they can even prove it written in the Bible. In this case this act is morally wrong because it is a sin. In addition, gay marriage does not fulfill the purpose of marriage; it does not perpetuate human life. Let’s imagine for a second that everyone in the world were homosexual; that would be catastrophic because the human species would disappear. It does not have reversibility.

Unknown said...

In the past, being gay or lesbian was considered to be deviant by most people in society. However, as time goes on, people have shown clemency towards those who identify themselves as gays or lesbians. One important thing is, biologically human beings are born male or female, except for some very few and rare cases where some people are born with no specific gender. Personally, I think being gay, lesbian or a transgender is a personal matter. Men and Women are born free and master of themselves. So, I think they can choose the gender they want to as long as they don’t violates the rights of others. Being gay or lesbian is a fundamental right that all people have.



I understand the terminology theory but, is not a good excuse because if this was the issue there are many solutions to it, for example: allow a legal union of gay couples and call it something else then, or modify the legal definition of the word marriage; I think the only reason why this conflict is still around is because learning is a process for the human mind, you don't just upload information, you must have a desire or need to know and understand it. I think we are transiting from opposing it to realizing that it can't hurt anyone on the contrary gay marriage has the potential of producing great happinness to many. It will make some people unhappy but the level of this unhappinness will not compare to the high level of happinnes it can bring, besides those opposing are just slow learners, they will come around eventually. This is the same proccess for many other modifications society has gone through like slavery, for example.

S.Guillaume said...

I have nothing against gays getting married. Honestly, I don’t see what the problem is or why others are so hostile and strongly against it. Why should I object and show opposition about someone choosing to get married, when it doesn’t affect me at all. One shouldn’t disapprove to someone else choice in his or hers life, especially if it doesn’t cause you any harm. I’ve always found it funny how this country is supposed to be based on equality but there’s always some sort of protest. If every man is created equal then why oppose to two people who wants get married—and that’s who they are, two people who wants to join in matrimony. Opposing to gay marriage is the act of someone, I feel, who is simple ignorant, someone who has nothing to do with their own life and thrive on making things difficult for others.

Lelo said...

I accept gay marriages. There is nothing wrong about two people of the same gender getting married and being in love. As long as they both care about each other, and honor their marital vows, there is no problem. Also if they must take care and love their children. If the argument for those opposed to gay marriage is that it’s morally wrong, then how would you explain the Romans, who took on same sex lovers? The Romans had no qualms about expressing their loves to those of the same gender, there were even those who took wives, but had secret lovers who were male, and those lovers tended to be even closer to them then their own wives. Love or the person you want to be with, should not be chosen because of others ideas of what is right or wrong.

Unknown said...

I am a Christian and consider myself a fairly liberal person. However, allowing same sex marriage is well does not seem correct. Marriage is an institution that is not to be taken as lightly as some people would like to. Aside from the religious arguments against it, tradition is tradition, marriage is between a man and woman, and should not be broken. This is what I have been taught and what the bible teaches.I really do not have anything against gays, but feel that I do not agree with some of their practices and the issue of same sex marriage. Also, God defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman with the intention of procreating. Now how can two men or two women have biological children together? I understand that the Constitution is separate from religion and that it specializes in equality, and of course there is the argument of separation of church and state. The gay community is looking for the same legal rights as a married straight couple under these laws. So should they be allowed to marry legally and not by the church? Hard questions to answer and a touchy subject to discuss. I do have respect for all individuals regardless of their sexual preference. However, I do feel that marriage is for and between a man and woman.
Rebeca Furniss

Archie said...

Personally I could care less if an individual is gay or straight. I do have gay friends, and I have no problem hanging out with them. As far as marriage goes I cannot say that I am for it. Those are just my beliefs; in my opinion a marriage is a union between man and woman. If they are to get married I am not going to ridicule them or befriend them. As long as their choices are not affecting me, I should not have a say about who they choose to marry. Times are changing and people are unwilling to change with it. In my opinion if it is not affecting you then why do you have the right to interfere with their lifestyles?

Anonymous said...

Daisy Gigantana said...
Part of me, support the gay marriage. The other part, would say no because of my religious belief. I understand that everyone should be treated equally. It does not matter if you happen to be black or white, male or female, heterosexual or homosexual. Why do we have to define the sanctity of marriage is between man and woman? For me personally, I don’t feel threaten of gay marriage destroying the straight marriage. This is just an attempt of the close minded people suppressing one’s civil liberties to marry anybody they want. If 50% of marriage end up in divorce, it feels that nobody really cares about the sanctity of marriage that much. In fact, I was living with a gay couple next door. This does not make me any less homophobia. I do find them fun to be around. What I don’t like is a gay person in the closet. Because that person is not true to oneself, he or she ended up living a double life and the person that they hurt the most along the way was the one that love him or her the most.
I agree with Maria, this is not an important issue. We should be focusing on jobs, sustainable energy, or global warming, and etc.
I agree with Loudie, that some people are born with the wrong body. They should be happy with their body so they should live the life they want that specific to that gender.

Anonymous said...

Daisy said...
Tatiana, I agree with you regarding the kissing. I told my next door neighbor that I like them a lot but please if they have to be intimate just do it inside close door. It makes me uncomfortable. I'm honest with them about how I feel and at least they reciprocate back to my request. This shows respect.

Nick said...

The concept of homosexual marriage is just as valid as heterosexual marriage. While the Christian faith does not condone homosexuality, in America it is not necessary for marriages to adhere to Christian morality. Some argue that marriage is about this or that, but the truth is that people get married for a variety of reasons. The strongest argument that I see is that marriage serves the purpose of creating a family by having children. This does not hold though, because there is no law, or even social stigma, against barren couples marrying. The real force behind the vast majority of those opposed to homosexual marriages is discriminatory at it's core. There are numerous legal and financial, as well as psychological and physical, benefits that accompany marriage, and homosexuals ought to have as much opportunity to to pursue them as do heterosexuals. There is no sensible reason why they should not.

Nick said...

Alright- i admit I rushed through this a little so I'd get a comment here in time, but I'd like to refine my argument.

We would need to determine in what way homosexual marriage should be qualified, is it in terms of religion, law, morality, etc. Marriage is between 2 (sometimes more) people, and they can (and from what i can tell, usually do) choose to disregard everything but the law. It is primarily a legal issue. Marriage laws are determined by the state, if the purpose is to create children, then barren couples should be barred from marriage. If surrogates/donors/adoptions are allowed, that is something that homosexuals can do just as a barren couple might, and they should be allowed to wed. In any case, laws are subject to change and as it stands, homosexuals (or anyone for that matter) have the right to challenge them.

Allison Mendoza said...

Gay marriage should be accepted and viewed legal under the law. Unfortunately, our system tends to lag a few years behind the progressive social values curve of society. It wasn't long ago when it was illegal for interracial couples to get married. The issue tends to have a religous ideology attached to it and therefore gets heated and ugly quick due to what people view as right vs. wrong and nature vs. nurture. Who is to decide what is right or just under the law. Henry David Thoureau stated, "Unjust laws exist: shall we be content to obey them..." For all to be equal under the law, we should all have to the equal right to commit to a partner no matter the sexual preference.