Monday, April 10, 2017

Theism and evil notes

Theism: is the belief in a personal god who created and rules the universe.

Agnosticism: one who neither believes nor disbelives in God.

Atheism: One who doesn't believe in God.  

Monotheism: is the belief there's only one deity, examples: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism.

Polytheism: there is more than one god (usually a specific pantheon of deities). One finds it in schools of Hinduism as well as Hellenismos.

Pantheism: the belief that the physical universe is equivalent to god, and that there is no division between the creator and its creation.

Deism: the belief that one God exists and created the world, but the Creator does/do not alter the original plan for the universe, but presides over it in the form of Providence. The Deists believe in divine intervention. Deism typically rejects supernatural events.

Dystheism: is the belief that a god, goddess, or singular God is not wholly good (eutheism) as is commonly believed and is possibly evil. Here God decides to become malevolent.

Theodicy: the attempt to answer the question of why an all good God allows for the manifestation of evil. The argument brings forth the argument from free will. i.e., God and evil are not logically impossible, and free will helps explain the existence of evil without threatening the existence of God.

Evil: something that is the source of suffering, injury or destruction.

Natural evil: The evil that results from natural events.

Moral evil: The evil that humans suffer at the hands of other humans. 

Necessary evil: It prevents further evil or promotes a greater good.

Unnecessary evil: It neither prevents evil nor promotes any further good. Evil for no reason. Evil for its own sake. 

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