Monday, April 17, 2017

happiness is a warm gun (with math included)

that's a John Lennon's lyric for a Beatles' song, but I discovered something in my discussion with you about happiness that's pretty warm.

I'm suggesting to you that happiness is not outside in the world. Happiness is INSIDE. Indeed,
Aristotle and the ancient Stoics talked about keeping an inner balance.

Let's call this balance "happiness." 

happiness is a distribution factor "soothing" adversity.

The world is in constant opposition with us. The only way to WIN the world is not by fighting back, that's stupid. Fighting the world means spending your energy for nothing (since the world is supervenient on you). The only way to WIN is to play with the world. Adversity is just a frame of mind. We should arm ourselves with a shield against adversity.

Here's the shield in 3 steps:

1- keep the world at bay (it's called ATARAXIA)
2- do as much good as you can (without loosing yourself in the effort, it's called EUNOIA  or benevolence), so the world gives you back what you sow.
3- when necessary be prepared to turn defeat into victory (it's called GRIT).

this is where math comes in,

there's a function suggested by Gauss & Laplace,  concerning probability distributions. I'm simplifying the details. The point is that you could see happiness as factor dealing with a distribution of adversity: 

to be happy you have to know how to deal with adversity.   

yeah, happiness is a warm gun.

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